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  1. R

    Worried.....about the Maloofs

    games Oh brotha, I do and it's been more painful in person than on the tube. I got 4 seats. I do think it means more to keep going when we're bad and when we're good you really appreciate it. True fans are not fair weather.......that's why the late 90's to early 2000 were so special for...
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    Worried.....about the Maloofs

    assistants BTW, I don't think assistants are a bad way to go if you take the right one. someone took a chance on CBA coaches P Jackson and George Karl, Flip etc so all coaches need their chance. I don't like the reasons Theus was hired for and his experience was definitely in question. But...
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    Worried.....about the Maloofs

    not about spending someone elses money as a franchise, in order for things in Sacrametno to get better there needs to be seats in the arena, interest for viewership and sponsors/advertisers. The way to do that is improving the team. That means 1. Getting talent 2. getting talent 3. Getting a...
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    Worried.....about the Maloofs

    Anyone else worried about the rumors of the Maloofs putting a cap on the coaching dollars? I mean, we're trying to draft some talent, and now we're scrimping on what we spend for a coach? Rumor had it Jordan actually called the Kings to ask them to match 76ers number but Maloofs have a 1.5 mil...
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    Draft express reporting Harden won't workout or visit any team outside the top 5. Seems OKC and Washington are very interested (no surprise as both need SGs). We may get our pick of all the PGs??????.....
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    More hope...... maybe I shouldn't (Rubio rumor)

    who says Geoff's enamored with Rubio? I like him, but he does have some shortcomings on paper at least. Shooting probs I don't care about, but his quickness (laterality) and thin build could give him some probs with guys like Baron Davis, Billups...etc. Does he have enough game to make up...
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    More hope...... maybe I shouldn't (Rubio rumor)

    re Memphis really needs a PF. too bad they traded a good one for nothing, but that shows how stupid they are. Think about Gay, Gasol, Mayo and Conley......Conley was very good after the coaching change when he got some freedom. Memphis was in full salary dump mode a year ago so I can't think...
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    The Economy and Season Ticket Holders

    yes and no I have had for 5 yrs now and while I am not a business owner, I have always wanted once my economics were stable. However, even in the best of times (kings wise) it would have been harder and harder to go to more games than I do now (about 10). I keep the tickets for the opportunity...
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    Brandon Jennings, anyone?

    europe Part of the problem he and his "people" didn't realize was that the vets play and start in europe over the younger oftentimes more talented players. It's a more traditional system in that way. He may have regressed, but no one really knows as his minutes have been really limited...
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    Cal Expo board votes early, says YES!!!!

    great news But the plan was inevitable anyways. I think the key is finding a developer willing to put out the estimated 5-600 mill the arena itself is projected to cost (more or less upfront as that is included in phase 1). Now there could be financial incentives that have been talked about...
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    Where do we go from here?

    what we knew was that Reggie was going to very raw as an NBA coach, and he was hired with the "thought" (not sure who, Maloof or Petrie's) he could and would become a very good coach. But, even as a rookie, the one thing he was supposed to bring was credibility with the players and an ability...
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    Breaking: Artest Traded to Houston

    options It's all about options. Look at Portland and the fantastic job they did stockpiling young talent and picks and expirings. Next year, who knows, KT/BM are expiring we have 2 1sts so who's to say we can't package for a higher pick? I also wouldn't be surprised to see a buyout of BJax...
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    Ron Artest tells that he regrets not opting out

    Vf21 I agree with all except the first presumptive fact. While I would not classify him as money grubbing, he also could have opted out and joined the Lakers or any other proven playoff contender for the MLE and didn't. So, while he says he would take less for a title he didn't do it...
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    Kenny Thomas did not opt out <gasp!>

    paragraphs Sorry, I just get going and it just keeps coming:). As for Webb, when we got past our contending years, in his "quest" for a championship ya don't think he would have been unhappy? Webb clearly throughout his years was never one to be unhappy and keep it inside. He played pretty...
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    Ron Artest tells that he regrets not opting out

    basically he stayed for one reason, actually about $1.5 million of them. He knew he wouldn't get more than the MLE out there and while it's debatable whethers he's worth it or not given his antics, HE said he'd never accept the MLE. Now he sees EB and BD opt out and get big contracts and...
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    Trade for a PG

    Knicks Won't do that deal. Why in the world wouldn't they want the expiring? They'd take on two more whales and a talent? Times are changing in NY, no more pullin the wool over......
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    Kenny Thomas did not opt out <gasp!>

    Webber trade OK, so KT is a POS as a player, he did play decent for one year and I actually thought he had enough value to trade. Petrie didn't do the Webber trade FOR KT, he did it to get movable pieces instead of one big 20+ million unmovable/can't move piece. But, it didn't work out and...
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    Beno agrees to terms with Kings

    beno Look at the list of guys making 4-7 mil in the league. who's better than Beno? and the one guy Ford, is scared and always hurt. the last neck deal and I'm not saying it wasn't scary for him, he was out 3 months with no medical reason other than nerves. I really thought he wouldn't play...
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    Shaun Livingston (merged)

    injury That injury will likely take another year to fully see what you are getting and it sure won't be better than the original. I don't think we have the patience to wait him out. He was only making slow progress before the injury and now his NBA progress has stalled. Think Jason Williams...
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    Scott Howard-Cooper: Jason Williams an Option?

    rebuilding Rebuilding doesn't mean throw the young'uns out there. There's plenty of guys who can't mentally take the beating of playing poorly and getting yelled at, yanked etc. Some guys lose their confidence and can't relax and play. As for Calderon (I saw his name a couple of times) no...