I find it hard to think like Meyers, so..if it were me I might go with Vaughn if she's still there. Again, thinking from the outside....I'd want somebody in the paint. Bonner, TSmith, LJ(if she indeed winds up there) all have similar games, Smith might actually play down in the paint out of necessity.
I'm not swayed per se by their tournament performances, that to me helps judge them at a different level, but it isn't their full work. Vaughn's got a pro body and a pro game, her head/desire is what holds down her stock. I'd be willing to roll the dice on the body and game being enough with the right coach and system and not needing her to start or do anything outside of what she should be able to do: grab some boards and push people around.
But if she loves Bonner, more power to her lol...but it does make sense the more I think about it tho, once I stop thinking about how much they all would be similar types of players lol.