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  1. T

    Artest arrested

    How can any dog watcher be that incompetent??? His primary purpose is to feed the dog!! Something strange was going on there. How could Artest not know anything about it? Why not check on occasion to be sure that his dog is being fed? What special knowledge do you have? Sorry...
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    Artest arrested

    Enough with the excuses for Artest.
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    Artest arrested

    Same old Ron Ron. Absolutely sickening. Just cut this loser. The Kings don't need the negative image. First it was Musselman's DWI, now this. Another interesting part of the article was that he had his Great Dane taken away last month because the poor dog wasn't being fed. Imagine...
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    Game Log for John Salmons

    Yeah, so much for wanting to play for a winner. Enjoy your money Bonzi.
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    Bonzi gone as Kings sign Salmons

    Why didnt' the Maloofs just open up their books to sign Bonzi in the first place? Very disappointing!
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    Bonzi gone as Kings sign Salmons

    Unbelievable. I really thought all along the Kings would definately resign Bonzi. Now, we find out they won't be resigning him, but have instead signed another Philly reject for probably $5-$6 million a year? Do the Maloofs and Petrie really want to win?
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    Larry Brown? (merged)

    I don't think taking a gamble on a WNBA coach who's never coached in the NBA even on an assistant level is a good idea.
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    Artest interview on News10

    The Knicks are a mess and will continue to be the joke of the league for years to come as long as Isiah is there. Just look at the ridiculous moves he's made. Why trade Nazr Mohammed (one of their few big men) for the PF Malik Rose? Why do they need another shoot-first guard in Francis? The...
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    Artest interview on News10

    I thought you agreed to disagree. I thought I was entitled to my opinion without it being shoved down my throat. I said it depends on how much the Maloofs want to win. Don't give me the poor argument. Do you have any idea how much $ they actually have? They obviously cared enough to...
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    Artest interview on News10

    One more point for whoever cares; it's the Maloofs' money, it's not coming out of our pockets. If they're willing to spend more money to give this team a better chance to win, then that's all the better! Then know what it would cost for LB, it would just be a question of whether or not a...
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    Artest interview on News10

    First, why do you think that it's all LB's fault for what happened in NY? Isiah Thomas is the worst executive in the NBA. He actually managed to do a worse job than Scott Layden. Has Marbury ever gotten along with anyone? Look at the track records of both Marbury and Isiah, I think there's...
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    Artest interview on News10

    My sentiments exactly. You have to take chances to win, I don't understand why Petrie doesn't think it's worth the risk. The guy is maybe the best coach in the league, why not take a chance, get rid of Brad, get a few shotblocking rebounders, and see what happens?
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    Larry Brown? (merged)

    I agree. Larry Brown is a HOF coach, someone yu don't always have a chance to get. In his more recent coaching stints, he's improved the team: Indiana, Philly, and Detroit. Don't forget that LB was credited in outcoaching Phil Jackson in that surprising Finals win. Sure, it's a gamble...
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    Kreidler- Taking Control of Their Team

    In the end it's all about winning. That's ALL that matters.
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    Kings coaching prospects (Merged)

    Yea, but this past year in NY was truly a mess. Isiah really outdid himself when actually managed to do a worse job that Scott Layden in assembling a team. LB gets into public feuds with strong egos such as Iverson and Marbury (who's always had problems wherever he's been). Bibby and Brad...
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    Kings coaching prospects (Merged)

    One guy has won a title, maybe should've won last year, while the other has won nothing.
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    Kreidler- Taking Control of Their Team

    In the face of all the anti-Maloof sentiments, I still think it's just too much of a emotional time where things are getting blown out of proportion. Many fans are worried about the Maloofs taking too much control from Petrie, however, that may not be such a bad thing. Look at a few other...
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    The Maloof Brothers - What Are Your Feelings

    Considering that they're extremely successful billionaires, own an NBA team, and started a new casino in Vegas, I think they are winners.
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    The Maloof Brothers - What Are Your Feelings

    I agree that the Adelman situation could've been handled better, but I don't think they owed Peja anything. First, as was already mentioned on this board, with the way things are in the NBA today it's very hard to inform the player first. The owners and GMs have to wait for the trade to...
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    The Maloof Brothers - What Are Your Feelings

    The Patriots owner Robert Kraft and the GM, Scott Pioli are whom I was referring to. As soon as someone starts getting old or isn't producing, they get rid of them. Look at what they did to respected veteran Lawyer Milloy, caught him 6 days before the season opener. I think the whole...