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  1. One and Done

    Jeffery Taylor:

    Taylor's severely underrated in my book. Love the strengths he brings, plus the low downside. How much would we kill to have a Sefolosha-like player on our team? Defensive-stopper, athletic, developing 3-point range...
  2. One and Done

    Another hurdle on the way to MKG removed!!

    Really liking that we're finally in a good position to get a good player...the last few years we've always been "only 1 or 2 spots" away from what was perceived to be good draft position and with the exception of last year, we've gotten lucky. That being said, I really, really hope that...
  3. One and Done

    What does this team mostly need?

    Ball movement has been an issue for several years now. Our primary need is a PG that can create for others at a rate greater than 6 apg and 2:1 A/TO, a threshold that Bibby, Beno, and Tyreke had trouble breaking consistently. We were able to mask Mike's shortcomings as an average passer by...
  4. One and Done

    Off Season to do list?

    One question, can we still amnesty Salmons if we're still at the minimum salary threshold by the start of the season? If so...armchair GM time! 1. Amnesty Salmons. To quote Jersey fans: "You're gah-bij!" 2. If lottery pick >= 7 (assuming all stay in), trade pick + Tyreke + filler for Rondo +...
  5. One and Done

    What is the Greatest Need?

    Definitely agreed. While we continue to rebuild, it's important to surround the youngsters - overwhelmed with newfound fame, fortune, temptation and challenges - with solid veterans with great character and work ethics. Guys like Travis Outlaw probably aren't the best idea.
  6. One and Done

    Sacramento City Council to consider arena ballot measure

    When I lived in Sacto I had a strange avocation of following the city council's moves (or lack thereof), and I gotta say, Sheedy has been a longtime thorn in the side of progress. This has nothing to do with her district's needs nor the "arts", "the budget", or whatever excuse her and Bill Camp...
  7. One and Done

    Jimmer's stats in comparison to the rest of the team: Facts Can't Be Denied

    I'm usually pretty quick to give up on players, and really, really didn't want this team to draft Jimmer, but I think he's still got a solid shot in this league to be an effective offensive sparkplug off the bench. I'm sure that once he becomes settled he'll improve his FG% and will develop into...
  8. One and Done

    What is the Greatest Need?

    Our greatest need has been our greatest need ever since we bowed out of playoff contention - and that's a defensive-minded distributor, a true PG. Unfortunately, I don't see anyone available who would solve our problems (and good luck getting D-Will), nor is there any strong PG's in this draft...
  9. One and Done

    It's early, but anybody have a draft wish list yet?

    Another guy to keep an eye on is Quincy Miller from Baylor. He's a versatile 6'9" SF with length, a great handle, and is already putting up great production to couple with his upside. I like him a lot more than his fellow Bear Perry Jones III, who's reputation of lacking both fire and...
  10. One and Done

    Evans for Wall

    No way Washington gives up Wall. But I think the better question is: what's the current trade value for Evans?
  11. One and Done

    Wesley Johnson?

    I don't know if I'd take Wes on the Kings, but man, he's been a real disappointment considering he had all the tools and resume of a sure-fire NBA starter. I'd really like to see him traded elsewhere as I think he has potential as a stretch-4 - consider he put up all that production in...
  12. One and Done

    Is Boris Diaw an ideal fit?

    If we're tasked with embarking upon another rebuilding project, I'd say no - you want to surround your guys with quality veterans with good character and work ethic. The latter has been a problem with Diaw since he got his extension with the Suns. The last thing we'd need, especially considering...
  13. One and Done

    It's early, but anybody have a draft wish list yet?

    I think with a team this bad, and the lack of development in our youngsters, no one and no position should be safe. Equally, I've been saying this for years - to successfully rebuild with the draft being your main channel, you've got to be a hell of a lot more aggressive, creative, (and...
  14. One and Done

    Kings will not be offering Thompson an extension

    Can't say I approve of this move, we'll be hard-pressed to find a better backup bigman. Of course Thompson isn't putting up good numbers - this team is a mess! I truly think he'd be more effective in something resembling an NBA basketball team, as he's proven. Of course this is likely the...
  15. One and Done

    Kings trading pick!

    I think this is the worst trade I have seen in a long, long time. Unfortunately, my favorite team is the doormat. This trade is bad, so makes us significantly worse and equally, saddled with a bad, unmoveable contract. I'll be the first to say it: sabotage?
  16. One and Done

    City Hall rally

    Great talks by everyone who spoke. I heard a lot of great points that have yet to made clear to council. Really great to see the passion amidst the terrible odds we face as Kings fans.
  17. One and Done

    Grant Napier to Continue at 1140????? - Maloofs will Clean House (IMHO)

    Good riddance if Grant leaves. His bullying of Kings fans has gone on long enough. Fans need a fair voice of reason during years of losing and disappointment...not someone who repeatedly insults their intelligence, loyalty, and passion.
  18. One and Done

    Another Sign Points to Kings Desire to Leave Sacramento

    To avoid Ticketmaster charges, try out this link: Password is kings.