Article: Theus was a Maloofs Hire

I rather doubt that. The following simple plot fits much easier than wishy washy Geoff getting stars in his eyes over a used car saleaman's self promotion, or of Geoff suddenly reverting to the level of a fan and giving a flying hoot about Lakerism:

Petrie wanted Shaw because he was a basketball guy. The Maloofs wanted Reggie, because he was like, pretty and stuff.

The Maloofs put on the full court press, Petrie saw which way the wind was blowing, and Geoff folded his cards rather than stand in direct defiance of the owners and risk his position over Shaw. Neat, tidy. Geoff ends up with misgivings, but gets on board and hopes for the best.
I think you nailed it brick. This sucks. Do you have enough money to buy the team yet? ;)
I know. I don't think there's anyone on the UNLV roster who bothered to enter the draft this year -- there's certainly nobody who'd even make the bottom of the second round.

I'm just burned out on the sudden rash of Nevada connections.
I kind of like that Kevin Kruger guy though.
Not totally sure what the big deal is with any of this.

If the choice was between Reggie and Brian Shaw I really don't fault them for going with Reggie. I think Petrie liked Shaw simply because he had been an Assistant for 3 years for the Lakers but does that really prepare him more than being a head coach in College??? Maybe but I don't see it as being this overriding thing that vault's him over and above another candidate.

Put Reggie with a good Top Assistant with alot of experience in the NBA and he will be fine.
Uh Brian Shaw has won championships as a player and he's been mentored by one of the greatest coaches in NBA history.


Hall of Famer
I suspect you may be unaware of the regard Shaw is held in as an upcoming assistant -- with Iavaroni out of the way may be the #1 most eligible bachelor amongst the NBA's assistants now. He might in fact BE Avery Johnson (always a who knows factor of course).

But regardless, that's missing the point. Its the process that has been foul once again here, whatever the outcome. We've got Mommy Maloof with more influence over hiring coaches than Geoff Petrie. And frighteningly, Tark the freaking Loanshark crouched back in the shadows somewhere offering sage advice.
This isn't exactly what Napear had in mind when he was talking yesterday about how important it is that the public perception be that this was Petrie's decision...

As an aside, I've never seen a public figure treated with more kid gloves by the media than Petrie. Nobody in the media asked him point-blank: Who was your first choice? At least they should make the guy squirm a little bit.:)


Super Moderator Emeritus
You know what? Who cares.

I am happy Reggie Theus is going to be our coach and optimistic about the future of the team. If that's unpalatable for some, shoot me.

I'm looking forward to the upcoming season and have already begun plans to attend more games than I did last year.

I'm so beyond sick of the tendency to try and find something to bag on the team or the front office about. At some point it just gets ridiculous.

We're FANS of a sports team. This isn't world politics. It's entertainment. I'm going to continue to be a fan, supporting the team.

And I've heard it was a unanimous decision by the Maloofs and Petrie, who came to the agreement that they all liked Reggie, his energy, his vitality, his ability to interact with the players, etc.

I'm just glad we have a coach and that we can get on with plans for the draft.
You know what? Who cares.

I am happy Reggie Theus is going to be our coach and optimistic about the future of the team. If that's unpalatable for some, shoot me.

I'm looking forward to the upcoming season and have already begun plans to attend more games than I did last year.

I'm so beyond sick of the tendency to try and find something to bag on the team or the front office about. At some point it just gets ridiculous.

We're FANS of a sports team. This isn't world politics. It's entertainment. I'm going to continue to be a fan, supporting the team.

And I've heard it was a unanimous decision by the Maloofs and Petrie, who came to the agreement that they all liked Reggie, his energy, his vitality, his ability to interact with the players, etc.

I'm just glad we have a coach and that we can get on with plans for the draft.
Amen. I have read this forum for quite a while, but never posted before (I guess I'm just not an "active" participant in the online world.) However, things are now just getting downright annoying on this board. I'm all for opposing viewpoints, but come on. It feels like this board is turning into a Clinton/Bush debate. Extremism is running rampant. Can't we all just chill out a bit with all the conspiracy theories and bickering and move on. Someone says something positive or negative about the the Theus hire and they are soon pummeled by the other side. I guess that's the nature of an open forum, but like politics, I'm getting tired of the whole act.

....I guess it's now time to flame away at my post, so have at it....


Super Moderator Emeritus
Amen. I have read this forum for quite a while, but never posted before (I guess I'm just not an "active" participant in the online world.) However, things are now just getting downright annoying on this board. I'm all for opposing viewpoints, but come on. It feels like this board is turning into a Clinton/Bush debate. Extremism is running rampant. Can't we all just chill out a bit with all the conspiracy theories and bickering and move on. Someone says something positive or negative about the the Theus hire and they are soon pummeled by the other side. I guess that's the nature of an open forum, but like politics, I'm getting tired of the whole act.

....I guess it's now time to flame away at my post, so have at it....
First, welcome to the

Second, flaming isn't allowed so I hope people remember they can disagree without rancor - or agree, should they so choose.
Uh Brian Shaw has won championships as a player and he's been mentored by one of the greatest coaches in NBA history.
Well, Scott Brooks won a Championship as a player. I think people tend to overrate this aspect and it doesn't necessarily mean he will make a good coach. Nice on the resume though
Terrible choice and probably worse than last year's mussleman move. Reggie still believes that he can get out there right now at 50 and take his whole team to school.He lacks experience dealing with today's players in terms of coaching. The players today are different in personality and ego and to combined those issues with reggies ego it can cause problems with discipline and direction with these million dollar athletes. I also don't think reggie ready tactical wise in his skills as a coach,Guy's like shaw and porter have been NBA assistant's and have paid dues being assitants and have soaked up knowledge of how the NBA game is played Today. It seems like the maloofs as well as petrie are dragging the kings back to the past when the organization was a doormat for the league. Porter would have been the best selection in the teams rebuilding process.
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Terrible choice and probably worse than last year's mussleman move. Reggie still believes that he can get out there right now at 50 and take his whole team to school.He lacks experience dealing with today's players in terms of coaching. The players today are different in personality and ego and to combined those issues with reggies ego it can cause problems with discipline and direction with these million dollar athletes. I also don't think reggie ready tactical wise in his skills as a coach,Guy's like shaw and porter have been NBA assistant's and have paid dues being assitants and have soaked up knowledge of how the NBA game is played Today. It seems like the maloofs as well as petrie are dragging the kings back to the past when the organization was a door map for the league. Porter would have been the best selection in the teams rebuilding process.
I always thought Porter was a logical choice also. I'm very curious why he wasn't even interviewed. I suspect there was something in his Bucks years that scared off both Petrie and the Maloofs (if he really was Petrie's choice as some articles have suggested, I think he would have at least had an initial phone call.) We'll probably never know.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Terrible choice and probably worse than last year's mussleman move. Reggie still believes that he can get out there right now at 50 and take his whole team to school.He lacks experience dealing with today's players in terms of coaching. The players today are different in personality and ego and to combined those issues with reggies ego it can cause problems with discipline and direction with these million dollar athletes. I also don't think reggie ready tactical wise in his skills as a coach,Guy's like shaw and porter have been NBA assistant's and have paid dues being assitants and have soaked up knowledge of how the NBA game is played Today. It seems like the maloofs as well as petrie are dragging the kings back to the past when the organization was a doormat for the league. Porter would have been the best selection in the teams rebuilding process.
Reggie has been dealing with college players. I think, if anything, he is possibly more qualified in that respect to deal with the players coming into the league as he's been working with them.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Reggie is uniquely qualified in that respect, too, since he's lived the life of a player going from college to the pros AND helped prepare players for the transition upwards. He hasn't been living in a cave, isolated from his own players and the rest of the world. He's been very active.

There are, of course, a lot of potential areas where Reggie could succeed or fail. I'm simply pointing out that dealing with the players probably isn't one of the main ones.
Reggie is uniquely qualified in that respect, too, since he's lived the life of a player going from college to the pros AND helped prepare players for the transition upwards. He hasn't been living in a cave, isolated from his own players and the rest of the world. He's been very active.

There are, of course, a lot of potential areas where Reggie could succeed or fail. I'm simply pointing out that dealing with the players probably isn't one of the main ones.
He can relate personally,but it is a big difference when you are the boss and you have to enforce rules and discpline to not only young players coming into the league but to the establish vets who have done seen it all and heard it all before. Any how you may be right,But I know tactical wise,I really feel they could have gotten someone more equipped. But like with mussleman thing, only time will tell, but I tend to follow my Gut instincts and this selection in my opinion was another personal move and not a basketball move.
I suspect you may be unaware of the regard Shaw is held in as an upcoming assistant -- with Iavaroni out of the way may be the #1 most eligible bachelor amongst the NBA's assistants now. He might in fact BE Avery Johnson (always a who knows factor of course).

But regardless, that's missing the point. Its the process that has been foul once again here, whatever the outcome. We've got Mommy Maloof with more influence over hiring coaches than Geoff Petrie. And frighteningly, Tark the freaking Loanshark crouched back in the shadows somewhere offering sage advice.
As near as I can tell Brain Shaw had just as many head coach interviews with teams as Theus did over the past few months. So teams have looked at both guys.
The implication here is that Petrie didn't want Theus and I doubt that is true. It sounds to me like it was a close decision and the owners of the team made the final call. I don't have a problem with that at all. They write the checks. It happens that way for nearly all the NBA teams. As for Tark whispering in Maloof ears, so what? Tark just didn't invent job lobbying with that move. Again, it's not all that uncommon.
I think you're right..I've heard various times that the Maloofs didn't want Porter because he was linked to Adelman.
I don't know, maybe I'm naive, but it doesn't seem like the Maloofs really wanted to distance themselves from the Adelman "era" but just away from Rick himself (i.e. because of his personality, impression of offensive not defensive focus, etc.) While Porter was on that staff at one point, it's not like he's necessarily going to be a Rick Adelman clone. I just think there was probably a little more to it than just cutting the ties with that era (why would they want to do that?) That's why I wonder if Porter has somehow soured his rep within the NBA based on the Bucks experience. If he's not given major consideratino for an open job next off-season I think there must be something to that.


Hall of Famer
I completely disagree that Petrie will always say he was on board. Last year he did not say he wasn't on board, but he did say that this was Joe and Gavin's hire. It's talked about numerous time how Petrie distinctly distanced himself from the hire.

This year he has not said that. He said this was the hire we all selected and we are all in 100% agreeance, which is almost an exact quote from botht he press conference and Grant and Miike's interview. It is completely different.

Everyone just wants to be dramatic about this. Petrie answered Grant straight about there being any kind of tension between ownership and him, and he says I could see if a GM wasn't able to his job and the owners were in the way too much how that might happen, but we just haven't had that here.

I respectfully disagree. I think last year Petrie used very similar language as what he did yesterday: "it's a group decision" "we're all on board" "It's not just me...the owners have to be involved"...yada yada. Nobody asked Petrie the pointed specific questions on the decision-making process:

Whose idea was it to interview Theus? Whose idea was it to interview Brooks, Shaw, Rambis? Why wasn't Porter interviewed? Was Theus your #1 choice? If he was, why specifically did you like him better than Shaw, than Rambis, than Porter? Why exactly wasn't Brown a "good fit" for this team?
My best guess is they did not want to bring back anyone from the Adelman era.
Well if that really was the reason Porter wasn't even discussed (which it probably was) I guess they just wanted to forget those horrible memories and connections to what was by far and away the most successful era in Sac hoops history.

Guess that was a good reason to not even consider the most qualified or 2nd most qualified candidate out there.
I completely disagree that Petrie will always say he was on board. Last year he did not say he wasn't on board, but he did say that this was Joe and Gavin's hire. It's talked about numerous time how Petrie distinctly distanced himself from the hire.

This year he has not said that. He said this was the hire we all selected and we are all in 100% agreeance, which is almost an exact quote from botht he press conference and Grant and Miike's interview. It is completely different.

Everyone just wants to be dramatic about this. Petrie answered Grant straight about there being any kind of tension between ownership and him, and he says I could see if a GM wasn't able to his job and the owners were in the way too much how that might happen, but we just haven't had that here.
I am totally with you on this, along with VF. The whole "Maloof hire," "GP cowers to the Maloofs" and most of all "all evil in Kingsland is rooted in Maloof" is beyond annoying. People seem to need the dramatics.

It seems that people simply cannot accept the concept of a consensus decision within the front office. Plus, the conspiracy theories give those that hate the front office a chance to rip on GP and the entire Maloof family further. It is all tiresome.
You know what? Who cares.

I do and obviousily so do others. I am also pretty sure it is not about Reggie. It is about how the Maloofs continuing to impose their will on basketball decisions. Have they not learned. I see where this is going and I do not like it. It never turns out good when the owners bud in on the GM's duty.
I am totally with you on this, along with VF. The whole "Maloof hire," "GP cowers to the Maloofs" and most of all "all evil in Kingsland is rooted in Maloof" is beyond annoying. People seem to need the dramatics.

It seems that people simply cannot accept the concept of a consensus decision within the front office. Plus, the conspiracy theories give those that hate the front office a chance to rip on GP and the entire Maloof family further. It is all tiresome.
Well the conspiracy theorists can point to this article as evidence for their assertions. The maloofs and Petrie clearly split when it came to the future head coach and only after some prodding did Petrie come on board. Now the question is why did he come on board and there really isn't an answer to that? Perhaps he was genuinely convinced or perhaps he just resorted to being a yes man.

Either way, regardless of what you think, It seems rather disingenous for the Maloofs to repeatedly say that this was Petrie's call and then go and push their own preferred candidate on Petrie. If this was truly a Petrie move, the Maloofs wouldn't have tried to influence the process at all.

You have to agree that there was some tampering involved by the Maloofs and judging by past statements was not supposed to happen. Also, the whole jerry Tarkanian thing is pretty screwed up as well. When the former coach of UNLV has as much to do with the process as your general manager, then something is clearly wrong.
Based on press accounts and yesterdays various interviews with all the powers that be in the organization it's clear Theus edged out Shaw and Brooks at the end of the two month search. We previously heard how the Maloof's were "blow away by Brooks" in his interview, how Shaw was "very impressive" as well. I think it came down to Theus simply outscoring them in a tight competition weighing overall pros and cons of each final candidate. It seems the majority (even if it's only 51% right now) of Kings fans want to get behind our new dynamic head coach so he can get on with the tough job ahead. I would have said the exact same thing if the choice had been Shaw or Brooks. GO KINGS & GO REGGIE!


Super Moderator Emeritus
I do and obviousily so do others. I am also pretty sure it is not about Reggie. It is about how the Maloofs continuing to impose their will on basketball decisions. Have they not learned. I see where this is going and I do not like it. It never turns out good when the owners bud in on the GM's duty.
The point is that people are making an assumption or drawing a conclusion about what the Maloofs might have done that is simply not supported by anything remotely factual. And I, quite frankly, think it's unfair.

The Maloofs OWN the Sacramento Kings. They could, if they so wished, make every single bleeping decision from what type of bath tissue to buy all the way up to whom to pay a gazillion dollars to. It's THEIR team.

The idea that Geoff Petrie cowers in front of them is simply NOT supported by any facts or indications from anyone I would put much faith in.

If you saw the press conference, you should have been able to notice a significant difference between last year's and this year's. For one, the Maloofs, Petrie and Reggie were all relaxed and very comfortable with each other and the media. This wasn't true at all last year.

The constant vilification of Geoff Petrie and the Maloofs just gets a bit old. If Geoff Petrie wasn't happy with his job, he wouldn't still be there. He's not a toady.

We aren't privvy to all the conversations between the Maloofs and Geoff. We have NO idea what their plans are. Why it always has to end up with some being convinced Petrie has either sold out to the evil Maloofs or never was that good to begin with just astounds me.

Marcos Breton took Maloof hatred to a level I couldn't possibly understand but it sure seems like lately around here there are some that are close behind.

/end soap box tirade

I'm not trying to start another kind of argument about homer-colored viewpoints or anything else. I'm just stating my opinion. People can take it for whatever it's worth. I'm just tired of seeing all this anger directed at the GM and owners when people are basing a lot of it on nothing more than assumptions and guesses.

I've been told some things that lead me to believe the Maloofs and Petrie came to this decision together. I cannot quote what was said, however, and I certainly cannot give anyone a link, so I've tried to refrain from saying anything. At some point, however, I think the other side should at least be fairly represented.

Petrie and the Maloofs are, IMHO, together in wanting to rebuild the team and they've started that process - finally - by bringing in a charismatic coach with NBA player experience who wants to restore a team identity and work with the players to give the fans something to cheer about. That's a good thing...

Peace all.

I'm sorry I ranted on. It's just very frustrating at times.

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Let's make Shaw our "The Saviour" and "The only next Auerbach". WE DON'T KNOW. May be he is good but may be he is not so good. We can only assume that he (probably) can be good. Nobody really knows. Let's stop crying about him. If he really is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO good why Indiana, Charlotte, Orlando, now Kings picked other guys ? Or may be here we are smarter than GMs?? Sorry, that nobody wanna pay us millions.

MAY BE, Shaw is better than Theus. MAY BE, he is not. It is not like Shaw is a genius of basketball. He is an assistant coach in a mediocre team who has a chance to become a coach in NBA someday soon.


Reggie Hire Facts
A couple of things here.................

Shaw was a role player. that happened to be on STACKED teams that won rings. you could have replaced him with a million other players and those teams still win titles. Reggie was an All-Star and again has his name in the record books with some of the best ever.

Phil Jackson has been lucky enough to have two of the greatest combos in basketball history. Phil helped them for sure, but I think Phil is way overrated. Like Greg Pop umm hes got Tim Duncan! in fact his team is STACKED with talent right now and has had much more talent than other coaches ever get to work wit. I would love to see Phil or Pop coach a avg team. So Shaw working under Phil in my mind helps but doesnt make or break anything.

Does holding a clip board and sitting courtside, wit about 5 or 6 other coaches at NBA games, really prepare you for being a head coach? compaired to BEING a head coach and having to manage your team from the ground up?(on the college level) its true that college coaches struggle wit wanting to much control and not being able to adjust to the nba players. But almost all these coaches were not in the NBA for 13 years. and didnt command the respect that a Record holding, 2 time All-star would. OH SNAP!

Reggie was going to end up back in the NBA at some point as a Head Coach. He was interviewed and considered by other teams this year. He was going to come back. He also had a good thing going on the college level. Why would he throw that away to be just another guy holding a clip board. Dont forget Muss was a great Lead Assistant and an up and coming one at that.

Most people outside of our sacramento frenzy LIKE this hire. Petrie was obviously not ever down with Muss and the way things went down last year.
I watched the press conference last year and this year. and I totally didnt have the same feeling as last year. Petrie is down with Reggie, end of story!

Welcome Reggie !
The point is that people are making an assumption or drawing a conclusion about what the Maloofs might have done that is simply not supported by anything remotely factual. And I, quite frankly, think it's unfair.
Well there really isn't evidence that indicates this was a clean process either. The article in this thread seems to make the contention that there was a difference of opinion and it later got smoothed out. The question is whether that was a legitimate act of persuasion or an act of subtle coercion.

Either way, your statement is only true in a world where people are willing to give the Maloofs the benefit of the doubt. While you certainly appear to be willing to do that, its most certainly fair that others don't considering how bad the process got botched last year. I wouldn't blame anyone for their skepticism on this matter. And the article posted only reinforces that skepticism.

Needless to say, I don't find it that unfair. The Maloofs blew it last time and messed up the whole process so when even the possibility of tampering comes back into play, I wouldn't blame a soul for calling them out. Kings fans aren't the only ones who think the Maloofs are tampering. A couple of guys from SI post on the rockets board and the moment this came out, the first words out of their mouth were about how the Maloofs need to stop interfering.