Congrads to the Storm Fans

The storm proved that they are the better team. Theres no doubt about that. They proved that they can shoot the lights out. Sue Bird and LJ were amazing. They are fantastic players no doubt. The Storm will be a hell of a team for many years to come.

: Hats off to you:

Seattle is now representing the West. Now win the title because we all know the better conference is the West.
No Doubt. As hard as it is to say. I have to give it up to Seattle. Outside of the Houston Comets, they are probably the best offensive team in the history of this league. The Monarchs organization has some serious soul searching to do. They have to really look in the mirror and ask, can this present team get over the hump. As much as I love Whisnant, he has to make some personnel adjustments. And this is not post-game emotions talking either. We all know that this team has some offensive issues that was just flat out exposed in Game 3.


Homer Fan Since 1985
I was ready to congratulate the Storm on playing a terrific game, but now I am a little angry for that. LJ is a cocky b****. There was absolutely no reason to deliberately step back behind the 3 pt line and take a shot with only a couple minutes left in the game and a 20 pt lead. That kind of "rub it in your nose crap" is just not done.

So, congrats to the Storm fans, but I hope the Monarchs remember that slight and make her eat that basketball next year. I, for one, will not forget.

That is just total BULL!!
6th said:
I was ready to congratulate the Storm on playing a terrific game, but now I am a little angry for that. LJ is a cocky b****. There was absolutely no reason to deliberately step back behind the 3 pt line and take a shot with only a couple minutes left in the game and a 20 pt lead. That kind of "rub it in your nose crap" is just not done.

So, congrats to the Storm fans, but I hope the Monarchs remember that slight and make her eat that basketball next year. I, for one, will not forget.

That is just total BULL!!
When you are immature, you tend to do things like that. "I ain't mad at 'cha". Sheri Sam is a cocky heffa though. :eek: Attribute it to the "Me" generation.

I just would like for one year, a team that I followed on a regular basis would breakthrough. Not since the '94 49ers has a team of mine gotten through.
I agree with Purple Reign, if we can take one thing from this game, it's that we need to make some off-season changes to solve our offensive problems. As if it wasn't obvious during some points this season, it became blatantly obvious in game 3 of the conference finals. As much as I love the ladies we have, we gotta do something
I was ready to congratulate the Storm on playing a terrific game, but now I am a little angry for that. LJ is a cocky b****. There was absolutely no reason to deliberately step back behind the 3 pt line and take a shot with only a couple minutes left in the game and a 20 pt lead. That kind of "rub it in your nose crap" is just not done.

So, congrats to the Storm fans, but I hope the Monarchs remember that slight and make her eat that basketball next year. I, for one, will not forget.

That is just total BULL!!
Was thinking exactly the same thing, no doubt Seattle was clearly the better team and that Lauren is a one of the best players in the world, but don't step back and shoot a three with that type of lead! Maybe it is due to her age, but there's no excuse for it. I won't forget this game either, and hopefully the Monarchs will make them pay for it the next time they meet!
6th said:
I was ready to congratulate the Storm on playing a terrific game, but now I am a little angry for that. LJ is a cocky b****. There was absolutely no reason to deliberately step back behind the 3 pt line and take a shot with only a couple minutes left in the game and a 20 pt lead. That kind of "rub it in your nose crap" is just not done.

So, congrats to the Storm fans, but I hope the Monarchs remember that slight and make her eat that basketball next year. I, for one, will not forget.

That is just total BULL!!
I was typing so I didnt see it. I just heard Koz going off on her. That was bush league then. She should apoligize then. She should know theres a thing as winning with class.

So I say Congrads to Sue bird! You deserved it.
I'll echo the sentiments, all of them. The league is gonna look awful silly handing Leslie that MVP trophy, if she did indeed win it, with LJ in the house this weekend. There is nobody in this league like her right now.

As far as the M's offseason changes go, I'll get into that in another thread.

Good luck against Connecticut.
Ehh....I'll comment on the fans themselves. They are quite the lively bunch supporting their team from the tip. Now the team itself? I'm a poor sport, I find it hard to congratulate teams, especially teams I don't like. I don't like any of their players, I don't like their coach, I don't even like their mascot, but that's neither here nor there--its not like I hate them, I just don't care for them. I'll be rooting for the Sun.

In retrospect, this series-really the whole playoffs where just shorter version of the season. You can play as much defense as you want, but the object of the game is still to outscore your opponent and talk about lack of offense. Offseason changes it will be...
RDub21 said:
I agree with Purple Reign, if we can take one thing from this game, it's that we need to make some off-season changes to solve our offensive problems. As if it wasn't obvious during some points this season, it became blatantly obvious in game 3 of the conference finals. As much as I love the ladies we have, we gotta do something.
This team kind of reminds of last years Detriot Pistons before the Rasheed Wallace trade. Can play great defense but just can't score enough. Maybe we need a player who is pretty good, can drive you nutz by saying things that will leave you scratching your head and has a bad rep?;)
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slugking50 said:
This team kind of reminds of last years Detriot Pistons before the Rasheed Wallace trade. Can play great defense but just can't score enough. Maybe we need a player who is pretty good, can drive you nutz by saying things that will leave you scratching your head and has a bad rep?;)
Speaking of teams that remind you of others: Don't the Storm remind you of last years Twovles?

Edit: In all seriousness, the Storm proved to be the better team and it sure doesn't hurt feeding off of that crowd. :)
Monty'sBiggestFan said: the mighty have fallen....

::cough:: Chamique Holdsclaw::cough::
" I'm not happy, I don't want to play here"....We already have one of those in Sacramento, and he doens't need any ideas ;)
Actually, the M's need more than Meek right now...they need a serious overhaul or review of their backcourt. We were talking tonight during the waning minutes of the smack down portion of the 2nd half....I'm still going to staunchly defend drafting Brunson over Mazzante - that was the best move Whiz made this offseason.

Edit: Also, don't forget the other move Whiz made to get the player who essentially only suited up once a month this season - Giuliana Mendiola. In her limited minutes, she has pretty much held up her same shooting percentage from college, roughly 50%. I dunno if she can ballhawk like coach wants yet, but she is a gamer who can shoot and sees the floor well.
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Conspiracy???? Hmmmm....Like maybe sending Birdy home or making the CT fans sit through 2-3 games against a Tennessee Volunteer?...... which would get more ratings eh? ;)
Congratulations to Seattle and their fans on a well-deserved series victory. You were clearly the better team in this series. I thought Bird showed incredible character and grit not just playing, but playing so well. LJ is clearly the league MVP. But just a word of caution: the reason we hate the LL and the Sparks is not because of their talent, it’s because of their attitude and lack of sportsmanship. (hint, hint, hint)

That having been said, my heart goes out to the Monarchs players, who struggled all season, worked so hard and wanted it to bad, only to come up short again. Not to take anything away from the Storm, but the Monarchs clearly did not play to their potential in this series. It’s also sad because this is the last we’ll see of this core group. I’m with MBF, those details can be discussed later. Right now, its just a time to feel lousy for awhile and mourn what could have been. :( :( :(
its over.

Monty'sBiggestFan said:
Ok...the offseason is now a little over 2 hours old and I'm bored stupid already...........
ditto!:cool: So now I have about 6-7 months of nothing! no Monarchs!! Oh well atleast I have my LADYVOLS to look forward to, Shyra Ely is doing big things this year!:)
Still JD said:
Congratulations to Seattle and their fans on a well-deserved series victory. You were clearly the better team in this series. I thought Bird showed incredible character and grit not just playing, but playing so well. LJ is clearly the league MVP. But just a word of caution: the reason we hate the LL and the Sparks is not because of their talent, it’s because of their attitude and lack of sportsmanship. (hint, hint, hint)

That having been said, my heart goes out to the Monarchs players, who struggled all season, worked so hard and wanted it to bad, only to come up short again. Not to take anything away from the Storm, but the Monarchs clearly did not play to their potential in this series. It’s also sad because this is the last we’ll see of this core group. I’m with MBF, those details can be discussed later. Right now, its just a time to feel lousy for awhile and mourn what could have been. :( :( :(
From what was displayed last night, it appears that Lauren Jackson may share LL's appalling lack of sportsmanship!!

I just saw the sports page for The Bee. Seeing LL and Sue Bird celebrating made me want to scream! ugh. Oh well, next season.

Go Sun!!


Storm fan here...

Thanks for your congratualtions guys. You deserve some congratulations too for a great season. That series was some of the best basketball I have seen all year, not to mention you handing LA there butts in their home court. I am looking forward to the intensity of future games against you guys. I think the only thing the Monarchs were lacking was an offensively effective backcourt. Fix that and you will be even scarier.

Note: Do not read any further if you're sick of arguing with StormFans... ;)
6th said:
There was absolutely no reason to deliberately step back behind the 3 pt line and take a shot with only a couple minutes left in the game and a 20 pt lead.
6th, Are You Kidding ME?? I am not here to tell you what players or teams you should like, but that statement is ludicrous!
Did you not notice what was on the line in that game? The Western Conference Campionship! Did you forget that the Storm lost a 14 point lead to the Monarchs in the first game to eventually lose? Did you forget that the Storm nearly lost the same lead in the second game? Were you not watching last night's game? The monarchs (to their credit) pulled to within 1 point during the 2nd half, and you're OK with the Storm winning, but only if they do it politely? How many times should the Storm get burned before they learn?

The Storm were not trying to rub it in. They were simply trying to win.
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Homer Fan Since 1985
connvex said:
Thanks for your congratualtions guys. You deserve some congratulations too for a great season. That series was some of the best basketball I have seen all year, not to mention you handing LA there butts in their home court. I am looking forward to the intensity of future games against you guys. I think the only thing the Monarchs were lacking was an offensively effective backcourt. Fix that and you will be even scarier.

Note: Do not read any further if you're sick of arguing with StormFans... ;)
6th, Are You Kidding ME?? I am not here to tell you what players or teams you should like, but that statement is ludicrous!
Did you not notice what was on the line in that game? The Western Conference Campionship! Did you forget that the Storm lost a 14 point lead to the Monarchs in the first game to eventually lose? Did you forget that the Storm nearly lost the same lead in the second game? Were you not watching last night's game? The monarchs (to their credit) pulled to within 1 point during the 2nd half, and you're OK with the Storm winning, but only if they do it politely? How many times should the Storm get burned before they learn?

The Storm were not trying to rub it in. They were simply trying to win.
Give me a break. I am not the only one who noticed this obvious "rub it in your face" move. The announcers for ESPN commented on it as well. In fact, they mentioned that the Monarchs may very well remember that classless move when they meet next year.

It is one thing to worry about a team coming back. It is another thing altogether when you have a 20 pt lead with just under 2 minutes to play and you look down at the floor and scoot back a step to be behind the 3 pt line to take your shot. If it was about worry (which you cannot convince me of no-how/no-way, she could have taken the open shot where she stood. And, the glee showed upon making that 3 was over the top. Since you are a Storm fan, I do not expect you to agree, but don't come here with that bull and expect us to see Jackson in any other light than she portrayed herself.
C'mon now...that just borders on insulting people's intelligence....

...even Sue Bird would not agree with your assessment Connvex....the camera was on her right after Jackson sunk that shot and she had an embarassed look on her face and she pointed to Alicia Thompson and said something to the effect that LJ was doing something she shouldn't have in much the same way Thompson closed that game 2 out. Bird wasn't too pleased. And Donovan wasn't too concerned about giving up a 18 pt lead with a minute to play, she had started to pull her starters off the floor. LJ spotted up again from the perimeter, before passing the ball off to somebody else a possession before Donovan called for I believe Bevilaqua to foul a Monarch to stop the clock so Jackson to come off the floor and be acknowledged by the crowd.

LJ had a clear layup but instead decided to spot up for a 3, even making sure she was behind the line for it as she got a pass from midcourt from Lennox after a steal. If she were all that worried about a Monarch come back she might have dribbled out and ran some clock off instead of spotting up.

If you're ok with her taking the shot, fine. Just say that. But please don't come here and try to revision what the Storm sideline's reaction to her taking that shot was.

As I said earlier, Great Series...Good luck against Connecticut.