Can't listen to KHTK inside the arena

Does anyone know why we can't get KHTK 1140 while in the arena? I'd love to be able to hear Gary Gerould's call of the game, but you can't get KHTK during the game. I get some CBS sports show.

Capt. Factorial

ceterum censeo delendum esse Argentum
Staff member
The NBA does not allow game broadcasts to be streamed on the internet. You can sign up for NBA League Pass Audio, which appears to be $9.99 per year, and gives access to streams of all games with home/away announcers.
Interestingly I can't listen to KHTK anymore in the mornings............................but that's by choice since the morning show is just terrible.

The morning show was actually much better when it was Keith Brooks and Dave (say what you want about Keith Brooks but at least it was interesting and had a direction).

Deuce, Morgan, and Dave was also a better show although Deuce, Morgan, and Jason Ross was better.
Interestingly I can't listen to KHTK anymore in the mornings............................but that's by choice since the morning show is just terrible.

The morning show was actually much better when it was Keith Brooks and Dave (say what you want about Keith Brooks but at least it was interesting and had a direction).

Deuce, Morgan, and Dave was also a better show although Deuce, Morgan, and Jason Ross was better.
There was absolutely nothing interesting about the show when that guy was on it. It was quite possibly the worst thing in the history of mankind
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There was absolutely nothing interesting about the show when that guy was on it. It was quite possibly the worst thing in the history of mankind
And yet somehow the current show is worse. Dave trying to be a snarky troll and cater to millennials on twitter while name dropping "Kyle" every 30 seconds is not interesting. Usually goes something like this..... "Hey, Kyle what do you think of ______ throwing shade at ______ on twitter?"

Riveting radio.....

With that said Damien Barling and Jason Ross do have a good show although I'm usually at work and can't hear much of it. Grant and Doug have a great show and Doug has proved to be a pretty good co-host and sometimes foil to keep Grant in check.
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Interestingly I can't listen to KHTK anymore in the mornings............................but that's by choice since the morning show is just terrible.

The morning show was actually much better when it was Keith Brooks and Dave (say what you want about Keith Brooks but at least it was interesting and had a direction).

Deuce, Morgan, and Dave was also a better show although Deuce, Morgan, and Jason Ross was better.
agree 100%. I've turned off his twitter and his radio show. It's just like two smug sarcastic guys drinking beers in one guy's garage, trying to make each other laugh and reading their twitter feed over the air as 'news breaks'.

worst content on KHTK
agree 100%. I've turned off his twitter and his radio show. It's just like two smug sarcastic guys drinking beers in one guy's garage, trying to make each other laugh and reading their twitter feed over the air as 'news breaks'.

worst content on KHTK
That pretty much sums it up.......smugness, sarcasm, twitter, and millennial catch phrases are what the show revolves around. Dave and KHTK seem to produce the show as if they're listener base is snarky pessimistic 20's to early 30's. The reality is that most of their listeners are/were 30's to 60's on the way to work. Traditional sports fans and the same people who listen to Grant on their way home from work. Kyle is a nice enough guy. At this point he's more professional and less of a troller than Dave. However the entire show revolving around the soft opinions of a late 20's guy who has been on the air less than 2 years and is also a Warriors fan (in the Kings town) just doesn't work. Doesn't help that his voice is not good for radio.

As much as KHTK likes to shake things up constantly (even when they find something that does seem to work) I'm actually quite surprised they have not revamped the morning show yet again. It's coming sooner or later, KHTK is like clockwork in that regard. Hopefully they can finally get it right.

Some may read this (Dave included) and say if you don't like the morning show then just don't listen. That's exactly what I have been doing. I listen to Murph & Mac on KNBR every morning and it's a much better show. They've been on the air over a decade now and their format and material is solid. It just sucks that I have to listen to the bay area station every morning because KHTK after all these years still can't figure out how to do morning sports radio.
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^ I used to like Murph and Mac, but you want to talk about smug. They’ve kinda of lost me over the years with how obnoxious they’ve gotten .
Murph is a little smug at times but at least he's usually professional. He's unbearable though when Mac is out and he gets to run the soundboard trying to be the comic relief. Mac is cool though, he's naturally funny without trying too hard.
Murph is a little smug at times but at least he's usually professional. He's unbearable though when Mac is out and he gets to run the soundboard trying to be the comic relief. Mac is cool though, he's naturally funny without trying too hard.
I started having issues with how they were conducting interviews. Came off a pretty smarmy and unprofessional.
That pretty much sums it up.......smugness, sarcasm, twitter, and millennial catch phrases are what the show revolves around. Dave and KHTK seem to produce the show as if they're listener base is snarky pessimistic 20's to early 30's. The reality is that most of their listeners are/were 30's to 60's on the way to work. Traditional sports fans and the same people who listen to Grant on their way home from work. Kyle is a nice enough guy. At this point he's more professional and less of a troller than Dave. However the entire show revolving around the soft opinions of a late 20's guy who has been on the air less than 2 years and is also a Warriors fan (in the Kings town) just doesn't work. Doesn't help that his voice is not good for radio.

As much as KHTK likes to shake things up constantly (even when they find something that does seem to work) I'm actually quite surprised they have not revamped the morning show yet again. It's coming sooner or later, KHTK is like clockwork in that regard. Hopefully they can finally get it right.

Some may read this (Dave included) and say if you don't like the morning show then just don't listen. That's exactly what I have been doing. I listen to Murph & Mac on KNBR every morning and it's a much better show. They've been on the air over a decade now and their format and material is solid. It just sucks that I have to listen to the bay area station every morning because KHTK after all these years still can't figure out how to do morning sports radio.
Dave started out as sort of a community chat host - just one of the guys. But I tuned out after he said this:

“I’m just another guy with an opinion, but the difference is that I’VE THOUGHT THESE THINGS THROUGH”.

He really said that - and it reflects his superior mind-set. He has gone from ‘one of the guys hosting a get-together’ to ‘self-assigned czar of proper pop culture and sports thinking’. He’s become a bore.
Yeah put me down as someone who can't listen to Kyle either. I think I'm still young enough to be considered a millennial but the millennial phrases and topics are like nails on a chalkboard for me.
Thought about this thread all night.

In this business, criticism is absolutely constant and totally a part of the job. I’d love to play the company line and say “I don’t read it”, or “doesn’t bother me”, but it does. I take it incredibly personally, and I don’t say that to offer guilt or come at those criticizing. My job is to provide entertainment on someone’s commute, and if they say the show is unlistenable, I have failed.

I also understand that the show numbers and sponsors are doing quite well, but I think to hide behind that and blow off criticisms is cowardly and a bit pompous, and that’s just not me. In many ways, I’m still that caller from Carmichael who is very much learning and trying to overcome my weaknesses.

John, I’ve known you for a long time on this board, and reading what you said absolutely kills me. I don’t know the context in which I said that, but I can’t imagine it was not with humor attached. I try to make it a point to not only not hide from my errors like many in sports talk do, but to celebrate the mistakes. I often say I’m simply a fan with a large microphone, and everything Sprouts from there.

With social media, the text line, and so many other forms of communication these days, there is a constant deluge of snark. I should probably ignore them more, but I am drawn to them- just reading and retweeting complements again seems cowardly. But I assure you my goal is to continue to be an avatar for Joe and Jane fan, not to ever take myself or my opinions (Kings start 3-17) too seriously.

Sergmatt- a lot of things to cover. Though I can’t change how I am at the core, I am sorry you have to switch stations. I love Kyle. I’ve had to go through quite a few partners since I came back in 2012, and I have a special fondness for Kyle. I’ve always been the kid at the station, growing up with guys like Grant, Koz, and Whitey as my “older brothers”. Kyle is really the first time the roles have been switched, and I admire his talent and work ethic. I feel like it’s my duty to pass on the opportunities I was afforded, and now I try to be the “veteran presence” that I always had. It’s far from perfect, and there are growing pains, but I like to think it’s better this year than last, and that of the year before.

No matter what, getting universal appeal can never happen in radio, and the biggest error would be to constantly adjust styles chasing that unicorn. But I love feedback. My ego is in check enough to know I always need to improve and evolve, otherwise everything will pass me by.

I don’t want this thread to turn into a flamefest, at least not from me. I read this site almost every day, and value the opinions.

So I would ask you- what improvements would any of you suggest? What would you like to see more/less of?

I’ll admit we face a hurdle rare in morning drive, a two man show. That’s our entire staff. No profucers, no nothing. We do 100% of the content and prep. That’s not an excuse, it’s a fact that we try to make up for with extra work. But there’s always something we can improve on, and whenever I feel particularly up or down, i make sure to plug in where I came from, and where I feel my natural home still is- wherever fellow fans are.

You’re definitely right about one thing- this business is cyclical. I’ve probably been in this business longer than I will BE in this business, and it’s only a matter of time before things change. That threat is constantly over my head, I’ve experienced it before. Last time it was a blessing, this time I’m a 40 year old guy with two young kids and a responsibility to them to make sure my house is as much in order as possible.

Thank you for the feedback. Truly. I’m on the air in less than an hour.

I shall try to limit the millennial catchphrases :)
I think the twitter banter about “games behind .500 math” got a little hot. I think “pearl clutcher” slams got a little hot...real hot - I think you went really hard and mean at people who didn’t agree with you on that one. Tanking/Hinkie got a little hot. Some other stuff like that. It’s kind of long ago and a hatchet that should be buried. Water that should be under the bridge.

Sorry for the rip in this thread. It’s just that one day my twitter was nothing but “you’re stupid/weird, from Dave”.

I would only offer that a person “thinking things through” can wind up with opposite POV and maybe neither is stupid.
I think the twitter banter about “games behind .500 math” got a little hot. I think “pearl clutcher” slams got a little hot...real hot - I think you went really hard and mean at people who didn’t agree with you on that one. Tanking/Hinkie got a little hot. Some other stuff like that. It’s kind of long ago and a hatchet that should be buried. Water that should be under the bridge.

Sorry for the rip in this thread. It’s just that one day my twitter was nothing but “you’re stupid/weird, from Dave”.

I would only offer that a person “thinking things through” can wind up with opposite POV and maybe neither is stupid.
That’s fair.

Please understand, I rarely know who or what is tweeting at me, so it’s hard to provide context if I’m dealing with someone I’ve dealt with before and know and respect.

Also, if you read (please don’t) my twitter timeline, I get a TON of snarky, attack tweets. I choose to not ignore, but try to engage. I absolutely snark back, and can be a real dick. I’d like to think that 99% of my snarky responses are in response to an aggressive and or snarky post initiated by someone else.

And don’t apologize, I really appreciate the feedback.
Are we talking about twitter or the morning show?

Although my twitter feed may feed into the morning show and Vice Versa, they are separate entities. I tackle subjects and engage in ways I rarely do on the radio, many for good reason. I will occasionally get into politics and other controversial topics on twitter, which I rarely do on radio. So I think it’s important to separate the two

Although my twitter feed may feed into the morning show and Vice Versa, they are separate entities. I tackle subjects and engage in ways I rarely do on the radio, many for good reason. I will occasionally get into politics and other controversial topics on twitter, which I rarely do on radio. So I think it’s important to separate the two

Ah ok. Just making sure I am following along. FWIW, I enjoy the morning show.
Thought about this thread all night.

In this business, criticism is absolutely constant and totally a part of the job. I’d love to play the company line and say “I don’t read it”, or “doesn’t bother me”, but it does. I take it incredibly personally, and I don’t say that to offer guilt or come at those criticizing. My job is to provide entertainment on someone’s commute, and if they say the show is unlistenable, I have failed.

I also understand that the show numbers and sponsors are doing quite well, but I think to hide behind that and blow off criticisms is cowardly and a bit pompous, and that’s just not me. In many ways, I’m still that caller from Carmichael who is very much learning and trying to overcome my weaknesses.

John, I’ve known you for a long time on this board, and reading what you said absolutely kills me. I don’t know the context in which I said that, but I can’t imagine it was not with humor attached. I try to make it a point to not only not hide from my errors like many in sports talk do, but to celebrate the mistakes. I often say I’m simply a fan with a large microphone, and everything Sprouts from there.

With social media, the text line, and so many other forms of communication these days, there is a constant deluge of snark. I should probably ignore them more, but I am drawn to them- just reading and retweeting complements again seems cowardly. But I assure you my goal is to continue to be an avatar for Joe and Jane fan, not to ever take myself or my opinions (Kings start 3-17) too seriously.

Sergmatt- a lot of things to cover. Though I can’t change how I am at the core, I am sorry you have to switch stations. I love Kyle. I’ve had to go through quite a few partners since I came back in 2012, and I have a special fondness for Kyle. I’ve always been the kid at the station, growing up with guys like Grant, Koz, and Whitey as my “older brothers”. Kyle is really the first time the roles have been switched, and I admire his talent and work ethic. I feel like it’s my duty to pass on the opportunities I was afforded, and now I try to be the “veteran presence” that I always had. It’s far from perfect, and there are growing pains, but I like to think it’s better this year than last, and that of the year before.

No matter what, getting universal appeal can never happen in radio, and the biggest error would be to constantly adjust styles chasing that unicorn. But I love feedback. My ego is in check enough to know I always need to improve and evolve, otherwise everything will pass me by.

I don’t want this thread to turn into a flamefest, at least not from me. I read this site almost every day, and value the opinions.

So I would ask you- what improvements would any of you suggest? What would you like to see more/less of?

I’ll admit we face a hurdle rare in morning drive, a two man show. That’s our entire staff. No profucers, no nothing. We do 100% of the content and prep. That’s not an excuse, it’s a fact that we try to make up for with extra work. But there’s always something we can improve on, and whenever I feel particularly up or down, i make sure to plug in where I came from, and where I feel my natural home still is- wherever fellow fans are.

You’re definitely right about one thing- this business is cyclical. I’ve probably been in this business longer than I will BE in this business, and it’s only a matter of time before things change. That threat is constantly over my head, I’ve experienced it before. Last time it was a blessing, this time I’m a 40 year old guy with two young kids and a responsibility to them to make sure my house is as much in order as possible.

Thank you for the feedback. Truly. I’m on the air in less than an hour.

I shall try to limit the millennial catchphrases :)

Dave, I’ve been listening to you for a very long time, and I have always admired your desire to please all members of your audience. As you well know, you will never be able to make everyone happy. So, if you are happy, the sponsors are happy and the show is doing well in the ratings then I would advice to keep doing what makes you happy. Don’t try to be happier than happier. You are very funny, insightful, and you have a diverse knowledge of pop culture in addition to your sports knowledge, and you are able to comment on a variety of topics outside of sports and make it interesting.

That being said, I would like to add my “critique” of this show, but please know that I am just one person, and my opinion doesn’t really matter. I will start this by saying that I do not want either you or Kyle to leave the show. There is a lot of potential in both of you, and you have already had amazing showing together. However, personally, I have stared to get a little annoyed with Kyle’s catchphrases. They aren’t even really “millienial catchphrases.” The phrases that he uses are like a subdivision of millennial catchphrases. I would categorize them under “white guys who want to sound witty/not nerdy and who also like to talk about their favorite rappers.” For example, I cringe so hard when he says things like “murked up,” “catch these hands,” or “dropped 30 on his dome.” Also, sometimes the show banter can revert to saying things like “he’s just a little guy named Lebron james. Maybe you’ve heard of him. He’s pretty good at the shooty hoops.” I don’t know, I see people on twitter or social media say jokes like that all the time, and it’s a bit tired. It’s an easy joke to make, but it’s not particularly funny or witty. Saying “shooty hoops” reminds me of the smugness of Nate Goodyear, and I personally just find it really annoying.

It’s really unfair of me to pick apart every word you guys say on live radio. I am far from perfect at my own job, so please don’t take the things that I or anyone else says too hard. I find your show enjoyable, and I listen everyday. I respect the hell out of you and Kyle. You both have great work ethic, and your knowledge of sports and the world around you is unmatched in this market. You are still my favorite sports show to listen to, but I just wanted to “throw in my two cents.” I hope I don’t come across as a jerk. I love both you guys.
Thought about this thread all night.

In this business, criticism is absolutely constant and totally a part of the job. I’d love to play the company line and say “I don’t read it”, or “doesn’t bother me”, but it does. I take it incredibly personally, and I don’t say that to offer guilt or come at those criticizing. My job is to provide entertainment on someone’s commute, and if they say the show is unlistenable, I have failed.

I also understand that the show numbers and sponsors are doing quite well, but I think to hide behind that and blow off criticisms is cowardly and a bit pompous, and that’s just not me. In many ways, I’m still that caller from Carmichael who is very much learning and trying to overcome my weaknesses.

John, I’ve known you for a long time on this board, and reading what you said absolutely kills me. I don’t know the context in which I said that, but I can’t imagine it was not with humor attached. I try to make it a point to not only not hide from my errors like many in sports talk do, but to celebrate the mistakes. I often say I’m simply a fan with a large microphone, and everything Sprouts from there.

With social media, the text line, and so many other forms of communication these days, there is a constant deluge of snark. I should probably ignore them more, but I am drawn to them- just reading and retweeting complements again seems cowardly. But I assure you my goal is to continue to be an avatar for Joe and Jane fan, not to ever take myself or my opinions (Kings start 3-17) too seriously.

Sergmatt- a lot of things to cover. Though I can’t change how I am at the core, I am sorry you have to switch stations. I love Kyle. I’ve had to go through quite a few partners since I came back in 2012, and I have a special fondness for Kyle. I’ve always been the kid at the station, growing up with guys like Grant, Koz, and Whitey as my “older brothers”. Kyle is really the first time the roles have been switched, and I admire his talent and work ethic. I feel like it’s my duty to pass on the opportunities I was afforded, and now I try to be the “veteran presence” that I always had. It’s far from perfect, and there are growing pains, but I like to think it’s better this year than last, and that of the year before.

No matter what, getting universal appeal can never happen in radio, and the biggest error would be to constantly adjust styles chasing that unicorn. But I love feedback. My ego is in check enough to know I always need to improve and evolve, otherwise everything will pass me by.

I don’t want this thread to turn into a flamefest, at least not from me. I read this site almost every day, and value the opinions.

So I would ask you- what improvements would any of you suggest? What would you like to see more/less of?

I’ll admit we face a hurdle rare in morning drive, a two man show. That’s our entire staff. No profucers, no nothing. We do 100% of the content and prep. That’s not an excuse, it’s a fact that we try to make up for with extra work. But there’s always something we can improve on, and whenever I feel particularly up or down, i make sure to plug in where I came from, and where I feel my natural home still is- wherever fellow fans are.

You’re definitely right about one thing- this business is cyclical. I’ve probably been in this business longer than I will BE in this business, and it’s only a matter of time before things change. That threat is constantly over my head, I’ve experienced it before. Last time it was a blessing, this time I’m a 40 year old guy with two young kids and a responsibility to them to make sure my house is as much in order as possible.

Thank you for the feedback. Truly. I’m on the air in less than an hour.

I shall try to limit the millennial catchphrases :)
Good post and tons of respect to you for it.

I enjoy listening to you on the way to work in the mornings. Some of your dad jokes make me laugh and I'll come home and repeat them to my girlfriend and basically get a :confused: reaction out of her lol.

As far as what I'd like to see more/less of.

More Kings. More inside information. More analysis. Just more local sports in general. I don't listen to KHTK all day but I almost never hear 49er talk on there. I hear Grant and Doug talk about the Raiders all the time but not the Niners. Maybe they're talked about more on a different station? I don't know enough about radio to really know what's going on anyway. I tune out of Grant's show when he's talking about the NY Giants because I know that 99% of us here don't give a rats you know what about the NY football Giants and I roll my eyes at people that call in asking about them just to humor Grant. It's not good radio. At least not for Sacramento.

Yeah the millennial catchphrases need to go. I go to Yahoo if I want to get angry over that stuff but I really don't want it on my sports talk radio unless you guys are making fun of it. The thing with Kyle is that a lot of his vocabulary is straight up pulled off of the internet and it's the parts of the internet that pee most people off. Don't want to hear about throwing shade or clapping back or how things are uber epic. Kyle is going to have enough of a problem getting people to respect his opinion because a lot of the listeners have been watching sports since before he was even born. If he comes on the air as a Golden State fan using millennial catch phrases and you couple that with him being young and not really providing any analysis or anything that's better than your below average online forum's going to be tough for him to gain peoples respect. He needs to put in some sort of work so he can provide analysis that's above and beyond what the listeners do themselves. Otherwise it's kind of akin to a teenager telling you how the world works. Maybe something like have him be the smart statistical guy who can provide some solid basketball analysis while you are the "been there, done that" veteran who provides most of the comedy and commentary.
Thought about this thread all night.

In this business, criticism is absolutely constant and totally a part of the job. I’d love to play the company line and say “I don’t read it”, or “doesn’t bother me”, but it does. I take it incredibly personally, and I don’t say that to offer guilt or come at those criticizing. My job is to provide entertainment on someone’s commute, and if they say the show is unlistenable, I have failed.

I also understand that the show numbers and sponsors are doing quite well, but I think to hide behind that and blow off criticisms is cowardly and a bit pompous, and that’s just not me. In many ways, I’m still that caller from Carmichael who is very much learning and trying to overcome my weaknesses.

John, I’ve known you for a long time on this board, and reading what you said absolutely kills me. I don’t know the context in which I said that, but I can’t imagine it was not with humor attached. I try to make it a point to not only not hide from my errors like many in sports talk do, but to celebrate the mistakes. I often say I’m simply a fan with a large microphone, and everything Sprouts from there.

With social media, the text line, and so many other forms of communication these days, there is a constant deluge of snark. I should probably ignore them more, but I am drawn to them- just reading and retweeting complements again seems cowardly. But I assure you my goal is to continue to be an avatar for Joe and Jane fan, not to ever take myself or my opinions (Kings start 3-17) too seriously.

Sergmatt- a lot of things to cover. Though I can’t change how I am at the core, I am sorry you have to switch stations. I love Kyle. I’ve had to go through quite a few partners since I came back in 2012, and I have a special fondness for Kyle. I’ve always been the kid at the station, growing up with guys like Grant, Koz, and Whitey as my “older brothers”. Kyle is really the first time the roles have been switched, and I admire his talent and work ethic. I feel like it’s my duty to pass on the opportunities I was afforded, and now I try to be the “veteran presence” that I always had. It’s far from perfect, and there are growing pains, but I like to think it’s better this year than last, and that of the year before.

No matter what, getting universal appeal can never happen in radio, and the biggest error would be to constantly adjust styles chasing that unicorn. But I love feedback. My ego is in check enough to know I always need to improve and evolve, otherwise everything will pass me by.

I don’t want this thread to turn into a flamefest, at least not from me. I read this site almost every day, and value the opinions.

So I would ask you- what improvements would any of you suggest? What would you like to see more/less of?

I’ll admit we face a hurdle rare in morning drive, a two man show. That’s our entire staff. No profucers, no nothing. We do 100% of the content and prep. That’s not an excuse, it’s a fact that we try to make up for with extra work. But there’s always something we can improve on, and whenever I feel particularly up or down, i make sure to plug in where I came from, and where I feel my natural home still is- wherever fellow fans are.

You’re definitely right about one thing- this business is cyclical. I’ve probably been in this business longer than I will BE in this business, and it’s only a matter of time before things change. That threat is constantly over my head, I’ve experienced it before. Last time it was a blessing, this time I’m a 40 year old guy with two young kids and a responsibility to them to make sure my house is as much in order as possible.

Thank you for the feedback. Truly. I’m on the air in less than an hour.

I shall try to limit the millennial catchphrases :)

The only thing that I might suggest is possibly teasing Kyle a bit more when he says a “millennial phrase.” You have a done good job with it before, and I think it’s really funny when you mock him for being a millennial, avocados etc. I am a millennial, but I find it really funny when you call him out a bit for his phrases. I think this will appeal to your older audience as well because it kind of forces Kyle to explain or defend himself. I think a bit more of this type of banter would appeal to some of the people that have tuned out because they feel that Kyle’s millennial phrases go unchecked.

I don’t want you or Kyle to change who you are, but engaging in friendly mocking/debate is good radio, and it allows both sides to be presented. For example, if Kyle says something like “this penguins got murked up,” you could come back at him with something like “what’s ‘murked?’ That sounds really cool when you say it. Did a Migo use that in a bar on a fire track?” Obviously, you will think of a much more entertaining and hilarious comeback than what I just offered, but I think that forcing Kyle to explain himself more will show that you aren’t just trying to be a “millennial show” that is solely trying to be snarky/cater to Twitter


Hall of Famer
Thought about this thread all night.

In this business, criticism is absolutely constant and totally a part of the job. I’d love to play the company line and say “I don’t read it”, or “doesn’t bother me”, but it does. I take it incredibly personally, and I don’t say that to offer guilt or come at those criticizing. My job is to provide entertainment on someone’s commute, and if they say the show is unlistenable, I have failed.

I also understand that the show numbers and sponsors are doing quite well, but I think to hide behind that and blow off criticisms is cowardly and a bit pompous, and that’s just not me. In many ways, I’m still that caller from Carmichael who is very much learning and trying to overcome my weaknesses.

John, I’ve known you for a long time on this board, and reading what you said absolutely kills me. I don’t know the context in which I said that, but I can’t imagine it was not with humor attached. I try to make it a point to not only not hide from my errors like many in sports talk do, but to celebrate the mistakes. I often say I’m simply a fan with a large microphone, and everything Sprouts from there.

With social media, the text line, and so many other forms of communication these days, there is a constant deluge of snark. I should probably ignore them more, but I am drawn to them- just reading and retweeting complements again seems cowardly. But I assure you my goal is to continue to be an avatar for Joe and Jane fan, not to ever take myself or my opinions (Kings start 3-17) too seriously.

Sergmatt- a lot of things to cover. Though I can’t change how I am at the core, I am sorry you have to switch stations. I love Kyle. I’ve had to go through quite a few partners since I came back in 2012, and I have a special fondness for Kyle. I’ve always been the kid at the station, growing up with guys like Grant, Koz, and Whitey as my “older brothers”. Kyle is really the first time the roles have been switched, and I admire his talent and work ethic. I feel like it’s my duty to pass on the opportunities I was afforded, and now I try to be the “veteran presence” that I always had. It’s far from perfect, and there are growing pains, but I like to think it’s better this year than last, and that of the year before.

No matter what, getting universal appeal can never happen in radio, and the biggest error would be to constantly adjust styles chasing that unicorn. But I love feedback. My ego is in check enough to know I always need to improve and evolve, otherwise everything will pass me by.

I don’t want this thread to turn into a flamefest, at least not from me. I read this site almost every day, and value the opinions.

So I would ask you- what improvements would any of you suggest? What would you like to see more/less of?

I’ll admit we face a hurdle rare in morning drive, a two man show. That’s our entire staff. No profucers, no nothing. We do 100% of the content and prep. That’s not an excuse, it’s a fact that we try to make up for with extra work. But there’s always something we can improve on, and whenever I feel particularly up or down, i make sure to plug in where I came from, and where I feel my natural home still is- wherever fellow fans are.

You’re definitely right about one thing- this business is cyclical. I’ve probably been in this business longer than I will BE in this business, and it’s only a matter of time before things change. That threat is constantly over my head, I’ve experienced it before. Last time it was a blessing, this time I’m a 40 year old guy with two young kids and a responsibility to them to make sure my house is as much in order as possible.

Thank you for the feedback. Truly. I’m on the air in less than an hour.

I shall try to limit the millennial catchphrases :)
Appreciate the post here. I listen every morning from 6:45 to 7:15, so it’s only 30 minutes. I usually enjoy the segments, some more than others, and I’m going to keep listening but lately I find myself tuning out while the show is on. Can’t put my finger on it but I think I liked it better when Kayte was also on the show. She brought a different vibe to the show to counter what you brought.