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  1. Mateo

    Sacramento Kings Song...

    Use the "DownloadHelper" add-on for firefox.
  2. Mateo

    What is Napear's Problem with Kevin Martin?

    Yah, cause they have pay-for audio streaming packages through They're pretty cheap I think. Still kinda lame though.
  3. Mateo

    Philly Enquirer write-up on Evans

    Some hometown love...
  4. Mateo

    Kings vs Jazz Game Thread

    That was a perfect pass and an even better finish by JT.
  5. Mateo

    good game, now lets get back to our goal

    Sorry. Didn't say that.
  6. Mateo

    good game, now lets get back to our goal

    I don't mind the losses, I just don't see the point in wishing for them to lose.
  7. Mateo

    good game, now lets get back to our goal

    Never said we we're gonna make the playoffs for one thing. Hoping for your team to lose is simply bad karma. Rubio is overrated and not quick/strong enough to play in the nba. Dominating in college means nothing.
  8. Mateo

    good game, now lets get back to our goal

    Using an inane french word for a large suitecase = craptastic FAIL
  9. Mateo

    good game, now lets get back to our goal

    Exactly, and it's lametastic.
  10. Mateo

    good game, now lets get back to our goal

    Who exactly do you want? And seriously, do you think one guy is gonna turn this team around as quick as you want it? There's talent on this team right now. And don't say "we," "us" or "our" when referring to the team. Are you employed by them or have some kind of say in the King's operations...
  11. Mateo

    good game, now lets get back to our goal

    Please leave. Anybody who wishes for losses is not a fan. The draft is not the panacea and the class this year is weak.
  12. Mateo

    Anyone have the Hawes 360 then dunk

    I think I almost liked his fastbreak behind the back pass more.
  13. Mateo

    Anyone have the Hawes 360 then dunk

    Sorry, I don't. But that ish was badass.
  14. Mateo

    would you prefer wins or hard fought losses?

    Meh. Means little. Especially the last two columns. Uh, popularity contests, much.
  15. Mateo

    Kings @ Hornets Game Thread

    Exactly. Go start your own "playoff" thread if that's what you wanna talk...this is the "game" thread.
  16. Mateo

    Kings @ Hornets Game Thread

    I ain't new buddy. Sorry, I don't post 100 times on game nights. Don't worry though, I'm not going anywhere. Been a Kings fan all my life.
  17. Mateo

    Kings @ Hornets Game Thread

    Nobody was...get over it people. Enjoy a W.
  18. Mateo

    Kings @ Hornets Game Thread

    Nope. People are just enjoying good basketball. I would hate to sit next to either of you at a game.
  19. Mateo

    Kings @ Hornets Game Thread

    What do you know? Just as much as you (and piksi) can be pessimists, others can be optimists. Pipe down.
  20. Mateo

    ESPN: NBA fines Theus $25,000 for comments about officiating

    The Kings were getting called for so many more "touch" fouls at the end of that game, especially against Iverson. Do they normally fine the organization as well, or did they say or do something too?