"2000" Watch

Okay--it's time to start the countdown...Ticha is officially at 1915 assists--only 85 away from the 2000 assist mark! With 20 games left in the regular season, she only needs to average 4.25 assists per game to reach 2000 this season. Easy enough for my all-time favorite Monarch :)

Personally, I am hoping that she reaches that mark on Fan Appreciation Night on Tuesday Sept. 9th at home against Seattle. How perfect would that be ;)
Our gal Ticha is at 1942 assists as of 3pm on July 8, 2008. She needs 58 more to reach the 2000 mark. Lets add a bunch of assists tonight Ticha!!!

Also--she leads the WNBA in all-time steals at the moment, having surpassed Swoopes--Ticha has 626, while Sheryl has 620. :D

By the way--Yo is #3 overall with 504. Speaks volumes doesn't it, that two of the top three in all-time steals earned most, if not all of those steals as a Monarch. We could sure use ALOT more of that defense this season...


Homer Fan Since 1985
All time assists and all time steals. How can you not just love it?

BTW, Ticha is my 2nd all-time favorite Monarch. :D
"2000" Watch (Update)

Okay, so now we are within games of the official record of 2000 assists for our gal Ticha! No one has ever reached this milestone in the WNBA. My hope is no one ever breaks it :)

As of Saturday July 19th, Ticha has 1967--only 33 more to go!!! If she stays on mark with where she has been for the last several games, averaging between 7-9 assists, she will reach the magic number 2000 in 4-5 games. Let's hope for 4 games, which would be next Friday night at home against the Indiana Fever. If not, she will likely reach 2000 in the following two games which are on the road.

Come on Ticha--we want you to set this record at ARCO with all of us! :)

Start the chant now--2000 FEVER, 2000 FEVER, 2000 FEVER!!!
2000 FEVER, 2000 FEVER, 2000 FEVER!!! Woohoo!!!:)

How about she drop 10 apiece on Detroit and Atlanta and make it easy on herself about this whooooooole... 'doing it at home' thing? ;)

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of KingsFans.com
Staff member
I'd have liked to have seen more assists, but I'll gladly take seventeen points and a win over the shock. Hopefully she'll crack double-figures in assists for the first time this season when I'm in attendance.

Here's something else interesting, too: through twenty-three games, Penicheiro's already scored more points than any other season in her career... So, even if she had a Flowers for Algernon moment and her shot disappeared tomorrow, she's pretty much assured of having a career scoring high this year.