Anyone else have this issue right now?


What's the deal with having to put a "< BR >" in there for the enter key now.. Anyone else having this issue.. Was wondering if it's maybe an add that I have on firefox.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
What's the deal with having to put a "< BR >" in there for the enter key now.. Anyone else having this issue.. Was wondering if it's maybe an add that I have on firefox.


Are you having to manually type <br> to get a line break? Definitely not an issue for me. Do you have IE on your computer as well? Might be worth testing on a second browser.
It's an addon I am using.. Which one I don't know.. I reinstalled about 10 of them yesterday, and I think one got updated and now I have to type a couple "< BR >"s if I want to have a space between paragraphs lol.. It works fine in IE. Should have tested that first :) I tend to forget about IE because I haven't used it in years hehe.