A Cautionary Tale (Part 1)


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Roch Royals Fan said:
Let's be realistic here:

1. The Maloofs are NOT obligated to over-spend to have a competitive team in Sacramento. It's valid to criticize them if they are like Donald Serling, but haven't been, and they're still not. You might recall last year when you were wondering what the economic payoff to a championship was. Well, I distinctly remember that the increase in franchise value over the last twenty years was pretty similar between the Clippers and the Lakers. FOR MOST FRANCHISES, WINNING DOESN'T MEAN A WHOLE HECK OF A LOT TO THE BOTTOM LINE. For example, I don't blame the Maloofs if they don't want to sign and trade Mobley if it means that they will be over the luxury tax threshold.
Never said they were obligated. I said, "The owners, for whatever reason, tightened the purse strings." And I have no idea what you're trying to get to with the comment about the Maloofs and Mobley. We're already FAR over the salary cap. Doing a sign and trade to get a player of value in return isn't going to have a negative effect on anything.

2. I also don't understand your criticism of the Maloof brothers not being as interested in the team as before. They made a SERIOUS effort to get Phil Jackson (whether or not you thought it was a good idea, he wouldn't have come cheap!) And he wouldn't have counted against the salary cap. They're obviously not fully satisfied with Adelman, even though he's done a good job. A disinterested owner would keep Rick around, while the Maloofs are looking for possible improvement.
I said it appeared the family wasn't as interested ... I said several times "IT SEEMED" like they weren't as enthusiastic.

3. It's now clear the the Vlade's time had passed, and the Kings made the right move in letting him go. I bet you that LA wishes they had passed on him.
And? I said the gentle giant left amid cries of angst from his loyal followers. That's not an exaggeration. People WERE unhappy when Vlade left.

4. Team's have cycles. It's just unfortunate that Sacramento's prime years coincided with LA (four WC championships in 5 years) and SA (three NBA titles in 7 years). The Kings will forever be likened to the Milwaukee Bucks of the early 80s, with Moncrief and Lanier, they were never able to get by either the Celtics or 76ers.
So? You're reading way too much into a story - and only part 1 of the story at that.

5. Yes, it was sad to lose CWebb last season. And yes, I wish we'd gotten more for him. Yet, he's one slip away from a career-ending injury. You can't possibly blame ownership for wanting to move that contract. Most owners would have done something similiar.
Again, that's not the point. Webber was shipped off. Some were happy; others were very sad. That's all I said...

6. There's nothing that ownership could have reasonable done to reverse this cycle. IN FACT, IT'S THEIR WILLINGNESS TO CLEVERLY MAKE DEALS AND STAY OVER THE SALARY CAP (OVERSPEND) THAT HAS LED THEM TO BE SO GOOD FOR SO LONG. (trading JWill for Bibby and Pollard/Hedo for Brad has actually extended the natural cycle).
And this relates to my story how exactly?

7. In fact, the Kings will still be good next year. I fully expect them to contend for a playoff spot, and maybe win 50 games next year. It's not like they're going to be basement feeders. IT'S NOT LIKE THE MALOOFS ARE PULLING A BRUCE RATNER (OWNER OF THE NETS), AND SALARY DUMPING QUALITY PLAYERS LIKE KMART AND ALONZO FOR VERY LITTLE.
And, for the third time, so? It's a story...and it's only part 1 of the story.

So relax. At least the Lakers won't be winning anytime soon!!
Whatever. You have missed the point so badly I feel remiss as the author.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Roch Royals Fan said:
VF21 See, if could be a LOT worse:

Still, ownership has its benefits. In 1981, Sterling bought these Clippers for a paltry $12.7 million in deferred salaries. Now the franchise is worth about $200 million. How stupid is that?

Spending money doesn't necessarily lead to a corresponding increase in franchise value. Conversely, being a cheap idiot doesn't seem to negatively impact your franchise's value.
Once again, I have never said that spending money necessarily leads to anything. What I was pointing out was that, at first, the Maloofs spent A LOT of money. They overpaid for Webber, they overpaid for Bibby and they overpaid for Miller. Having done that, the fans ... naturally ... expected that to continue.

In a story, writers spin a tale based on their perception. My perception is that for a variety of reasons, the once solid fan base is starting to show some cracks. If you don't think the fan base is in turmoil, then you may be the only one. There are lots of things going on. My story is just a light-hearted attempt to chronicle some of them as they happen. I don't know how it's going to end...that'll be up to the Maloofs, Geoff Petrie, etc.
I liked your tale, VF! I wouldn't have told it the same way, but ~viva la' differance~...

I have an idea it will be an interesting season, and a turning point for the franchise.

I hope you will be able to happily type Part II with a much lighter heart. :)

Is that what we have become? People bickering over dollars and cents? Sorry, thats not the reason why I became a sports fan. Yes, yes that all seem a bit melo dramatic, dare I say exaggerated, for me to say, becasue at the end of the day this is a buisness, but it still doesn't make it right in my eyes. I am a sports fan becasuse I love the game. I am a Kings becuase I love the team. Its a release--escape-- from real life to live and die with every miss and make, win and loss.

I think it was Bricklayer who said on here a while ago that no one buys a sports team to make money. I agree. Owning a sports team in my eyes is like buying a fancy car and decking it out in the whole nine yards. Its for show. It is in a way being pretentious, not that I am saying its wrong, just calling it like I see it.

Anyhow, getting to my real point in this now 2am ramble, when did it all become about the money for fans? When did sports in THIS town stop being about going out and rooting for the city's passion, OUR team?

I think VF21 piece, which by the way was great, gives us the answer.
VF21 said:
Once again, I have never said that spending money necessarily leads to anything. What I was pointing out was that, at first, the Maloofs spent A LOT of money. They overpaid for Webber, they overpaid for Bibby and they overpaid for Miller. Having done that, the fans ... naturally ... expected that to continue.
VF21, I'm shocked and this is from someone who supported the reported rationale of trading him. There is no way that given the state of the team at that time that they overpaid him! At the time, that was the only option. Any dickering at that time, we probably wouldn't be talking of the Kings collapse from the elite, we would still be waiting for their rise. After the knee, hindsight is easy.
Hadn't seen this until now, but I'm glad I found it. Very well written, as you already know :). I'm almost envious of the skillage involved with writting it. lol.

Anyways, nice job, can't wait for the next installment ;)
Who will save the day in part 2??? What a cliffhanger, who will lead us to the Championsihp? Who will get us the trophy? Oh I must know, I must know!


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Staff member
whozit said:
VF21, I'm shocked and this is from someone who supported the reported rationale of trading him. There is no way that given the state of the team at that time that they overpaid him! At the time, that was the only option. Any dickering at that time, we probably wouldn't be talking of the Kings collapse from the elite, we would still be waiting for their rise. After the knee, hindsight is easy.
The Maloofs could have saved 20-30 mil and still paid him what he was worth (and definitely more than others could offer). Webber was definitely overpaid, and a LOT of us felt that way at the time. We shouldn't have paid him any more than it would have taken to keep him here instead of handing him the pen to fill in the balnks on the check.


Very well written. VF21, I feel some are looking way to much into the story, and chopping bits and pieces out of it to find fault with. ITS A STORY. If someone feels otherwise about the piece, write your own story.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Warhawk said:
The Maloofs could have saved 20-30 mil and still paid him what he was worth (and definitely more than others could offer). Webber was definitely overpaid, and a LOT of us felt that way at the time. We shouldn't have paid him any more than it would have taken to keep him here instead of handing him the pen to fill in the balnks on the check.
Wasn't pracical at the time. You pay your superstar what superstars get paid, you don't ask questions. The man averaged 27pts 11rebs 4.5ast the season we dropped that contract on him. Losing him then means you never even have the golden era. So you pay th big contract, and you don't worry too much about it. Pre-injury, he did exactly what you are susposed to do with that size contrct -- made us into prhaps the #1 team in the league. An epic battle in the 2002 WCF, and then the consensus pick to win it all the next year. That's overpaying only to the degree that all of these guys are overpaid.
Bricklayer said:
Wasn't pracical at the time. You pay your superstar what superstars get paid, you don't ask questions. The man averaged 27pts 11rebs 4.5ast the season we dropped that contract on him. Losing him then means you never even have the golden era. So you pay th big contract, and you don't worry too much about it. Pre-injury, he did exactly what you are susposed to do with that size contrct -- made us into prhaps the #1 team in the league. An epic battle in the 2002 WCF, and then the consensus pick to win it all the next year. That's overpaying only to the degree that all of these guys are overpaid.
Just imagine the same time Webber got the Max deal, so did Allan Houston. Salaries were heavily inflated, and the league's teams are still paying for the 7 year CBA. Webber pre-injury was worth the money. Post-injury he's probally worth half of it, but who knew? Honestly Webber's contract sucks, I won't deny it, but so do a lot of players contracts in the league. Only few are underpaid with respect to there value.
That was indeed a beautiful piece, VF. Have you ever considered writing storybooks for children?

Also, I'm sorry some people misconstrued your work.
That was the best story ever. And it was so true!!!!! I can't believe it. I've felt soooo confused as to what's been happening with our Kings and your story says it all! It's great. I can't wait till it's continued. Hopefully it'll have a very happy ending...one that includes the word "CHAMPIONSHIP"


Homer Fan Since 1985

...for those who might want to read part 1 before tackling part 2. You will find a very entertaining read throughout. Enjoy!! :)