This is at KCRA.COM
Sorry, I know how important links are.
I did not paraprase very well.
SACRAMENTO, Calif. -- Sacramento Mayor Heather Fargo said if Tuesday's deadline for a deal on a new sports arena is not met, it will not mean an end to efforts to build a new arena in Sacramento.
The big sticking point in reaching a deal remains the cost of a new arena, which is expected to exceed $400 million.
Part of the money would come from a quarter-cent increase in the Sacramento County sales tax, which would have to go before votes.
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Despite a recent round of talks involving city and county leaders and the Sacramento Kings ownership in Las Vegas, there is still no agreement. Fargo said it could go either way.
"I think it might be a little bit worse than 50-50 right now, but sometimes deadlines make people make different decisions," Fargo said.
Even if a deal is reached by Monday or Tuesday, it still must go through a public hearing.