Kings trading Evans for Vasquez/Lopez

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If this is true that he is bein traded and i keep saying if cuz I really hospe it's not, but most of you are acting like its the end of the world. Don't get me wrong I REALLY want Tyreke here for a long time just because of his potential and for what he did as a rookie and a PG


If it is true at least PDA isn't letting him go for nothing. Over the years a lot of you always complained of how we needed a pass first PG and now we might have one, not a star by any means but as of mat year a solid player. And I understand that Tyrekes strengths match perfectly with B MCKs but Vasquez didn't lead the league in assists for being a sub par PG on a not so good NO team.

Over the years we've always wanted a shot blocker, now we have one, again not a top teir one but we have one, probably won't even be the same as when we had Dally but we still have one! Now all we need to do is get an above average SF and we are headed in the right direction.

Don't get me wrong I probably want Tyreke just as
Much as Tyrekes number one fan but I have faith in our FO.
On vacation far away, but this what I wake up to? Wtf? My question about trusting the FO is Why? What have they done? What have they earned? All I'm seeing is one screw up after the other. No Andre, no Tyreke. They got lucky with mclemore. Even an idiot couldn't have screwed that up. At least Petrie actually went out and got quality players. These 2 guys? Sigh...


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
I didn't even consider this. You're right. Someone has to come along with Vasquez.
No, we're under the cap, they're under the cap. We have some freedom, although New Orleans is having to ship the extra salaries elsewhere due to lack of room. Again, if this now latest report is right.
If the Kings only take on Vasquez' salary and if the Kings amnesty Salmons' contract, that should the Kings at just over $20 million in free cap space.
Can someone with more knowledge on the CBA than myself confirm or rebut this ??
If the Kings only take on Vasquez' salary and if the Kings amnesty Salmons' contract, that should the Kings at just over $20 million in free cap space.
Can someone with more knowledge on the CBA than myself confirm or rebut this ??
Seems right to me, but I am no expert.

That said, who are you going to get???


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
From what I've been hearing and reading, we might be over 10 or 11 million in space if it's just Vasquez, but I could be wrong. I just though about something, if we don't use our amnesty on Salmons or Cuz, what happens to it?
on Cuz??

And the right to use amnesty would roll over to next year I think. Think you have to use it by a certain date, or it rolls to the next year.

The thing about the amnesty thing is its easy to suggest, but Vivek just got done paying $535mil for the team (well, less, but that was the valuation). Just casually saying hey, he should eat another $7.5mil to keep John Salmons in beer and pizza for a season at home in front of the TV is a lot more palatable to those of us in the cheap seats than I'm sure it is to Vivek. :p


Hall of Famer
Amazing that the Kings didn't match. Never saw that coming.

Brick- I've read here a long time. I also come from a family of attorneys, my Dad used to teach at McGeorge under Dean Schaber. I have a special empathy and respect for them.

But man- you sure are the textbook Internet bully aren't you?

Dismissive, condescending, all-knowing. Should someone disagree, they'll rue the day won't they? God forbid they take you on full force, you're a mod with the edit/ban hammer. And let's remember, and bank chock full of e-cred.

Bottom line? This thread makes me want to vomit. Sorry, but yeah- Vivek grabbed this team and RIDICULOUSLY overpaid to keep them here. 535? C'mon. I'm sure he's looking forward to reaping those profits by immediately dropping trou and defacing the Shield of Defiance.

Do they all get some mythical free pass because they may be nice guys? HELL NO. But some of you are screaming bloody murder and rebuild and embarrassment and blah.

Im not advocating being a blind cheerleader at all, and boards are for discussion and all, however:

This was expected

Why are so many convinced the FO is done here?

This was as much about DMC as Evans, both on court and future signing.

Most of all, can these guys perhaps get ONE SEASON? You know, ONE SEASON, to work on this team? Apparently Vivek is not as smart as he seems. Why grab Pete when he had Bricklayer of waiting in the wings.

I love Tyreke, I really do, despite what some agenda-mongers have said before. But I think and have thought that this will be a good move. Guess what! I also think Tyreke will probably be an all-star someday too!


Maybe it's possible that this could be a good move for both sides.

Less than two months ago many were convinced that we would be watching the Sonics build a team through the cracks of our fingers while in permanent facepalm. Now some are ready to burn the place down for ineptitude after one draft pick and a trade.

I for one say let's let these guys have some rope, and see where they are taking us. It doesn't benefit them to not have a winning product.

And Brick- swing away Merrill. I know how this works. Flay me open to the world. It's your store, you have to to what you have to do. E-cred baby.
Haven't posted in years, but this. Post. Was . Awesome.

Have a little faith in seeing the process through. It's what our fan base usually does and now we have an ownership group, coach and GM that has a vision ( I don't count the last ownership groups vision of moving the franchise). Tyreke Evans is not irreplaceable. Cousins would be the guy who is irreplaceable. I like Tyreke. I like Vazquez. I like Lopez. I like the cap space where we could get something else.......more moves to be made. This process can't be done in 1 summer.


Hall of Famer
wierest part. No other outlet is reporting this only Voison. I find it strage that she wasn't in on any of the iggy situation it came from other outlets and was all true yet she is the sole source for this deal? Is voison jumping the shark?


Super Moderator Emeritus
This whole thing is still very much a work in progress. If we do amnesty Salmons and end up with around $20 million in cap space, it opens up a whole lot more of discussions. Remember, they said we were going to be very active this off-season. I'll miss Tryeke but as long as the guy leaving doesn't wear #15, I'm not gonna over-react.
Based off numbers from

Marcus Thornton $8,050,000.00
John Salmons $7,583,000.00
Chuck Hayes $5,722,500.00
Jason Thompson $5,643,750.00
DeMarcus Cousins $4,916,974.00
Patrick Patterson $3,105,302.00
Travis Outlaw $3,000,000.00
Jimmer Fredette $2,493,840.00
Isaiah Thomas $884,293.00
Aaron Brooks $686,419.00
Greivis Vasquez $2,150,188.00
Ben McLemore $2,413,300.00

Total Salaries $46,649,566.00
Cap $58,500,000.00
Cap Space $11,850,434.00
on Cuz??

And the right to use amnesty would roll over to next year I think. Think you have to use it by a certain date, or it rolls to the next year.

The thing about the amnesty thing is its easy to suggest, but Vivek just got done paying $535mil for the team (well, less, but that was the valuation). Just casually saying hey, he should eat another $7.5mil to keep John Salmons in beer and pizza for a season at home in front of the TV is a lot more palatable to those of us in the cheap seats than I'm sure it is to Vivek. :p
I just threw Cuz in there cause he was the only other player that qualified for the amnesty clause to take effect, I know they're not gonna amnesty him.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
wierest part. No other outlet is reporting this only Voison. I find it strage that she wasn't in on any of the iggy situation it came from other outlets and was all true yet she is the sole source for this deal? Is voison jumping the shark?
Well you may have noted a certain Carmichael resident made a pass through here a bit ago. He might not have actually been confirming things -- my ears were kind of ringing at the time, so it was hard to make out :p -- but he certainly seemed enthusiastic and has been tweeting various hints and whatnot all week. So not sure that's a confirmation, but it certainly wasn't an angry Ailene is stupid denial. Seemed to be a different target for the ire. :p
The problem with the trade is that we suddenly wind up with no one on roster who can break down a defense in the back court. As much as everyone loves the "true" point guard, none ever seem to win. Teams that win have 2 stars and 3 role players. With Tyreke we have two stars (we've just never given him and DMC role players or a coach), without Tyreke we're just like any number of losing teams across the league with one start who's just biding their time to go sign with others. Losing Tyreke means we lose Cousins eventually unless we luck out in the lottery.

Also, I don't know if anyone has noticed, but it's not teams built on roleplayers that are winning in the NBA. It's Stars. It's not good basketball that is winning in the NBA, it's spacing and isoing stars. For the record I don't think it's fun to watch, but it's pretty easy to acknowledge. If you think Either Vasquez or Lopez can be stars you're fooling yourself. Tyreke may not be a star, but you have to be very jaded to say flat out he doesn't have that potential with a modicum of coaching.

At least we aren't letting him walk. Hearing people espouse letting him walk has been driving me insane. No one signs with the Kings... ever. To build a team we have to do it through the draft and good trades. Like him or don't it's tough to argue Tyreke isn't one of the two best players the Kings have ever drafted. You don't let that talent walk without getting something back if you're a small market Sacramento team. People who think we can let him walk and realistically use the cap space on anything other than something we wind up regretting are fooling themselves.
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Hall of Famer
I want to repeat my thought earlier. This Front Office has shown more balls and aggressiveness in the past 36 hours than the previous front office did the last four years.

1. They committed to overpay Andre Iguodala 52-56 million dollars to fill a huge need at Small Forward
2. Then within a couple of hours pulled the deal off the table when they realized they were being punked.
3. Allowed Tyreke Evans to agree to the Pelican deal, not acquiescing to the "Reke" pressure to match or exceed a deal that they felt was grossly above market value.
4. And not to forget, pulled the trigger on a 20 year old whose draft stock was plummeting. Ben Mc was projected as 1, 2, 3, no lower than four.

This is pure speculation but Maloofs would not have offered Iguodala that contract and they would have begged Evans to stay in town paying him more than market value.

If I am not mistaken, PDA said when he came to town that aggressiveness is sometimes having the courage to "not" do what you are expected to do.
Agree with your points.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Dave is twitting that Iguodala is still an option. He's been right so far...
Iggy is virtually the ONLY high priced free agent that makes sense as a target. But god, after Tuesday would he still talk to us?

On that front maybe Dave has more inside knowledge of what actually happened than we do. And Iggy/Vasquez combo package, albeit at $16mil is certainly a lot better recompense than a Lopez/Vasquez package.
Dave is twitting that Iguodala is still an option. He's been right so far...
Iguadala won't be an option. Once Dwight decides there are several big market players that will jump in on Iggy. Iggy is smart by saying he's still considering the Kings because it drives up his price. We're just being used as leverage in this scenario. I just don't think you can count on adding a star through free agency as Sacramento. You draft or trade for your stars, you sign your roleplayers. We should be looking at guys like Kirilenko/Dorrell Wright/Matt Barnes.

I'm still really hoping we aren't giving up a potential star for a couple roleplayers here.


Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
Wonderful, look at all this capspace! Now we can go out and sign Chris Paul? Nope. Dwight Howard? Yeah right. Andrew Bynum? I think I just threw up. Andre Igoudala? Oh yeah, that didn't work out. Tyreke Evans? No, New Orleans snapped him up. How can anyone be excited about cap space coming off of 7 straight losing seasons? We should be spending cap space on quality players who are going to make us competitive again. Quality players like Tyreke Evans. I've made no secret of my preference for defense the entire time I've been posting on this board. Every year in the playoffs, teams built around defense have their way with the sorry pretenders who rack up sparkling regular season win totals but somehow, predictably and almost without fail, cannot repeat the same magic for 4 series in a row against the best competition in the league. So forgive me for overreacting when we had a chance to build this team in that direction and instead traded one of the most physically imposing guards in the league for a guy who probably can't guard me in a game of pickup ball. Yes Vasquez is a big talented guard who knows how to distribute the ball, but so is Tyreke. And Tyreke comes with the added bonus of also being a special man-to-man defender.

I don't think I'm a better GM than PDA or anyone else in the league. I'm not sitting here and calling them names like an internet Napoleon. I'm simply stating my disdain for our decision to sacrifice defense for passing and salary cap flexibility. It's a decision based on a basketball philosophy that I completely disagree with. I bit my tongue and gave these guys the benefit of the doubt when they said we need to get faster and we needed to find better distributors because it's soundbite stuff for the press. But we're looking at moves with domino consequences now. We were one of the worst teams in the league last year and yet we had no problem scoring the ball, even against elite teams. So the decision to get even worse defensively for a boost in offensive efficiency, maybe, has us headed in the wrong direction I think and I'm pissed about it because things started off so well with the Mike Malone hiring. I've been listening to one front office talk for years and years about improving the defense while all of their actions indicate the exact opposite and now the new regime looks like more of the same. I'm really glad the team is not moving, that doesn't mean I have to blindly accept every front office move from now until the end of time as above reproach.
Iggy is virtually the ONLY high priced free agent that makes sense as a target. But god, after Tuesday would he still talk to us?

On that front maybe Dave has more inside knowledge of what actually happened than we do. And Iggy/Vasquez combo package, albeit at $16mil is certainly a lot better recompense than a Lopez/Vasquez package.
Pulling the offer to Iggy a smoke screen to get this sign and trade done with Reke? Maybe Iggy already agreed to the deal with us and we're in colusion with him. If there's no deal with Iggy then there's nothing stopping us from matching the Tyreke deal right? But if there is a deal with Iggy then your cap is used up and the Pelicans can proceed knowing we're not gonna match... hence no reason to give up Vasquez. Or am I overthinking this?
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