Artest's betting odds on new teams


Ron Artest odds of playing for the kings are 33 to 1 which is ranked 9th. First place is the Knicks at 1 to 1.75, followed by Philadelphia at 8 to 1, then Chicago, Denver, and Dallas. Then again these are numbers from a bookie.

Just an FYI on Artest's status.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Kings113 said:
76ers aren't trading Iguodala away, and the Pacers aren't trading Artest to a conference rival.
Here's the Sixers offer -- Korver and Dalembert.

That ain't bad.

(not obviously is an A.I./Iggy/Artest/Webber quartet, although Ron may throttle A.I. at some point ofr not giving hi the ball enough. ;) ).
Bricklayer said:
Here's the Sixers offer -- Korver and Dalembert.

That ain't bad.

(not obviously is an A.I./Iggy/Artest/Webber quartet, although Ron may throttle A.I. at some point ofr not giving hi the ball enough. ;) ).
im curious, brick...where did u see that?
I doubt Mark Cuban and the Mavs would bring him here. I certainly don't want him on the Mavs.

Yes the Mavs have many pieces to trade if they chose to get Artest, but we have a championship contending team as it is and I don't think Cuban or Avery Johnson are going to do anything to mess with chemistry on this team.
mavsman said:
I doubt Mark Cuban and the Mavs would bring him here. I certainly don't want him on the Mavs.

Yes the Mavs have many pieces to trade if they chose to get Artest, but we have a championship contending team as it is and I don't think Cuban or Avery Johnson are going to do anything to mess with chemistry on this team.
I agree. Pacers would definitely want Josh Howard too, or KVH/youngster. I wouldn't give up Howard, he's still developing and is already damn good.
Bricklayer said:
Here's the Sixers offer -- Korver and Dalembert.

That ain't bad.

(not obviously is an A.I./Iggy/Artest/Webber quartet, although Ron may throttle A.I. at some point ofr not giving hi the ball enough. ;) ).

That's exactly what the Pacers need, extra shotblocking and shooting. Plus, they get to submarine a rival by creating an instant locker room fight between Ron and AI. The Pacers should do that deal posthaste.
Bricklayer said:
Here's the Sixers offer -- Korver and Dalembert.

That ain't bad.

(not obviously is an A.I./Iggy/Artest/Webber quartet, although Ron may throttle A.I. at some point ofr not giving hi the ball enough. ;) ).
I would be shocked to see the Pacers take on any long term mega deals after all the complaining they did about trying to get under the tax threshold.
Venom said:
That's exactly what the Pacers need, extra shotblocking and shooting. Plus, they get to submarine a rival by creating an instant locker room fight between Ron and AI. The Pacers should do that deal posthaste.
naaa...dont like it...all it does is make us the portland trailblazers on steroids...
mavsman said:
I doubt Mark Cuban and the Mavs would bring him here. I certainly don't want him on the Mavs.

Yes the Mavs have many pieces to trade if they chose to get Artest, but we have a championship contending team as it is and I don't think Cuban or Avery Johnson are going to do anything to mess with chemistry on this team.
The Mavs are dying for a defender like him. Someone like him paired with Dirk is the difference between contending and pretending.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Gargamel said:
The Mavs are dying for a defender like him. Someone like him paired with Dirk is the difference between contending and pretending.
Thye've got a heck of a young defender in Howard. I'm sure that is the holdup. Pacers want to steal Josh away, Mavs figure they already have a pretty good one in the hand, so do they roll the dice on a better, but nuttier, one in the bush?

Similar to any Bonzi consideration. Pacers may be looking for tough guys, but the toughness-starved teams that need Ron can hardly afford to trade core sane tough guys for a crazy tough guy.
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Bricklayer said:
Thye've got a heck of a young defender in Howard. I'm sure that is the holdup. Pacers want to steal Josh away, Mavs figure they already have a pretty good one in the hand, so do they roll the dice on a better, but nuttier, one in the bush?

Similar to any Bopnzi consideration. Pacers may be looking for tough guys, but the tooughness-starved teams that need Bonzi can hardly afford to trade core sane tough guys for a crazy tough guy.
Spot on.
Well if we were to trade for Artest it was going to be for maybe KVH, maybe Stackhouse all though his stock is not too high with him being injured all year to date...Maybe even Marquis Daniels who is having a bounceback year

I don't think anyone in the Mavericks braintrust is going to trade Josh Howard for Ron Artest. Did you see his game tonight against the Suns? 2 games back from a sprained ankle that sidelined him for 8 games, he had something like 15 points and 18 rebounds! He's a definite up and comer and there's just no way they trade him. Even for a talent like Artest. His stock is too high.
Bricklayer said:
Thye've got a heck of a young defender in Howard. I'm sure that is the holdup. Pacers want to steal Josh away, Mavs figure they already have a pretty good one in the hand, so do they roll the dice on a better, but nuttier, one in the bush?

Similar to any Bonzi consideration. Pacers may be looking for tough guys, but the toughness-starved teams that need Ron can hardly afford to trade core sane tough guys for a crazy tough guy.
I don't think Howard impacts a game on a nightly basis as much as Artest does. If I were Dogboy, I'd seriously consider this move if it will land them Artest (and I'm not even saying that Howard has to be part of a deal). In addition, the Mavs appease a player pretty well with all the fringe benefits they throw at them. Plus, Dogboy is a kind of unorthodox owner to say the least. He's already shown the willingness to take on someone like Rodman.

I'd be a lot more nervous of the Mavs with Artest in Howard's place. If Josh is a dealbreaker, then I'm glad that we don't have to contend with both Dirk and Ronny.
Gargamel said:
I don't think Howard impacts a game on a nightly basis as much as Artest does. If I were Dogboy, I'd seriously consider this move if it will land them Artest (and I'm not even saying that Howard has to be part of a deal). In addition, the Mavs appease a player pretty well with all the fringe benefits they throw at them. Plus, Dogboy is a kind of unorthodox owner to say the least. He's already shown the willingness to take on someone like Rodman.

I'd be a lot more nervous of the Mavs with Artest in Howard's place. If Josh is a dealbreaker, then I'm glad that we don't have to contend with both Dirk and Ronny.
"Dogboy" had one reason and one reason only to bring in Rodman - to put rear ends in Reunion Arena. He had literally just bought the team, the team was starting to win (they would make the playoffs the following year) and he wanted to generate interest in the Mavs.

He doesn't have the patience for Artest. They're close to winning now - why jeapordize it?
mavsman said:
Well if we were to trade for Artest it was going to be for maybe KVH, maybe Stackhouse all though his stock is not too high with him being injured all year to date...Maybe even Marquis Daniels who is having a bounceback year

I don't think anyone in the Mavericks braintrust is going to trade Josh Howard for Ron Artest. Did you see his game tonight against the Suns? 2 games back from a sprained ankle that sidelined him for 8 games, he had something like 15 points and 18 rebounds! He's a definite up and comer and there's just no way they trade him. Even for a talent like Artest. His stock is too high.
Again, agreed.