And what I'm saying is that this is generation upon generation of conditioning. We would never even know that things were not like this before the fertile crescent because "our history" only begins there. Nothing before that is recorded in history books. Before that we all lived on this earth in tribes where there was no hierachal system, Just because it exists in our society does not make it right. The same way that you say clothes have always mattered.... racism has always mattered in our society but it doesn't make it right.
It's not inherent in human nature, it's inherent in the human nature of our society. The hippie culture is a great exampe of how "we dress" has nothing to do with with appearences or perception.And when I say hippies I don't mean the hippies of the "sixties" in America. It's understandable that we think that this is the only way and it has always mattered, but we been inculcated to do so. Could you imagine if we were actually conditioned to think that nationalism is wrong, where I wouldn't look at you as an American or myself as an Indian, but instead human. do you think this world would be a better place to live in?
It's not inherent in human nature, it's inherent in the human nature of our society. The hippie culture is a great exampe of how "we dress" has nothing to do with with appearences or perception.And when I say hippies I don't mean the hippies of the "sixties" in America. It's understandable that we think that this is the only way and it has always mattered, but we been inculcated to do so. Could you imagine if we were actually conditioned to think that nationalism is wrong, where I wouldn't look at you as an American or myself as an Indian, but instead human. do you think this world would be a better place to live in?
A person doesn't choose their skin tone or country of origin -- it is what it is from birth. But personal style is very much a choice. And it is a choice that is bound by the current societal definition of what is and is not representative of certain interests, behaviors, class levels, tastes, etc.
And, in my opinion, that's actually a good thing. It's a form of personal expression. I like the fact that I can change what I convey to the people I encounter on a given day just by playing around in my closet.
As for the argument as to whether or not the importance of clothing/adornment is inherent to human nature... how wouldn't it be? The fact that similar behaviors have been documented in various cultures for hundreds of years would suggest that it is something that developed organically with civilization and is, therefore, inherent to human nature.