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  1. sactownsfinest

    Michael Finley thread (merged)

    wow, he would be a much better SG than bonzi if we somehow got him, id guarantee a championship for us
  2. sactownsfinest

    Keys to Kings' Upcoming Season

    heh was this really necessary? ;D i agree, some stuff you post is quite insightful
  3. sactownsfinest

    Keys to Kings' Upcoming Season

    same, but id rather not have kevin martin become a darko
  4. sactownsfinest

    Keys to Kings' Upcoming Season

    its more of a biased fan factor ;D
  5. sactownsfinest

    Keys to Kings' Upcoming Season

    I may not have seen him in a kings jersey, but ive seen him in portland, memphis, etc. would you take shawn bradley? of course you would say no (assuming you arent crazy), and thats how i think the "seems fair to let him actually step on the court in a Kings uniform before you make that...
  6. sactownsfinest

    Keys to Kings' Upcoming Season

    i personally think bonzi wasnt the best addition to our team... i dont take a liking to him. i think kevin martin should start. but all in all, your keys are pretty accurate
  7. sactownsfinest

    Kevin? or Francisco?

    If we are unable to sign a guard, i see one of these two starting. But who in your opinion (or does somebody already know) will be starting? IMO id rather have kevin martin. But why would we let this rookie start instead of kevin?
  8. sactownsfinest

    Why do you love the kings?

    since 96, my cousin gave me a michael jordan basketball card, and my dad took me to the all star game. Jordan got me into it.
  9. sactownsfinest

    Kings Nicknames (merged)

    i was just trying to start a "conversation". This was never meant to cause any offense if thats how you saw it
  10. sactownsfinest

    Kings Nicknames (merged)

    i rest my case VF ;)
  11. sactownsfinest

    Kings Nicknames (merged)

    yes, thats "Team Dime". I'm saying JUST Dime. i guess my previous post didnt make much sense :)
  12. sactownsfinest

    Kings Nicknames (merged)

    My last piece or arguement ;) now to finish up homework...
  13. sactownsfinest

    Kings Nicknames (merged)

    yeah yeah, i know the story. a dime is a assist, aka the price of a "call", because back in the day, calls costed 10 cents, 10 being the number yadda yadda i stand by my comment too ;) Team Dime is just the name of him and his crews' nick.
  14. sactownsfinest

    Kings Nicknames (merged)

    actually, by upper deck, bibby is listed as "Dime" as a "famous nicknames" just a FYI
  15. sactownsfinest

    Kings Nicknames (merged)

    not too sure if this has been pointed out... but bibby has been somewhere been known for "dime"? not sure where its been from *sarcasm*
  16. sactownsfinest

    Is Courtney Alexander still on the Kings? just wanted u guys to know i wasnt crazy
  17. sactownsfinest

    Is Courtney Alexander still on the Kings?

    yahoo says he played one minute. i myself didnt watch the entire game so i guess i didnt catch it.
  18. sactownsfinest

    Is Courtney Alexander still on the Kings?

    wow what do you know, courtney played today!
  19. sactownsfinest

    My letter got into SLAM :)

    i know! i hope they actually put bibby on the cover next month
  20. sactownsfinest

    My letter got into SLAM :)

    :) haha isnt that cool? sorry if this is the wrong forum btw... could a mod move it if it is?