Big Brother 8


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It's getting down to the nitty-gritty. I was hoping Eric would win HoH. I think Zack is on his last week in the house. I don't see anyone actually wanting to keep him around.

With Jessica and Jameka on the block, Eric HAS to win the POV or face the real possibility of being back-doored onto the block. If he does win and saves Jessica, that would force Zack to put either Daniele or Dick up there and that could get very interesting, depending upon how America tells Eric to vote.

Lots of maneuvering still possible.

I just hope that if Eric does save Jessica, the smartest thing Zach is put up either Dick or Danielle. Thursday is a double-elimination day(shouldn't be classified as a spoiler right?) If they plan it right you can eliminate both of them in one day.

You just never know with Zach though, he's a leaf that blows whichever way the wind is going.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Oh, I forgot about the "double-elimination" teaser they showed.

If Eric wins POV and saves Jessica, aren't the only players eligible to go on the block Danielle and Dick? Eric can't be put up in Jessica's place, can he?

Zack has to realize that no matter who he eliminates, if he gets to the final three no one is going to take him to the final two.


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So now it partially depends upon whom America tells Eric to vote for. I sure hope DD/ED don't get stupid. I want to see Zack and Jameka gone so the best four players - Jessica, Eric, Danielle and Ed - are left to battle it out.

And, somewhat surprisingly, I'd vote for Ed. He's a lot like Dr. Will, just without the charm. ;)

My other choice would be Eric, who survived a lot of stuff he had to do that could have totally ruined his game.
If Dick and Danielle are smart they would vote out Jessica, which i think they will do, then back stab Zach. In this point in the game you must take out the strongest players before they get to you, a mistake that Jessica and Eric made last week.
So what do you all think of the results? I'm not really all that surprised that ED/DD backdoored Jess and Eric, and with the Donato duo basically running it all now I figure one of the two of them will end up winning. Zach just isn't strong enough, but Jameka is the quiet one who always seems to fly below the rader, so I'm not entirely counting her out.


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The biggest mistake ED/DD did was in backdooring both Eric and Jessica. They lost two votes on the jury. I'd vote for Jameka if I were there, simply because she didn't stab anyone in the back. I think Jameka may end up winning, which would be incredible considering how she gave up the 5 HoH competitions...
I think Jameka may end up winning, which would be incredible considering how she gave up the 5 HoH competitions...

I had that very same thought as well.

What ED/DD will fail to realize is that the jury(at least in years past) are watching every episode after their eviction.
I was surprised they got rid of both of them as well. Not sure what they're thinking when the jury is now comprised of Dustin, Amber, Jessica, and Eric...all would seemingly be firmly in Jameka's camp. Only thing I can figure is that Daniele and Dick plan on being the final two...and that the jury will be forced to pick one of them.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Okay, I considered the possible scenarios and here's what I came up with:

I. DD wins HoH. She puts Jameka and Zack on the block.
A) ED or DD wins POV, choices stay the same.
.....1) ED votes off Jameka. She would be the toughest for either ED or DD to beat head-to-head.
.....2) ED votes off Zack if he thinks DD and Zack are getting too close - not likely.
B) Jameka wins POV, she takes herself off the block which means DD has to put ED up.
.....1) Jameka votes off ED, which I don't think DD would protest too strongly.
C) Zack wins POV.
.....1) He takes himself off the block because he would be insane not to at this point. DD has to put ED on the block.
..........a) Zack votes to evict ED, which I really don't think would bother DD that much as ED would be one vote for her on the jury and he might be able to swing some votes from the other HGs... not likely but possibly how DD's mind might work.
..........b) Zack votes to evict Jameka, pretty much insuring himself of a third place finish unless he's very lucky because neither ED or DD would pick him to take to the finals.

II. Jameka wins HoH. She puts DD and ED on the block.
A) ED wins POV.
.....1) He takes himself off the block and then votes to evict Zack.
.....2) He takes DD off the block and she votes to evict Zack.
B) DD wins POV.
.....1) She takes herself off the block and then votes to evict Zack.
.....2) She takes ED off the block and votes to evict Zack.
C) Jameka wins POV. The choices remain the same.
.....1) Zack votes to evict ED, because he likes DD best.
D) Zack wins POV.
.....1) The choices remain the same. Zack votes to evict ED.

III. Zack wins HoH. He puts ED and Jameka on the block.
A) ED wins POV.
.....1) The choices remain the same. DD votes to evict Jameka.
B) DD wins POV.
.....1) The choices remain the same. DD votes to evict Jameka.
C) Jameka wins POV.
.....1) She takes herself off the block. She votes to evict ED.
D) Zack wins POV. The choices remain the same.
.....1) DD votes to evict Jameka.

Under those possible scenarios, it looks like ED is most favored to go home, with Jameka a close second, Zack a distant third and DD pretty safe unless something really odd goes on...


Super Moderator Emeritus
Glad to see Zack give ED/DD a dose of their own medicine.

With ED/DD on the block, the possibilities are:

A) Zack wins POV. He leaves the nominees the way they are, and Jameka votes off either ED or DD. In this scenario, I'm thinking Jameka would vote DD off as she's the much tougher contestant.
B) Jameka wins POV. She leaves the nominees the way they are...
C) DD wins. She takes herself off, Zack puts Jameka up and DD votes ED off because she really doesn't want to face him in the final three.
D) ED wins. He takes DD off because he's a giving Dad. Jameka goes up, and ED votes Jameka off.

I was really proud of Zack for standing up to DD, who was clearly trying to manipulate him and her little temper tantrum was priceless. I cannot believe she thinks the jury will vote for ED because he's played the game so well. All that's happening to ED/DD right now is what they did to Jessica and Erik so they have no room to be such idiots about it. It's probably going to cost one them a trip to the final two.


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This is shaping up to be one of the best finals ever, simply because of the real chance that DD will, in fact, stab her own father in the back and toss him out, knowing full well he won't hate her for it. As conniving as ED is, his daughter is truly the one with less devotion to family ties. She'll toss ED under the bus and not even look back if she gets the chance...


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Wow. Talk about a dilemma. Do you vote for the guy who made it possible for his daughter to survive by making people hate him? Or do you vote for the daughter who took advantage of every opportunity AND was the best at the POV?

I'm thinking it has to be Danielle.
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Ick. This show is starting to frustrate me because I am so often unhappy with who the winner turns out to be. This season will be no exception.
I think Danielle will be the winner. Dick just pissed off, and personally insulted too many people with his comments in the house. He would say it was just being honest, and was his game play, but I doubt most of the jury would forget about the persona insults and vote for him.

Danielle was the strongest player in the house, especially with all the POV wins, and deserves to win.