A note from Kevin Martin


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
BBallGrl15 said:
Yeah but it's times like this when the high for the day is like 25 and the wind chill makes it feel like minus whatever and Temple won't cancel classes even though its at least 10 inches of snow outside and now it takes at least an extra 30 min. to get there that I wish I was some place, any place it doesn't matter, sunny and warmer with palm trees.
I HATE palm trees -- stupid little mop-topped limp-wristed sad excuse for a warm weather wimpy bush. Doesn't even deserve the title of "tree". :)
Bricklayer said:
I HATE palm trees -- stupid little mop-topped limp-wristed sad excuse for a warm weather wimpy bush. Doesn't even deserve the title of "tree". :)
Who else can picture a nightmarish experience with a little bricklayer. You know, maybe he took a nap one afternoon only to be awakened by an onslaught of coconuts being rained down from above. Or maybe one Christmas he decides to fix up the big tree with lights and he spends hours to finally get them all up and flip the switch with none of them working. Or maybe hes catholic, went to church on Palm Sunday wanting to get his palm leaves blessed and make those little crosses and the things just fall completely apart.

We're here for you Brick. Express you pain....