Bee: Loyalty to Kings may have price limit


Super Moderator Emeritus

Loyalty to the Kings may have price limit
For many fans, the railyard plan's cost is just too steep.
By Mary Lynne Vellinga - Bee Staff Writer
Published 12:00 am PDT Saturday, October 7, 2006

Claire Forehand loves the Kings, but not enough to pay another quarter cent in sales tax on every dollar she spends to help build them an arena -- even if it means the team would leave Sacramento.

"I think they're wonderful; I wish they could stay in town," said Forehand, who lives in Sacramento's Greenhaven neighborhood. "But I'm a teacher, I'm divorced, I have two children to put through college. I can't afford to go to any of the games. ... Why would I vote for higher taxes to build an arena I can't even afford to go to?"

Forehand's comments reflect the findings of a recent poll commissioned by The Bee. Pollsters found that while six in 10 voters interviewed identified themselves as Kings fans, just 27 percent said it was "very important" to them that the team remain in town.

Another 32 percent said it was "somewhat important," and 41 percent said it was "not important."

That's still a robust level of fan support compared with some other places, said Cheryl Katz, vice president of polling firm Baldassare and Associates. In 1994, she said, 18 percent of Orange County voters polled considered it very important to them to keep the Los Angeles Rams football team in town. The team decamped to St. Louis a year later.

Kings fans are renowned for their enthusiasm and decibel level. While NBA teams around the country are having trouble filling their arenas, Arco -- with one of the highest ticket prices in the league -- packs them in.

"One of the huge things we have is our phenomenal fans," said team spokeswoman Jaime Morse-Mills.

But that go-team spirit doesn't necessarily translate into a willingness to pay upward of $542 million in taxes for a new arena. Even among those who said it was "very important" to them that the Kings stay, just 35 percent supported Measure R, which would raise the sales tax to pay for an arena.

Katz said the lack of support and the lack of widespread angst about the Kings potentially leaving reflect differing priorities of the affluent and the middle and lower classes.

A new sales tax would cut across all income groups. Both poor people and rich people would have to pay it. But rising ticket prices have made attending professional sporting events "a pastime of the affluent," Katz said.

"It's become as expensive as going to the opera," she said.

While a majority of voters in every income group said they would vote against Measure R, negative reaction was highest among those earning less than $50,000: Only 17 percent of voters in that category said they were in favor, compared with 28 percent of those earning more than $100,000.

Sacramento's business establishment has lined up solidly behind Measures Q and R, which together would raise the sales tax and ask voters to bless spending about half of the $1.2 billion raised on a new arena.

Proponents of the arena plan have dubbed Q & R the "quality-of-life" initiatives. They argue that having a state-of-the-art facility to host NBA games, concerts and other entertainment events would help attract businesses. They also tout the potential for an arena to spur redevelopment of the dormant downtown railyard into an exciting urban district.

"Thoughtful folks I've talked to see this as a good thing. They see the jobs that could happen, the vitality, the entertainment," said Pat Fong-Kushida, president of the Sacramento Asian-Pacific Chamber of Commerce. "Basketball only happens (part) of the year. That entertainment facility is where my daughter is going to be able to see the Ice Capades."

But the patrons at gigaBite Café on Marconi Avenue have a different take on the matter, said owner Marisa Bernetti, one of those interviewed by polling firm Baldassare Associates.

"The people I've talked to are basically feeling as if these guys (the Kings owners) are just arrogant millionaires who want it their way or no way," said Bernetti, a Monarchs fan.

"We really don't want the team to leave, but if that's what it has to be, that's what it has to be," she said.

Forehand, an English teacher at Valley High School, fails to see how passage of the measures will help her. "If you can't afford to go, it won't affect your quality of life," she said.

It is unclear whether the behavior of Joe and Gavin Maloof, whose family owns the team, has eroded the region's attachment to the Kings and Monarchs.

John Thomas, president of Maloof Sports & Entertainment, said there's no evidence for that. He said fans are excited about the new coaching staff and Kings player roster for the upcoming season.

But Thomas and Joe Maloof said the long discussion of how to replace aging Arco is hurting the organization's bottom line as businesses hold off on buying sponsorships or luxury suites -- investments that usually span about three years and have more to do with bottom-line calculations than fan fervor.

Thomas said sales of sponsorship are down about 15 percent since their peak three years ago. Five of the team's 30 suites remain unsold as the season opener approaches.

"A lot of people are concerned about what's happening with the future of this arena," Maloof said last week. He and Gavin insist they want to stay in Sacramento but are equally adamant that Arco needs to be replaced.

The Bee poll was taken Sept. 22-25, after the Maloofs had angrily exited negotiations with the city and county. The brothers said local government negotiators had reneged on various promises -- including a pledge that they would receive the revenue from 8,000 parking spaces in the railyard. City and county negotiators say they made no such promises.

The Maloofs' exit left proponents of the arena campaigning without the team.

The Bee poll showed dismal approval ratings for Q & R -- 16 percent said they supported both.

While the poll showed that most Sacramento voters aren't preoccupied with the prospect of losing the Kings, some people out there -- the ones with purple paraphernalia -- are.

Some live outside Sacramento County and don't get to cast ballots. According to Maloof Sports, 38.4 percent of season ticket holders live elsewhere, the largest contingent in Placer County.

The arena debate is a big topic on, a local fan Web site.

Christine Gillespie is one of the Web site's monitors. She describes herself as a die-hard fan who paints her nails purple and once gave a litter of kittens the names of Kings' players.

Gillespie moved to Plumas National Forest a few years back and makes the two-hour trek down to Kings games several times a year. She's not happy with the way the Maloofs have handled the arena negotiations.

Nonetheless, Gillespie said she would make a point of buying high-ticket items in Sacramento County if the measures pass. That way, her sales tax would go to help build an arena.

"My family is fifth-generation Sacramentan," Gillespie said. "I used to go to the Alhambra Theatre. I've seen treasured landmarks in Sacramento disappear. I don't want the same thing to happen to the Kings."

About the writer: The Bee's Mary Lynne Vellinga can be reached at (916) 321-1094 or


Super Moderator Emeritus
You know what bothers me? That so many people apparently just don't understand that Arco is about more than the Kings/Monarchs.
Good for you VF. I was thinking back to my childhood (50's. early 60's). My family did not have a lot of money when I was a kid. My mom and dad couldn't have afforded season tickets to any of the pro sports teams (LA). We went to see games live (Dodgers, Lakers, Kings) maybe 5 or 6 times. It was a big deal, a major treat.

I hardly knew anybody who could afford to go to games except on a very rare occassion. Going to any live venue was a very rare event. I'm not sure why people think suddenly these things have become so much more expensive.

I've gone to a Kings game on a $10 ticket, recently. I spent $9.75 to go to a movie not long ago. And I rarely buy the food at either place, which are about the same in price.

Cities don't avoid having theaters, opera, symphonies, museums, or arenas because they are expensive to go to. They have them, because they are wonderful amentities to have, even if you only get to go on a very special occassion.

For example, live theater is very expensive to attend, but my life would have been much less full without having the chance to see "Oklahoma," "Death of a Salesman," "Romeo and Juliet," or "Les Miserables."

I'm resigned to this proposition not passing, but I think they just started negotiating too late and there should have been discussions with the developer, if the city was adamant about having it downtown. The deal negotiated never required an arena to be downtown. I'm beginning to think we'll go years more without seeing development in the railyards.
I totally agree with you VF. The focus on the Kings and the Maloofs on this 1.2 billion dollar deal has always bugged the heck out of me. The sales tax increase will benefit the city in many, many ways and $30 a year is a small investment for those improvements. I wish people would show a little more pride instead of always complaining about what it will cost them.

On the other hand, this experience has taught me an important lesson. Everyone has a line that they will not cross. If this deal does not cross the line for some, I guarantee that line does exist at some point. I say this as a big supporter of the Maloofs. I went from defending the Maloofs to criticizing them when they crossed my personal line on a couple of occassions. The words that I hated to hear coming from the anti crowd then started to come out of my mouth.

I am still a big supporter, but I now understand the anti crowd a little better.
I guess I wonder why supposed Kings fans believe that if they don't attend a game live, then the team isn't worth having in town for an extra few bucks a month. I have been a die-hard fan for 10 years. In that time, I've attended 5 or 6 games...? It's a thrill to go to a game...but watching them on TV, listening to them on the radio, following all the individual players and stories, and the pride of having these guys represent my home town are what it's all about for me. The occasional Arco visit is just a nice bonus.
I guess I wonder why supposed Kings fans believe that if they don't attend a game live, then the team isn't worth having in town for an extra few bucks a month. I have been a die-hard fan for 10 years. In that time, I've attended 5 or 6 games...? It's a thrill to go to a game...but watching them on TV, listening to them on the radio, following all the individual players and stories, and the pride of having these guys represent my home town are what it's all about for me. The occasional Arco visit is just a nice bonus.
Well said...same for me.


Super Moderator Emeritus
There are fans. Then there are Fans. Then there are FANS!!!!!!

Most of us fall into the Fans or FANS!!!!! category.

The problem with these articles and the poll is they aren't contacting the FANS!!!!! for the most part. If they ask some of the 17,317 faithful who've been packing Arco for years, I think they'd get different answers. Not that every FAN!!!! has to attend a game, of course. If I've learned one thing from being on all these years it's that we have some very rabid fans who've never been anywhere close to Arco... It's just that if they're going to looks for FANS!!!! within Sacramento County, I think they're going about it the wrong way.

They're trying to mix apples and oranges.
Nice quotes VF.

The line about the luxury boxes, however, is troubling. One of the reasons Arco is considered outdated among modern arenas is that there aren't enough boxes to bring in top corporate sponsor money. But how can we push for a new arena with more boxes if we can't even sell out the 30 that we now have?
You know what bothers me? That so many people apparently just don't understand that Arco is about more than the Kings/Monarchs.
and unfortunately, thats the way it always will be, as long as their's wealthy businesspeople owning sports teams that are at the forefront of telling cities they need new buildings to survive...if this was an arena for the local arts, would we see this kind of opposition??
There are fans. Then there are Fans. Then there are FANS!!!!!!

Most of us fall into the Fans or FANS!!!!! category.

The problem with these articles and the poll is they aren't contacting the FANS!!!!! for the most part. If they ask some of the 17,317 faithful who've been packing Arco for years, I think they'd get different answers. Not that every FAN!!!! has to attend a game, of course. If I've learned one thing from being on all these years it's that we have some very rabid fans who've never been anywhere close to Arco... It's just that if they're going to looks for FANS!!!! within Sacramento County, I think they're going about it the wrong way.

They're trying to mix apples and oranges.
I often wonder what would have happened if this proposition would have been brought up back in 2002 when we were battling the Lakers in the WCF?? The timing of this whole thing is about 4 years past due, I think...


Super Moderator Emeritus
And the timing is the fault of the city council and our elected officials. The Maloofs have been trying for a long time to get legitimate talks going on this so things wouldn't be rushed and harried.
And the timing is the fault of the city council and our elected officials. The Maloofs have been trying for a long time to get legitimate talks going on this so things wouldn't be rushed and harried. you know VF, that I have no lovelost for our not-so-very esteemed local gov't., I rest my case, and will leave it at that:(
I'm starting to wonder if the Maloofs are negotiating in bad faith in order to have an out.

According to the SNR article on the arena that just came out, if you believe their numbers, the Maloofs have about broken even on the Kings over the long haul. Considering all the positive PR they've gotten out of it, and the fact that they clearly enjoy owning a basketball team, that's not too bad. They've got other properties to make their money with. The Maloofs are a household name for NBA fans, that's worth a lot.

The question is, if they wanted to leave Sac how could they do it without looking bad? One way is to push for such a bad deal for the city that they can't accept it and then say the city didn't care enough. Then they can take the Kings to a more profitable location for themselves and use the money to finance a top contender, and no one will call them schmucks.

Am I crazy?


Super Moderator Emeritus
I'm starting to wonder if the Maloofs are negotiating in bad faith in order to have an out.

According to the SNR article on the arena that just came out, if you believe their numbers, the Maloofs have about broken even on the Kings over the long haul. Considering all the positive PR they've gotten out of it, and the fact that they clearly enjoy owning a basketball team, that's not too bad. They've got other properties to make their money with. The Maloofs are a household name for NBA fans, that's worth a lot.

The question is, if they wanted to leave Sac how could they do it without looking bad? One way is to push for such a bad deal for the city that they can't accept it and then say the city didn't care enough. Then they can take the Kings to a more profitable location for themselves and use the money to finance a top contender, and no one will call them schmucks.

Am I crazy?

Yes, I think you're crazy because that sounds like a conspiracy theory right out of some black ops book by Robert Ludlum or something.

How can the Maloofs leave Sacramento without looking bad? Well, this wouldn't be the way since it would be about as obvious as anything they could do.

There's a common misconception that owning an NBA franchise makes money. For the most part, it doesn't. SELLING an NBA franchise makes money.

Sooner or later, if some kind of arena deal doesn't get signed, the Maloofs will in fact start looking elsewhere. They're already being courted by places that would LOVE to have the Kings in their town. If and when that happens, people will point and say, "See, we told you. It's what they wanted all along."

Well, I have made many objections to how to the Maloofs have handled this whole thing but the bottom line is they weren't the ones dragging their feet for years. It was the city/county as we've discussed many, many times before. It isn't really the Maloofs causing the problems right now, although they're being painted as the villians.

The developer doesn't even own the land yet. That's a major stumbling block. And the developer admitted publicly the plans they submitted the first time didn't meet the specifics identified by the Maloofs in the tentative agreement.

There is a lot of blame to go around but the idea the Maloofs never wanted a new arena here is just silly. No team owners in their right minds would walk away from the kind of fan base they have here.

Other areas have had to go through the same kinds of problems. Houston almost lost a championship team before an accord was finally reached to build the new arena, and San Antonio stumbled quite a bit, too.

It's real easy to "read between the lines" and try and point the finger at the Maloofs and accuse them of some kind of master scheme. Quite frankly, that's not their style. They put it all out there, as evidenced by their emotional outbursts at various times.

Let's not paint them with the conspiracy brush quite yet.
^^ (to VF21 - prior page)

OK. Thanks for the reality check.

In any case I think this is a very complex negotiation. On one hand the Maloofs have the leverage of cities with built arenas begging them to come. OTOH, Stern is not going to be eager to let the Kings move out of a market like Sac, he has never let a well supported team move before, let alone the team with the most dedicated fans in the NBA. The city must know this. The city also must know that it doesn't have the money or the political support to give the Kings a windfall deal.

Sacramento's value to the NBA might well trump the needs of the Maloofs. Given the state of the NBA they should be trying to figure out how to replicate Sac, not abandon it. The Maloofs might be stuck here, meaning their negotiation position is weak.
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Super Moderator Emeritus
I agree it's very complex and I won't deny sometimes feeling the draw of the dark side of the force. You're not alone, bibbinator.

It's not like I've been holding back here, but I am convinced of only one thing right now - the Maloofs have zero interest in a downtown location. Unless by some miracle, Q&R are going down in flames. It will be the end of the sales tax approach and the end of the downtown site location. Given what's transpired over the last month, you have a pattern forming here and it all adds up to the fact that railyard isn't going to work unless all the parties were on the same page. It never materialized and I think it's too late now. I've been a supporter of the railyard and it disappoints me that it's yet again going to take the slow road to development.
So what does my crystal ball say about what the Maloofs really want? I honestly can't answer because I don't know all the facts, but I firmly believe these are the main things to keep in mind.
1) The Maloofs want a whole building and a whole market to themselves. I know Anaheim has been the big name that keeps getting brought up, but the Maloofs want the whole package and that is not Anaheim. The Ducks have an owner that is just as interested as owning an NBA team to control the Pond as the Maloofs would like to own the Ducks to get that same control.

2) The luxury suite revenue and TV contracts in Anaheim would be better than anywhere else, but I think the lack of revenue from non-NBA events and limited other income sources just makes Anaheim competitive and not superior.

The two places that would build a new arena and give them the whole package are Sacramento and Las Vegas. Those are the two legit targets. Vegas has so many questions about putting a team there, but I do know one thing - the Maloofs are very high on that market. That alone should make Sac fans nervous.

Ok, so how does the Maloofs get their new Sacramento arena? Forget the sales tax because that is going down in flames next month and it's two years before the next general election. The plan B as I see it is not a private deal like some are dreaming about. The rezone of land would face a long court battle and it's too difficult to identify who would guarantee repayment of the construction loans. I think it can be done the way it has been done many times in many cities. Using the hotel, rental car and another source like a food an beverage tax. Not just a city wide tax on those items because the city isn't big enough. It has to be a city and county effort. The arena would go on part of the 100 acres next to Arco. Whatever is left over would be sold off and put towards the new arena. The Maloofs could sell off their 85 acres and pay back a good chunk of the 71 million loan from 1997. I don't think this would take waiting for another general election, but given the blowback on the general tax; a hotel, rental car and F&B tax would seem like a shoe in. The arena would not cost anywhere near what the railyard site would cost because the infrastructure is already there and the land is better than free.

Or the Maloofs really do have Viva Las Vegas Fever and we can sit back and watch the last season of the Sacramento Kings. Lets hope they can roll out a plan B similar to the above and we just accept that the dream of the railyard arena was never meant to be.
I tend to agree with JB.

If YOU owned the Kings, what would YOU do to set up your business to be as profitable as possible?

Property Ownership:

A) Go with the downtown site, where the land still needs to change hands between the RR and a developer and then to the City, two transactions over which you have no control, or

B) Go with the Natomas site, where YOU already own the land and you are already in control.


A) Go with the downtown site, where environmental cleanup issues over which you have no control still remain as well as potential other environmental issues (air quality, traffic congestion, noise) when operations begin that may have to be mitigated.

B) Go with the Natomas site, where there are no significant environmental issues.

Business Competition:

A) Go with the downtown site, with uncertain issues about surrounding business competition, or

B) Go with the Natomas site, where you control the immediate vicinity and have no worries about surrounding business competition.

Parking Revenue:

A) Go with the downtown site, where current plans will reduce that revenue stream and cause you to find other revenue streams just to hold ground financially, or

B) Go with the Natomas site, where ample parking (and its revenues) is already within your control and will only require some minor modifications for cheap, depending on the exact location of the new arena.

Infrastructure Development:

A) Go with the downtown site, where significant infrastructure (water, sewer, roads) needs to be built from scratch, and over which you have no real control in its plan and the timing for completing it, or

B) Go with the Natomas site, where all of the infrastructure is in place, except for realtively minor modifications, based on the exact location of the new arena.

Time Frame:

A) Go with the downtown site, where the contamination issues, multiple players, and infrastructure dvelopment can all drastically affect timing to open a new arena, or

B) Go with the Natomas site, where those three issues possibly affecting the opening date for a new arena are eliminated and a new arena can probably be opened there more quickly.

Overall Control:

A) Go with the downtown site, where you have THREE players (RR, developer, local gov't) that can affect the future profitbaility of your operation, or

B) Go with the Natomas site, where you have only ONE player (local gov't) to work with.

In the end, I truly believe that the Maloofs want to stay here, always have, but they have left other doors open, just in case. It appears to me now that the downtown deal is just way too complicated with too many players and too much uncertainty with how it might turn out. Too bad.

Natomas is simpler and potentially way more profitable for MS&E.

On JB's Plan B financing mechanism, I have always asked why they did not go with a tax on those items, rather than a general sales tax in the current measure. One question previously raised is, will those taxes be enough to raise the appropriate amount of revenue in a reasonable amount of time? I don't know.

I still support the downtown arena location and am still OK with the miniscule sales tax increase, but my feelings now are that the deal, as it currently appears to be headed, will just not work. So the measure can still go ahead as written, no official arena location is stated, but it would require everyone involved to disconnect downtown from the measure and state unequivocally that this is a true uncertainty.

Politically, our local gov't folks can't do that.
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Natomas may be better for MS&E, but IMHO downtown is better for Sac residents. Sac residents are paying for the vast bulk of this thing and we are the ones who will own it so IMHO we build it where it works best for us. MS&E can learn to live with it or they can....well...I am just saying that I do not think that we should let a non-verbalized threat dictate how we design the city.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Natomas may be better for MS&E, but IMHO downtown is better for Sac residents.

This is the quandry.

The Maloofs tepidness toward downtown has been there for a long time, but yet downtown is the ONLY plan which offers more to Sac than just the Kings (+ a new arena).

As for Stern not letting them move....that is a fallacy. And of course one fo the dangerous ones that may well have a whole bunch of peole who should have known better looking shocked and awed in the not too distant future. Teh entitilement attitude of "they would never leave the best fans in the WORLD!!!" has ironically boomeranged so that may be exactly what happens. "The best fans in the world" mean nothing if its just a title and communities wihtout the best fans int he world poney up far more to get/keep the Maloofs.

And its not Veags which is the threat. Its Anaheim, and then maybe KC. Places that have already built new arenas, without the Maloofs chipping in $100 mil. Places that could easily open their doors to the Kings next year. Everything is in place. You could back up the moving vans, load the Kings up, and have everything set up and ready to go in the new locale inside two weeks. That's all the time it takes from when the Maloofs/NBA tire of the games for Sacramento to lose its teams.
This is the quandry.

The Maloofs tepidness toward downtown has been there for a long time, but yet downtown is the ONLY plan which offers more to Sac than just the Kings (+ a new arena).

As for Stern not letting them move....that is a fallacy. And of course one fo the dangerous ones that may well have a whole bunch of peole who should have known better looking shocked and awed in the not too distant future. Teh entitilement attitude of "they would never leave the best fans in the WORLD!!!" has ironically boomeranged so that may be exactly what happens. "The best fans in the world" mean nothing if its just a title and communities wihtout the best fans int he world poney up far more to get/keep the Maloofs.

And its not Veags which is the threat. Its Anaheim, and then maybe KC. Places that have already built new arenas, without the Maloofs chipping in $100 mil. Places that could easily open their doors to the Kings next year. Everything is in place. You could back up the moving vans, load the Kings up, and have everything set up and ready to go in the new locale inside two weeks. That's all the time it takes from when the Maloofs/NBA tire of the games for Sacramento to lose its teams.
Stern has yet to let a popular team move. There might be a first time, but it hasn't happened yet.


Super Moderator Emeritus
^^kupman, neither of those teams are basketball.


As far as Stern not EVER letting the Kings move, I don't think that's true. But I firmly believe he'll make sure all options are thoroughly explored before he signs off on something that drastic.

Again, I remind people to think about Houston and San Antonio. I'm not saying we shouldn't be worried, but I'm saying we need to be realistic. If a deal is going to pass and be acceptable to all concerned, it has to have more than vague concepts going in.
Natomas may be better for MS&E, but IMHO downtown is better for Sac residents.
Like Brick, I think that this is the main problem.

Think back a little, Maloofs have been pushing for a new arena for years and the city/county has been lagging. IMO the recent pressure to make something happen has been combined with the desire to develope the railroad area and revitalize downtown. The Maloofs have played along until the financial viability is compromised by the extreme and various components involved in the revitalization of that area. I have said it before, The Kings are a business not a revitalization project. When the rivatalization gets to the point that the business is at risk, the Maloofs lose interest.

I almost wonder if the polititians knew this the whole time and would prefer to pretend that it would be downtown until after the vote and then point to the clause of alternative locations. The Maloofs are "blowing" this by wishing to remain honest about the reality of location, after all they are business owners not politians.
Here's the deal, there needs to be a new arena no matter what. I hate to admit it, but the railyard is dead. Sacramento will keep the Kings if they come up with an agreement to build on the 100 acres next to Arco by next spring. Stern doesn't want the negative PR of having a loyally supported team moving. But that will only fly for so long. We can't afford another one of those no progress for months at a time. If the city and county haven't privately already started a plan B, then they are fools.
^^kupman, neither of those teams are basketball.
Thanks for the clarification.:rolleyes:

The question was asked, has a popular team ever wanted to move?

The answer is an obvious yes. Not only have they wanted to move - they have moved. I was just trying to help out and start a list. Is there a reason to believe that an NBA city would be immune to the forces at work in other major professional sports?


Super Moderator Emeritus
Thanks for the clarification.:rolleyes:
Hey, no problem. Thanks for keeping the conversation going without resorting to snide comments and sarcasm.

The question was asked, has a popular team ever wanted to move?
I know what the question was. I was also pretty sure what the poser of the question meant, which was shown in her subsequent post.

The answer is an obvious yes. Not only have they wanted to move - they have moved. I was just trying to help out and start a list. Is there a reason to believe that an NBA city would be immune to the forces at work in other major professional sports?
There are lots of lists already floating around about the myriad of teams that have moved in various professional sports. We're talking about basketball. For the most part, there has to be a very compelling reason before David Stern will allow them to move.

So, in answer to your question, yes there is a reason to believe an NBA city would be immune to the forces at work. The name of that reason is David Stern.

I'm not saying he would not allow or consider moving the Kings, but I am saying that from what he has said, he really wants to see every avenue exhausted before he considers it.