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  1. GoGoGadget

    Desert Island Music Album Draft 2013 - draft complete

    Then thank goodness I took it when I did. I'd have probably cried if I'd missed out. Like, actual tears, and junk.
  2. GoGoGadget

    Desert Island Music Album Draft 2013 - draft complete

    Not sure how to play it with this one, since the album was released less than two weeks ago. Depending not only on the tastes of my fellow drafters, but also how closely they follow new releases, the recency thing could mean this is either not yet on anyone's radar or fresh on someone's mind...
  3. GoGoGadget

    Desert Island Music Album Draft 2013 - draft complete

    Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamnit. That's one I hoped would be safe four a couple more rounds since it went undrafted last time. One of my very favorites since I was a kid. Anyway, pick coming...
  4. GoGoGadget

    Desert Island Music Album Draft 2013 - draft complete

    Good. My list needed pruning.
  5. GoGoGadget

    Desert Island Music Album Draft 2013 - draft complete

    Purple Rain probably would have been my first choice had I not decided to ignore everything drafted last time.
  6. GoGoGadget

    Desert Island Music Album Draft 2013 - draft complete

    Headed out soon, so making this one quick. My second pick of the draft is: Brothers -- The Black Keys (2010) My reasons for choosing this one are pretty simple: it's awesome. The Black Keys are a band I got into late, but got into hard...
  7. GoGoGadget

    Desert Island Music Album Draft 2013 - draft complete

    Okay. Before my first pick, a few comments about how I'll be playing this time around. In order to a) increase the challenge for myself a bit, b) help narrow down the massive preliminary list I'm working from, and c) avoid a draft list that is largely a huge repeat of my list the first time...
  8. GoGoGadget

    Desert Island Music Album Draft 2013 - draft complete

    Dirty. She will not. She has, however, finally gotten home from a wicked closing shift, has cleaned out her PMs, and is diligently writing up her first pick to be posted momentarily. Sorry for all the delays and junk -- I spent most of my day home checking the computer periodically, so of...
  9. GoGoGadget

    Desert Island Music Album Draft 2013 - draft complete

    'Twas my first round pick last time, so of course I think this is a brilliant choice.
  10. GoGoGadget

    Desert Island Music Draft signup...

    I'm definitely in. To right some previous wrongs, if nothing else.
  11. GoGoGadget

    Any desert island drafts this summer?

    Not too sure about that bit, actually. I know that the increasingly complicated rules and gimmicks for some of the drafts were a big contributing factor to my own waning participation, and I'm pretty sure I wasn't alone in that one. It got a bit out of hand, I think, and there was more than a...
  12. GoGoGadget

    At least we are not the Pelicans

    My favorite options were Bounce, Brass, or Krewe of New Orleans.
  13. GoGoGadget

    At least we are not the Pelicans

    The logo isn't horrible, I suppose. Only of the speculative mock-ups floating around that I like any better are the ones I've attached, but they wouldn't have fit with the color scheme anyway. But the name is stupid. Stuuuuuuupid. And pretty much everyone here hates it. Especially considering...
  14. GoGoGadget

    Staying or going? Latest rumors, thoughts, etc.

    ... But I thought lawyers liked triplicate?
  15. GoGoGadget

    [Grades] Grades v. Grizzlies 1/7/2013

    ... And you lost it...
  16. GoGoGadget

    Desert Island Authors Vote FINALS: #1 Jespher vs. #3 Warhawk

    Since the rest of both lists are pretty even in the number of authors I love, don't love, or don't know, this one for me comes down to Frank Miller vs. Dr. Seuss. Both of whom would have been absolute musts were I making such a list.
  17. GoGoGadget

    2012 SUMMER TROPICAL ISLAND DRAFTS -- Signups and Info

    Fingers crossed...
  18. GoGoGadget

    2012 SUMMER TROPICAL ISLAND DRAFTS -- Signups and Info

    Classrooms and libraries, mostly. Just finished the coursework for my first MA a little under a month ago and today was my first day of classes on a second masters program. Incidentally, I still check the boards pretty much everyday. Been years since I've had time to watch basketball, however...
  19. GoGoGadget

    2012 SUMMER TROPICAL ISLAND DRAFTS -- Signups and Info

    Think I'll sit this babe draft out, as a second list from me would look pretty similar to the first. The boy draft sounds fun, though, so go ahead and sign me up for that one.
  20. GoGoGadget

    [Grades] Grades v. Nuggets 03/05/12

    I'm thinking you have to go Hendricks in light of recent (alleged) revelations...