Wow. Len off the board. I kind of don't think NOH goes Davis and Noel - both skinny with limited offense right now. Burke makes more sense. We could actually get Noel. My goodness.
They wouldn't take him. They have Anthony Davis. They should really take Ben McLemore because Austin Rivers is trash. I would take Noel (for the Kings).
Twitter is great. You just have to follow the right people, but it's not difficult to find them. I'm expecting NO to take Noel... I hope they take McLemore. So so close to the impossible happening!!
seeing noel drop gives me bad flashbacks of robinson dropping, if we havent run a health check or saw him at the combine id rather go with the safer mclamore or mccollum.
Phoenix hired two assistants who are known for their big man development. They were going with a big. Len being speculated to be drafted at #1 was the reason Suns tried to get to the first.