Artest is unstable



He also said if he wins a ring this year, he will retire.

He still sees himself as a victim in the Detroit riot and does not feel that he did anything wrong. He also talked about last year, prior to inciting that riot, when he wanted to take time off from basketball to promote his rap album. That was during the season, mind you.

Bernie Goldberg liked Artest. But he told Bryant Gumbel that Artest has the mind of a child. I agree with that characterization -- Artest came off like a 15 year old. But Goldberg thought there was no way Artest would do anything to get himself in trouble this year. I had the exact opposite impression. It appeared to me that Artest has learned exactly nothing from his suspension, and he is enough of a loose cannon that it is just a matter of time before he melts down.

Prior to this show, I would have liked Artest on my team. After viewing the segment, I don't want him anywhere near Sacramento. He's too immature and unstable.
based on the hornets game, it certainly appears u could use him...however, the odds of artest being traded are slim and none...and slim just left town...

couple words of wisdom where artest is concerned....he is going about business off the court in a rodmanlike way....hes gonna ride the wave for all its worth....he lost 5 million last year and hes gonna say things to keep himself in the make up for that lost revenue...

heres how u judge artest....u dont put any credence in what he says....if u do, u will drive urself minute he has the perfect comment...the next, just the opposite...

all that matters is what ron does...and rons actions are far different this year....and have been recognized by those that are most important-his teammates and pacer management...

the fact he gets this sort of negative reaction from opponents fans-only helps ron....because ron wants to stay in the limelight....and this thread proves his comments are very effective in doing so...
I don't see Artest being traded, nor did I ever. A lot of it is hope.

Hopefully it's just Artest talking... he's only 25. Still plenty of time to win a championship. I think the Pacers probably win a championship by 2-3 years from now anyways.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
AleksandarN said:
Good luck to the Pacers on ever trying to trade him

Ron Artest tells interviewer Bernard Goldberg on tonight's edition of HBO's "Real Sports" that he plans to retire from the NBA in two or three years. Then what? Among other things, Artest says he wants to try professional boxing.
-- Los Angeles Times
There is a lot of Ricky Williams in Ron Artest. Beware Pacers fans -- that is NOT a good thing.
He always says this, in the end, it never happens. Recently he said he would play ball until physically unable to anymore. He says lot, means little.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Fillmoe said:
and how did u make that assumption?
I watch, I listen. Its not hard to do as long as you don't play the fanboy and hear only what you want to hear. Every once in a while a gifted ahlete comes along compeltely at war with himself and unsure of what he wants to do with his life, despite the path being perfectly obvious to everyone not named him. Artest is that kind of twitchy.
Bricklayer said:
I watch, I listen. Its not hard to do as long as you don't play the fanboy and hear only what you want to hear. Every once in a while a gifted ahlete comes along compeltely at war with himself and unsure of what he wants to do with his life, despite the path being perfectly obvious to everyone not named him. Artest is that kind of twitchy.
Ron envisions himself doing a lot of different things, but in the end he's a basketball player. He's nothing like Ricky Williams IMO. Ricky isn't quite as loony as Ron, but Ricky also wasn't passionate about his sport. Just look at the way he plays the game, the way Ron shows up at the rookie/summer league fodder practices every year, etc, the man bleeds basketball.... to the point to where it hurts him really.

But I guess I'm just a fanboy. :rolleyes:
sorry brick, but u r off on this one....ron is nothing like ricky...the reasons they do things are dramatically different....ricky does his job...ron has a passion for basketball that is matched by very almost could be classified as an obsession...

fortunately or unfortunately, hes much closer to being a bit like rodman than williams....and even then, hes not a rodman...

artest is unique....his issues are emotional and impulse in nature-and based on insecurites to a certain degree...

those that try to pigeon hole him or compare him to others are making a mistake...not unlike the mistakes that have been made with him in the past...
But will Ron's obsession abate once he reaches the promised land? I think that's what Brick may be getting at.

Then again, Jordan took some time off from hoops too, but that's a whole other story.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
LPKingsFan said:
But will Ron's obsession abate once he reaches the promised land? I think that's what Brick may be getting at.

Then again, Jordan took some time off from hoops too, but that's a whole other story.
Oh, there is no need to defend my opinion on this. While I generally respect our Indiana fans, talking to them about Artest is like talking to a Kings fan about Peja...or at least used to be. You know the story: :)



Don't Make Me Use The Bat
sloter said:
Ricky Williams is everything but angry or violent.
Not the trait I was referring too. Actually do not mind Ron's anger or violence...within reason from a competitive standpoint. From an athletic standpoint I "trust" those traits. Always been far more bothered with his flirtations with quitting, taking time off, walking away, retiring early etc. The anger etc. COULD stem from being TOO competitive. Make him a jerk, but a hell of a competitor driven by demons. The other stuff is just the opposite. If somebody is going to be on my team the one thing I want to know is that they are as totally dedicated to the goal as I am.

If the Pacers had a disastrous year, as did Ron, is there really any guarantee he wouldn't walk away? That's where the Ricky Williams (or Bison Dele) comparison comes in. No matter how terrible the Pacers did, or he did personally, you absolutely know Jermaine O'Neal will be in the league next year. He's a basketball player. A very well paid one. Its what he does. Everything else is secondary until he gets too old. Walking away is not even a consideration. For many of these guys they don't even want to walk away when they ARE old and their bodies are telling them to quit. But there's a special class of players for whom that obvious conclusion does not seem to resonate. And IMO its very fair to lump Ron into it (its also fair to note that he loves the game, because that may be the thing that prevents him from doing the bid stupid(er)).
Ron missed basketball...he played nearly everday he was off...

u think ricky missed football?

u think bison missed basketball?

ron has a number of problems...but hes a basketball player...much like u make reference to Jermaine...

ill say it again....hes more like rodman-in that hes gonna say things that keep peoples attention and curiosity with rodman, it was a little bit more by design...but the result is the nearly the same....

put no credence in anything ron says, and just watch his actions....remember, actions speak louder than words...people spending all their time on what ron is saying are in for a long, tired road that leads nowhere...
Bricklayer said:
Oh, there is no need to defend my opinion on this. While I generally respect our Indiana fans, talking to them about Artest is like talking to a Kings fan about Peja...or at least used to be. You know the story: :)
