Evans for Vasquez

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So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
They met. At that meeting do you think they talked about the weather and how the NFL season might go? Just because a formal offer wasn't made there is no way both sides didn't know what each was offering.
I'm selling my house. I get an offer at asking. I haven't taken it yet so we continue showing the house. People like house, tell agent an offer is coming. As a courtesy agent lets the other buyers know we have one offer pending at asking.

Do you think if someone was looking to get in under asking they bother making a formal offer or they just move on with this new knowledge?
thats really not the same at all.

we are talking about a human being here, there are many elements when it comes to deciding what team your going to play on
oh its just that simple huh? nothing else factors into it. you think NBA players always take the highest $ offer and thats it?

you think staying loyal to a city you like doesnt come into play? what about the decision of living in New Orleans opposed to California? what about the fact that he would be a starter here, or a bench player in New Orleans?

im not saying he would take less money to stay here or not, but you can't rule it out, and now we will never know
Did you rack up 4400 posts just since May... all of them cringing at Vivek's decisions?

Or did you change your user name when Vivek took over the team?

Based on your consistently scathing critiques of this front office, maybe you should change it back? It is just so wierd for username HereWeVivek to be a broken record blasting his every move, ya know?


Super Moderator Emeritus
They met. At that meeting do you think they talked about the weather and how the NFL season might go? Just because a formal offer wasn't made there is no way both sides didn't know what each was offering.
That's my point, but this argument will most likely continue for years, much like the debate about whether or not Gerald Wallace should have been exposed to the draft.
Did you rack up 4400 posts just since May... all of them cringing at Vivek's decisions?

Or did you change your user name when Vivek took over the team?

Based on your consistently scathing critiques of this front office, maybe you should change it back? It is just so wierd for username HereWeVivek to be a broken record blasting his every move, ya know?
how was my post blasting Vivek at all? i was responding to Jamal who was saying that $ is the only factor in free agents decisions.......


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
That's my point, but this argument will most likely continue for years, much like the debate about whether or not Gerald Wallace should have been exposed to the draft.
The thing with GW is that it was an easy fix that Petrie and Co. failed to catch and fix early. Sign a guy just to expose next year. BTW, the rule that said you can't protect 8 players if you only have 8 under contract, or whatever it was... absolutely stupid rule. But it was there and we could have rectified it easy.

This was not an easy fix for a team stuck in a salary cap mess thanks to the previous regime and a logjam of mismatched players. I'd like to see what happens before I freak out. And that includes finding out where we draft next season and how Tyreke adapts on his new team.


Hall of Famer
All I can say is I'm not to worried about losing Tyreke. He is not worth 11 mil. No way.
I have said this in many ways already but the bottom line is that Tyreke may be an $11 mil athlete but he is not an $11 mil fit with the Kings. The FO was not willing to conduct a lab experiment costing $11 mil to see if Tyreke could coexist with McLemore in the back court. I don't fault that as it is at least a line of reasoning that makes sense. Perhaps we will spend $11 mil elsewhere for a player where there are no question marks.

We still have an opportunity to get a near all star quality FA with either the money freed up in the S&T or the $20 mil that would exist with amnestying Salmons. The fat lady has not sung on this deal and we are being premature in slinging stones at the FO. To carry this to a ridiculous level, what if we used the $20 mil to sign Howard? I am not advocating that by any means but we have enough money to sign damn near anyone not named Kobe. That "anyone" may be a better fit than Tyreke and gasp! he might even be better as an athlete. Trades can occur and FAs can be signed. We still haven't used what we gained from the S&T and that is roughly $9 mil.

I may have details wrong but I hope the point is understandable.

Bottom line, it's time to move on and look at the future but considering Tyreke unfortunately has been the major topic of conversation of the last two years, I realize we may need a few weeks to decompress. People have reams of stats lined up to argue against or for Tyreke and those stats will need to be used this one last time.


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
Just a question, bound to pee everyone off, but let's just say Reke really was bluffing and he'd rather play for Sac at 9 million instead of NO for 11. Is he bound to the agreement because of the offer sheet he signed or can he back out of the contract with NO before the 10th?


Super Moderator Emeritus
The thing with GW is that it was an easy fix that Petrie and Co. failed to catch and fix early. Sign a guy just to expose next year. BTW, the rule that said you can't protect 8 players if you only have 8 under contract, or whatever it was... absolutely stupid rule. But it was there and we could have rectified it easy.

This was not an easy fix for a team stuck in a salary cap mess thanks to the previous regime and a logjam of mismatched players. I'd like to see what happens before I freak out. And that includes finding out where we draft next season and how Tyreke adapts on his new team.
I won't disagree. My point was that the Tyreke argument will go on much like the GW argument, regardless of the details. :)


Hall of Famer
I have said this in many ways already but the bottom line is that Tyreke may be an $11 mil athlete but he is not an $11 mil fit with the Kings. The FO was not willing to conduct a lab experiment costing $11 mil to see if Tyreke could coexist with McLemore in the back court. I don't fault that as it is at least a line of reasoning that makes sense. Perhaps we will spend $11 mil elsewhere for a player where there are no question marks.

We still have an opportunity to get a near all star quality FA with either the money freed up in the S&T or the $20 mil that would exist with amnestying Salmons. The fat lady has not sung on this deal and we are being premature in slinging stones at the FO. To carry this to a ridiculous level, what if we used the $20 mil to sign Howard? I am not advocating that by any means but we have enough money to sign damn near anyone not named Kobe. That "anyone" may be a better fit than Tyreke and gasp! he might even be better as an athlete. Trades can occur and FAs can be signed. We still haven't used what we gained from the S&T and that is roughly $9 mil.

I may have details wrong but I hope the point is understandable.

Bottom line, it's time to move on and look at the future but considering Tyreke unfortunately has been the major topic of conversation of the last two years, I realize we may need a few weeks to decompress. People have reams of stats lined up to argue against or for Tyreke and those stats will need to be used this one last time.
We're still in the middle of this deal. It isn't complete. The trade was essentially Reke for Vasquez + cap space. Until that cap space is used, this deal is still ongoing.

There is still the "what is the rest of the deal" component to all this. How is it time to move on mid deal? Later, when we either fill that cap space or don't, then we discuss the entire deal.

I find it odd those who are backing this deal are fine stating that opinion over and over and the other side doesn't ask them to curtail posting, yet those who do question this deal and where we are at this point are being asked to curtail posting on the topic. Seems one side can't handle the opinions of the other.
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Just a question, bound to pee everyone off, but let's just say Reke really was bluffing and he'd rather play for Sac at 9 million instead of NO for 11. Is he bound to the agreement because of the offer sheet he signed or can he back out of the contract with NO before the 10th?
I believe he hasn't even signed the offer sheet yet, just verbally committed that he'd sign it on the 10th. I could be wrong but I think the way sign and trades work is that he actually never signs the offer sheet from NO, we sign him for whatever NO is going to pay and then trade him off.


Hall of Famer
We're still in the middle of this deal. It isn't complete. The trade was essentially Reke for Vasquez + cap space. Until that cap space is used, this deal is still ongoing.

There is still the "what is the rest of the deal" component to all this. How is it time to move on mid deal? Later, when we either fill that cap space or don't, then we discuss the entire deal.

I find it odd those who are backing this deal are fine stating that opinion over and over and the other side doesn't ask them to curtail posting, yet those who do question this deal and where we are at this point are being asked to curtail posting on the topic. Seems one side can't handle the opinions of the other.
I honestly don't understand your point. Have you been asked to curtail posting? I apparently disagree with you and if you think I can't handle your opinions, you haven't been paying attention. :)


Hall of Famer
I believe he hasn't even signed the offer sheet yet, just verbally committed that he'd sign it on the 10th. I could be wrong but I think the way sign and trades work is that he actually never signs the offer sheet from NO, we sign him for whatever NO is going to pay and then trade him off.
Nothing has been signed and as we learned with the way the Kings handled Iggy's offer sheet, anyone can pull out. That takes the fun out of arguing though doesn't it?


Give blood and save a life!
Staff member
You guys are all (mostly?) assuming it was about money. There could have been other reasons mixed in as well, such as personality conflicts, anticipated roles on the team next year, etc., etc., that we will likely never know about (if they ever existed to begin with), just like we won't know the conversation details at the meeting they had.

Twitter comments be damned, I don't think we know all the details of the Andre thing and I don't think we know all the details here either.

And, yes, that is also speculation, just like the previous 500 posts in this thread.

Point being, can we quit beating a dead horse now and move on with what "is"?


Hall of Famer
Gee, perhaps Tyreke's affection for Sacramento was sullied by his misuse every damn year. He was a side show as a rookie, Unfortunately he was injured for much of season two which limited his abilities. Then he was abused the last two years. He might not have warm and fuzzy feeling about being a King. Sure he likes the fans. No question.
Tyreke pulling out - or anybody else in the trade for that matter - would be completely different than what happened with Iggy though. There's an agreement in place. There was no agreement between the Kings and Andre. It's not going to happen.


Super Moderator Emeritus
We're still in the middle of this deal. It isn't complete. The trade was essentially Reke for Vasquez + cap space. Until that cap space is used, this deal is still ongoing.

There is still the "what is the rest of the deal" component to all this. How is it time to move on mid deal? Later, when we either fill that cap space or don't, then we discuss the entire deal.

I find it odd those who are backing this deal are fine stating that opinion over and over and the other side doesn't ask them to curtail posting, yet those who do question this deal and where we are at this point are being asked to curtail posting on the topic. Seems one side can't handle the opinions of the other.
My comment to HereWeVivek about beating the dead horse is because he has made it a point to go on and on and on and on ... ad nauseam ... both here and on Twitter and, quite frankly, it just gets to be a bit much. But, no problem. I've said what I felt I needed to say and, barring some new line of dialog, I most likely won't be posting in this thread again.

I'm excited for the future of this team. I see that the front office has obviously decided that the team is going to be built around Demarcus Cousins, and I can live with that. I wish Tyreke well in his future endeavors but will not second-guess PDA or Vivek at this point. It's a matter of accepting that the man who just drastically overpaid for a franchise to keep it here in Sacramento should be allowed a fair chance to pursue his vision before a few vocal Kings fans draw and quarter him.

I have said this in many ways already but the bottom line is that Tyreke may be an $11 mil athlete but he is not an $11 mil fit with the Kings. The FO was not willing to conduct a lab experiment costing $11 mil to see if Tyreke could coexist with McLemore in the back court. I don't fault that as it is at least a line of reasoning that makes sense. Perhaps we will spend $11 mil elsewhere for a player where there are no question marks.

We still have an opportunity to get a near all star quality FA with either the money freed up in the S&T or the $20 mil that would exist with amnestying Salmons. The fat lady has not sung on this deal and we are being premature in slinging stones at the FO. To carry this to a ridiculous level, what if we used the $20 mil to sign Howard? I am not advocating that by any means but we have enough money to sign damn near anyone not named Kobe. That "anyone" may be a better fit than Tyreke and gasp! he might even be better as an athlete. Trades can occur and FAs can be signed. We still haven't used what we gained from the S&T and that is roughly $9 mil.

I may have details wrong but I hope the point is understandable.

Bottom line, it's time to move on and look at the future but considering Tyreke unfortunately has been the major topic of conversation of the last two years, I realize we may need a few weeks to decompress. People have reams of stats lined up to argue against or for Tyreke and those stats will need to be used this one last time.
After some calming down, I think I'm most in-tune with this. I still think it's a wrong decision to not keep Tyreke for another year and work him out with Cousins and the new coaching staff. But I guess we'll just have to wait and see what unfolds in the next few months.

Only thing that I'm still not buying into is that, just because we have the cap space to potentially sign some big talents, doesn't mean we can as a small market team.

But then again, as an elite athlete, it could be thrilling to have the chance to join a small team with a few years of slump and now replaced by a completely new management, and instantaneously help turning them around and claim credit for it.
how was my post blasting Vivek at all? i was responding to Jamal who was saying that $ is the only factor in free agents decisions.......
Who's making assumptions now?

NO and Sacto are similar situations. Both rebuilding programs that have been bad for the last 4-5 years. Both are similar markets. Reke is also 23 years old; he's not a 14 year vet who's made his money already. He might get hurt, his play might fall off, etc. This might be the only big contract he gets in his career
You guys are all (mostly?) assuming it was about money. There could have been other reasons mixed in as well, such as personality conflicts, anticipated roles on the team next year, etc., etc., that we will likely never know about (if they ever existed to begin with), just like we won't know the conversation details at the meeting they had.

Twitter comments be damned, I don't think we know all the details of the Andre thing and I don't think we know all the details here either.

And, yes, that is also speculation, just like the previous 500 posts in this thread.

Point being, can we quit beating a dead horse now and move on with what "is"?
This is exactly why I want to wait to pass judgement on the FO. My gut reaction is to hate this trade because Tyreke is a great talent that any team, theoretically, would love to have. That being said, when Malone was hired I wondered what Tyreke's role on the team would be. He's an amazing ISO player but watching the Warriors last year, they run a lot of high-post plays through their bigs while their shooters run through a bunch of sliding door screens to get open looks. I just didn't see how, without a consistent jumper, and without formidable skills moving without the ball he would have fit into Malone's game plan. I'm not saying this is a good reason to dump talent but it could explain why they wanted McLemore so bad and were willing to ship out Tyreke if they didn't like his price on the open market.
oh its just that simple huh? nothing else factors into it. you think NBA players always take the highest $ offer and thats it?

you think staying loyal to a city you like doesnt come into play? what about the decision of living in New Orleans opposed to California? what about the fact that he would be a starter here, or a bench player in New Orleans?

im not saying he would take less money to stay here or not, but you can't rule it out, and now we will never know
Uh.. yes, it was mostly about money. And that's no dig on Tyreke, all players are the same way. Some may take less to play for a contender and/or destination city (Sacramento is neither) if they have already cashed in big with endorsements and/or previous contracts (Tyreke has done neither).

Nobody coming off their rookie contract is going to take a ~20%+ pay cut to play for Sacramento. You're delusional if you think otherwise.
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Does anyone know if Cousins had anything to do with this move? Didn't he mention in the past that he didn't like playing with Evans?
Just like to let you guys know the Kings are horrible in NBA 2K13 after the trade (McLemore in too)
Of course they are. You are going to have to tweak MLM a bit because they never get rookies right in that game. They always make them weak unless they are major named players.
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