
I just wanna give props to Corliss for the basketball he has been playing this year, he has been our leader by far, and I really wouldn't mind resigning him after the season what do you think?


Hall of Famer
I think re-signing Price and Williams should come before signing Corliss.

The guys good, but considering we're rebuilding (hopefully) we should go with youth!

That being said if we could get all three then by all means, resign the Big Nasty!
Scorliss is a rock. He's the best post option the kings have. I do have to say though, his jumpshot kinda scares me sometimes.
He's been a great asset but like i said when Corliss is you're best big-man you have problems and he is our best big-man. Post-game wise.. and etc.
Absolutely. Not for as much as he's earning now, obviously, but this is a man that I wish to see retire as a King. And then sign him as an assistant coach or something.

Hell, let's just put him in Muss' chair right away. At least guys will respect him and he would be hard pressed to make worse decisions.

Then again... we'll be stuck between GM who likes big combo guards due to having been a big combo guard in his career, and coach who likes small tweener forwards due to having been a small tweener forward in his careeer...

Oh well. I'll take that over what we have now.

Sorry to have drifted away from the original idea. I just meant to say



Hall of Famer
I would seriously doubt that Corliss comes back next season. I wouldn't be surprised if bringing Corliss back was never even in the plans.

If he doesn't hang it up I am sure there are 5 or 6 contending teams that are going to want to add him to the group and pay him more than we comfortably could. I see him going to Dallas or maybe even back to Detroit, but coming back here may not be the right move for him and even moreso us.

Bring back Ronnie Price and Justin Williams before Big Nasty in my eyes.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Yep, would like to see it as a mentor for what I hope is going to be a youth movement. Can be vaulable in a transition period to have the respected old hand around to show people the ropes. Note also that if by some chance Ron is back next year, Corliss may have been one of the few things holding him in check. But it would have to be at our price, and it would have to be with him understanding that his minutes wil fade out in the face of the kids. And those two qualification might be enoough that he won't come back. I too think he'll get a call from some contending types. Deroit maybe, San Antonio. He's the consumate pro and already has a ring. Type of guy a contending team would like to have on their bench -- never cause waves, always be ready, and know how to play.

As an aside, Corliss apparently wants to coach, but maybe more in college. Still, if he did come back on a 2 yr deal or somesuch to be a mentor figure, it would be nice to jsut make that into a logical transition toward kind of a player assistant coach, and then into the real thing. Just unfortunate we don't still have that real stable coaching situation anymore to make that transition smooth and easy.
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