Carmichael Dave addresses the Yahoo kerfuffle

This is a grade a offense that is not just fireable it's blacklistable. It's arguably worse than what Colangelo did in Philly, especially if it's been going on behind the scenes for longer than anyone knew. Have to assume he leaked the pick among other things.
I hadn’t thought about Williams potentially leaking things around the draft, but that does make sense and potentially is just as bad. Who knows how that potentially impacted the ability to trade down in the draft for more assets.
I don't think Vlade would have an issue with the way coach Dave Joeger is coaching.

Vlade is the one that hired Joeger and he is the one that constructed the team and signed players like Bjelica, Yogi Ferrel, and Iman Shumpert. Vlade convinced Bjelica to return to the NBA, so I am sure he saw a significant role for him on this team. If Vlade wanted Joeger to not play any vets, he would have traded or released them like he did with Garrett Temple and ZBo.

Vlade also is the one that traded our first round pick away for this year, so I can see him wanting to win while incorporating the young guys. Not just play the young guys and lose every night. Vlade would be the one that would potentially lose his job if coach Joeger played all the young guys, who aren't performing and the Kings became one of the worst teams and we lose a top 3 pick.

Unfortunately, I think all the signs point to Brandon Williams being the leak. I think you have to really think about firing him ASAP, because he seems to have an agenda and that agenda is not to make the Kings the best team they can be. :(
Why would somebody believe he will stop being a cancer, if given a good enough "talking to". that's naive. he's got to go.
I don't actually know, and I'm guessing this is true for all of us. But the leader of the organization probably does know, and those are a few of the variables he's been wrestling with...even before this article turned the heat way up. I suspect that Williams will be gone, but hope that he can be brought into line long enough for his termination to happen in the offseason. That way he can continue to fulfill his function in team operations, the team keeps running smoothly, and we avoid the distractions. If he can't be brought into line -- or if he will play nice but use his time to create alliances and "kingdom build" -- then I would suspect his usefulness is at an end and he will be fired or reassigned.
I don't think Vlade would have an issue with the way coach Dave Joeger is coaching.

Vlade is the one that hired Joeger and he is the one that constructed the team and signed players like Bjelica, Yogi Ferrel, and Iman Shumpert. Vlade convinced Bjelica to return to the NBA, so I am sure he saw a significant role for him on this team. If Vlade wanted Joeger to not play any vets, he would have traded or released them like he did with Garrett Temple and ZBo.

Vlade also is the one that traded our first round pick away for this year, so I can see him wanting to win while incorporating the young guys. Not just play the young guys and lose every night. Vlade would be the one that would potentially lose his job if coach Joeger played all the young guys, who aren't performing and the Kings became one of the worst teams and we lose a top 3 pick.

Unfortunately, I think all the signs point to Brandon Williams being the leak. I think you have to really think about firing him ASAP, because he seems to have an agenda and that agenda is not to make the Kings the best team they can be. :(
Yeah, I've seen Vlade's dance moves as he celebrates along the sidelines too much to be convinced that he doesn't like how things are rolling out.... :D
Matina is making developers rich so that explains her persistent toxic influence on basketball matters. Disgusting
The money to be made in the short term was going to be off the court and around the court. The Kings were simply the keys for that opportunity. Unfortunately for this ownership group, there are competing agendas that have different interests besides the Kings.
The only problem, ultimately, is with Vivek. If Vivek back Vlade 100%, all coups will cease. But he has to be strong and vocal and public about it. If we know who leaked it they need to be gone immediately.
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Reef or Mike Petrie ring any bells? Not to mention front offices have grown exponentially more complicated in the past twenty or so years.
Wayne Cooper was Petrie's assistsnt gm.
Well, there you go. I figured I was lapsing. But did those guys have the same type of power Vlade’s assistant has? Seems to me Petrie held enough power to keep things in line. Not sure Vlade does.

That’s why this kinda thing continues to happen IMO.
Well, there you go. I figured I was lapsing. But did those guys have the same type of power Vlade’s assistant has? Seems to me Petrie held enough power to keep things in line. Not sure Vlade does.

That’s why this kinda thing continues to happen IMO.
So now we've moved on from 'Vlade is unqualified and hopelessly overmatched' to 'He's not as good as Petrie was after several years on the job'?


Super Moderator Emeritus
I realize deadspin doesn't have a high bar but how does this even get published?
Deadspin has NO bar, except for the one they sit at while they consume massive quantities of adult beverages instead of doing anything remotely resembling actual research.