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    Mike Bibby - Too early to say goodbye?

    Now can we all stand and sing a rousing rendition on cumbaya (not sure if I spelled that gut-wrenching song of peace and love correcntly).:eek:
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    Mike Bibby - Too early to say goodbye?

    BigWaxer......The one point I actually agree with you on is the order which you place our offensive options. With that in mind, I have a quick question. Are you satisfied with the results which this current offensive philosophy have produced? If yes, then you have nothing to worry about. I...
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    If SAR was the first Option.....

    VF21......Why exactly is he not capable of being a #1 option? Granted, I do not think he should be "the" #1 option because his game is not suited for that style. However, IMO Reef, Martin and Bibby/Artest should each take around 15 shots per game. Just getting Reef the ball in the post will...
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    If SAR was the first Option.....

    Big Waxer - What Roman is saying is that Reef was a "great scorer" on Vancouver and Atlanta because of his efficiency. Most average players on poor teams put up big-time offensive statistics because they become volume shooters. Shareef. however, simply does not fall under that category. I do...
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    Mike Bibby - Too early to say goodbye?

    I must agree with Roman on this point. This team is in desperate need of a pass first point guard. Heck, I would settle for a pass-first player at any position. Outside of Miller, who outside of the previoius 5 game stretch has proven himself to be pass oriented, our team is comprised of...
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    Mike Bibby - Too early to say goodbye?

    IMO, BIbby is near the top of our list of problems. Without Bibby's jumpshot, he brings very little to the Kings. Though I am a little biased when it comes to Bibby, I honestly believe this to be the truth. His porous defense and lack of playmaking ability make him a liability when his...
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    John Salmons

    On this point I must agree with VF21. IMO there is simply no comparison as to who is the better fit for this years Kings team. John Salmons brings many assets which we are in dire need of having. First, when he forces shots he is usually attacking the rim. Lately, most of his shots have been...
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    Post Ron last year vs. This year

    The problem is that our team simply does not try on defense. We need a coach who immediately garners the respect of our team, not one who tries to pacify egos and play buddy, buddy with them.
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    Grades v. Wizards 12/21

    Our line-up in the second quarter had nothing to do with our eventual loss. Unless I am mistaken, we still had a respectable lead going into half-time. The problem was, and always will be, the fact that our team shots jumpshots on 75% of our offensive possessions and Bibby and Miller are quite...
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    Mistake to fire Adelman?

    Sorry to go on a rampage but I have another problem with our team so far. If we were planning on running the same crappy inverted offense as last year, why exactly did we fire the master and apprentice of said offense? Last years team was not even designed to run a Princeton-type offense once...
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    Bee: Petrie laments injuries to core players

    Bibby calling out "certain" players for being too worried about their own shot is perhaps the most amusing quote of all-time. That ball-hog does not have to worry because he simply calls his own number every other offensive possession. I am very sorry VF, I know you love him as I love Reef...
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    Mistake to fire Adelman?

    Muss is trying to be friends with his players and not step on any toes. Anyone who allows Artest to sub himself in and out at his leisure and then asks our hurt and shoot first p.g. what type of offense we should run (and then, not surprisingly we ran our inverted offense every single play...
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    (Bee)Kings Notes: Wrist still bothers Bibby's shot

    If Mike Bibby admits that his wrist bothers him, why exactly is he leading our team in shots. He needs to sit down because without his shooting touch he brings very little to the team.
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    Kings @ Spurs Game Thread

    Yes VF: as protective of my boy Shareef and quite often I will admit that I wear rose-colored glasses. Though I honestly do not know why he was benched for nearly the entire second half. Reef came out aggressive and hit all but one shot (I think) while rebounding fairly well. I know Muss is...
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    Kings @ Spurs Game Thread

    VF,,you were so close but not correct. I don't like BIbby as a p.g. because he allows too much penetration, is nearly a shoot first p.g. and picks his finger nails during every free moment. Can you honestly say that Bibby is an average defender?
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    Kings @ Spurs Game Thread

    I really think Salmons could play some point guard. Bibby's shooting will improve when his hand heals, but his D will never be close to average. When Bibby plays a distributing role, we win. It has happened three games that I can think of, and not surprisingly we blew each opponent out. Even...
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    Kings @ Spurs Game Thread

    Whether or not you give it credence, any sane human being can watch a game and see that Bibby does not play defense. I really would not care if he just showed some effort. And basketball is a two sided game and IMO offense is not more important than D. But I realize you are a big time BIbby...
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    Kings @ Spurs Game Thread

    BMiller....the answer to your question is that BIbby does not care about defense (I hate how often he flops trying to get an offensive foul and as a result his man gets a step on him and gets a wide open layup). I seriously don't know how he can not be embarrased while the team watches game...
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    Kings @ Spurs Game Thread

    I think before ;you can label Bibby a "premier" point guard, he must first learn how to play some semblence of defense. He also needs to realize that when you shoot under 35% from the floor, you probably should not lead your team in shot attempted. This can be blamed on his wrist. But his...
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    Grades v. Spurs 11/19

    nbran.....I agree with you about the funny felling I get when Artest hits a couple of shots early. Let me clarify that, I feel funny when he hits jumpshots early because he often gets lazy and relies on his jumpshot instead of driving or posting up which he is far more effective at doing...