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  1. GWD

    Kings expected to sign Mike Brown to long-term 10 million dollar per year extension

    Yes, the Kings underperformed. And my preference is aluminum foil. :) It is easily understood that an enthusiastic fan occasionally overlooks details that are obvious to others.
  2. GWD


    You choose to measure Fox and Sabonis by All-Star game selection. They were not All-Stars this recent season (although snubbed). By that measure, they have underperformed. It is your measure, not mine. Keon was given a chance due to injury...perhaps he would never have emerged while a bench...
  3. GWD


    The point of my OP was to express that the Kings have a core of very talented players that appear to be underachieving for some reason. Certainly, there are injuries and off-games, but the search for the reason(s) that goals were not met in the second year was the theme. Regardless of the...
  4. GWD


    My pleasure. Your appreciation and insight will not go unrewarded.
  5. GWD

    Kings expected to sign Mike Brown to long-term 10 million dollar per year extension

    It is so nice to have a genuine fan. I can feel the love.
  6. GWD

    Kings expected to sign Mike Brown to long-term 10 million dollar per year extension

    The questions were rhetorical to stimulate thought rather than precise to engage in argument.
  7. GWD

    Kings expected to sign Mike Brown to long-term 10 million dollar per year extension

    Was the successful COY season all Brown, all Monte, or all the rebuilt and new squad of players? If not all, then what relative percentage does each factor in the result? Then what about year two? How do the three variables balance in a year of relative success but missed playoffs? This...
  8. GWD


    It seems to be difficult to discuss contrary opinions on here without emotional responses. Opinions are not facts and are open to interpretation and debate. Besides, that is how this country was founded and is a factor to this day.
  9. GWD


    Hmmm. Coach Brown goes from unanimous 2023 COY to not receiving a single 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place vote for 2024. Same coach(es), same system, same philosophy, and mainly the same players. Other teams/coaches played through injuries so that is a shared factor. What happened in 2024 to fall so far...
  10. GWD

    [KINGS] Comments that don't warrant their own thread (Redux)

    OK, this hurts my head.
  11. GWD


    Sure. Fire is quite destructive, if that is what is meant.
  12. GWD


    Reiterating my opinion, the team is winning because it has high-quality all-star capable players that had not been present during the 16 years of mediocrity. What this thread intimates is that, with these better players, winning consistently and making a legitimate playoff seed is an...
  13. GWD

    [KINGS] Comments that don't warrant their own thread (Redux)

    After 6 years sitting on the Warrior's bench, Brown was likely anxious to get a head coaching assignment. Negotiations were on the side of management. Now, as a head coach, his negotiation position is improved. (Oops, doubled a similar post at the same moment.)
  14. GWD


    The "unanimous coach of the year" situation requires a deeper inspection before elevating it to a determinative evaluation of coaching talent. Brown's first season (2022-23) as King's coach included significant player personnel moves by Monte. Not the least of which was Sabonis (full year)...
  15. GWD


    Ah, now I understand the lack of comprehension that you admitted. Carry on.
  16. GWD


    "Don't criticize what you can't understand." (Nobel prize winning poet/songwriter.) Apparently you missed earlier posts that expressed giving Brown another year to develop this team and its functions.
  17. GWD


    How many votes will Mike Brown get for COY for this season? Monte had several trades and offers in mind, according to reports, where the players simply would not come to the Kings. And that is with Brown as coach. Of course, there may have been other factors involved but a stellar coach...
  18. GWD


    Given the alternatives, Mike Brown was likely the best pick for head coach at the time. He found himself with a talented team with several able new faces thanks to Monte. The result was Monte was EOY and Brown was COY. We can't be sure that a different coach couldn't have been able to match the...
  19. GWD

    Why Isn't Sasha Playing?

    Personal messages such as this are best handled in PM form. There is no reason to drag personalities or personal observations into a public forum unless it is to criticize or belittle, even if it be passively. I would urge a moderator to delete this post (and mine as well) while encouraging the...
  20. GWD

    [Game] Kings vs Suns 7:30PM PDT/10:30 PM EDT

    The basic problem regarding the referees is that if the team's play puts the team in the position of being vulnerable to the ref's calls then it is reasonable to expect being at their mercy. On the other hand, if the team is up 10 to 20 points (as it should have been at the end of the Suns...