Chat room available again


Homer Fan Since 1985
Variant has our chat room back up and running. So, although I will be late, I hope to meet you all in the chat room on Tues night.

Any questions, please PM Mr. Slim or Variant.
hmmmm. I'll need to figure out why my connection doesn't work between now and then. I'm sure its user error. I think I've been able to connect from my office. So I'll test that out first. Thanks for getting it up and running Variant.


Homer Fan Since 1985
Monty'sBiggestFan said:
hmmmm. I'll need to figure out why my connection doesn't work between now and then. I'm sure its user error. I think I've been able to connect from my office. So I'll test that out first. Thanks for getting it up and running Variant.
MBF, there may have been a change since you were last there, although I am not sure. Check with Slim or VF21 and get all the info.


Homer Fan Since 1985
Mr. S£im Citrus said:
Me? I can't really do anything while I'm out here on the water; I mean, I can try to talk you through it...
That is what I had in mind, Slim. If anyone had questions and/or needed talking thru something.

BTW - would you post the site/room info?