Escrow money should be in today and other news, rumors, etc.


Hall of Famer
Sonics fans are now pinning their hopes on the NBA allowing Hansen to buy the team in Sacramento, trying "earnestly" to get an arena deal done and then moving it. ...
My problem with this is the term Sonics fan. there are no Sonics, therefore there are no Sonics fans, just like there are no Houston Oilers Fans or Chicago Stags fans. You can call your self a Grifindor Quiddich fan, but if you can't go to or watch a game it just makes you sad person in a t-shirt ranting.


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
I think I was trying to be polite to Glenn's first post on Sonics fans... As someone who has avidly read Sonicsfalling and other boards, they have struck me as particularly egotistical and somewhat callous. It's like many of them outright dismiss Sacramento as a market, and its fans, and felt entitled to the team with not the proper empathy or remorse for anyone on the other end. I can't imagine the community of folks on here behaving the same way if we were poaching another city's baseball team from its fans. I want to make clear that there are good people everywhere, its just the % was not what I would have liked to have seen from the Seattle market during this saga
In my experience Seattle views itself as on par with NY and LA as a market when reality puts them much closer to Sac than they would be comfortable admitting (and yes, I am in Portland, huge Timbers supporter and therefore have a huge bias against a certain fishy team up North and its customer base, so take with a grain of salt if you must).


Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
My problem with this is the term Sonics fan. there are no Sonics, therefore there are no Sonics fans, just like there are no Houston Oilers Fans or Chicago Stags fans. You can call your self a Grifindor Quiddich fan, but if you can't go to or watch a game it just makes you sad person in a t-shirt ranting.
What would you have called yourself if the Kings had become the Sonics? The team moving away doesn't erase the past. I think we have reason to criticize anyone calling themselves a fan of the Seattle SuperSonics who lacks the empathy to understand that losing the Kings would be just as painful to us as losing their team was to them. But if we can't extend them the same courtesy, then we lose our right to criticize as well.


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
Yep, just another check-box "checked" in the "NBA process" - I think Seattle really doesn't understand how this works.
"That just means the Sac Kings group only has half the money. They're probably scrambling for more whales as we speak." - WAG @ typical sonicssinking response.


Hall of Famer
What would you have called yourself if the Kings had become the Sonics? The team moving away doesn't erase the past. I think we have reason to criticize anyone calling themselves a fan of the Seattle SuperSonics who lacks the empathy to understand that losing the Kings would be just as painful to us as losing their team was to them. But if we can't extend them the same courtesy, then we lose our right to criticize as well.
I would consider my self a former Kings fan. Or perhaps a NBA fan (I do not live in Sac) I hold that words have meanings and those meanings have consequences. When people mal-use or manipulate language I call foul. I have no trouble with the term Seattle fans and that is the one I use. The issue is one of acceptance of reality. I have said repeatedly that they have my sympathy, for losing their team, but that does not give them the right to abuse my language and there by attempt to abuse my mind. BTW on the rarest of occasions I am forced to get coffee at a Starbuck's I order a "biggest cup you have" for the same reason.
I would consider my self a former Kings fan. Or perhaps a NBA fan (I do not live in Sac) I hold that words have meanings and those meanings have consequences. When people mal-use or manipulate language I call foul. I have no trouble with the term Seattle fans and that is the one I use. The issue is one of acceptance of reality. I have said repeatedly that they have my sympathy, for losing their team, but that does not give them the right to abuse my language and there by attempt to abuse my mind. BTW on the rarest of occasions I am forced to get coffee at a Starbuck's I order a "biggest cup you have" for the same reason.
Then what do you say when they try to correct you, as I'm sure they do? :)


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
I would consider my self a former Kings fan. Or perhaps a NBA fan (I do not live in Sac) I hold that words have meanings and those meanings have consequences. When people mal-use or manipulate language I call foul. I have no trouble with the term Seattle fans and that is the one I use. The issue is one of acceptance of reality. I have said repeatedly that they have my sympathy, for losing their team, but that does not give them the right to abuse my language and there by attempt to abuse my mind. BTW on the rarest of occasions I am forced to get coffee at a Starbuck's I order a "biggest cup you have" for the same reason.
LOL, I will use their stupid venti word, but they are the only place. I take my son to Jamba Juice pretty regularly and we always share a large, not power or whatever they call it. Same with Coldstone's but the one by our house shut down.
What would you have called yourself if the Kings had become the Sonics? The team moving away doesn't erase the past. I think we have reason to criticize anyone calling themselves a fan of the Seattle SuperSonics who lacks the empathy to understand that losing the Kings would be just as painful to us as losing their team was to them. But if we can't extend them the same courtesy, then we lose our right to criticize as well.
My Grandpa was a huge Saint Louis Browns fan back in the day. When they moved to Baltimore, he became a baseball fan without a team. He was no longer a Browns fan because they no longer existed (from his point of view).
I'm surprised there is so much discussion about the semantics of everything occurring. Seattle has 2/4 teams in the major sports, along with a MLS team they love. No need to feel bad for them. I'm not saying it's ok that they no longer have professional basketball, but they obviously didn't support it or give their best effort in retaining it. It's their loss. It's easy to want something when it's gone and not give a thought about it when you have it. That's life.


Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
My Grandpa was a huge Saint Louis Browns fan back in the day. When they moved to Baltimore, he became a baseball fan without a team. He was no longer a Browns fan because they no longer existed (from his point of view).
My point is, it's semantics. Any future discussions revolving around the Sacramento fanbase getting a new team would inevitably involve the same group of people who currently call themselves fans. What this group of people should or shouldn't be allowed to call themselves is irrelevant really to the heart of the matter which is that it's a group of people united by their love of the sport and their desire to see it return to their city. Good for them that they have a message board where they can commiserate and discuss the current news as it gets released just as we're doing now. There's always going to be a sad segment of the population who chooses to revel in other people's pain and misfortune. Those people aren't reflective of the majority opinion, they're just so loud and obnoxious that they drown it out from time to time just like the folks in the SacBee comments section. Clearly a large number of people do support Kevin Johnson and basketball in Sacramento even if it appears at times on that website that Sacramento is populated by nothing but curmudgeonly malcontents who find fault in everything. I suspect the same sort of situation is occurring on the Sonics fan boards, though I have no reason to read them so that's based only on what other people have said. I've found that avoiding these sorts of people makes it a lot easier to maintain my love and appreciation for humanity in general. :)
Glad this board seems to agree with what I've been thinking. It' politically correct to say "I hope Seattle gets a team," but I couldn't care less. The only thing I have time to worry about is keeping the team we already have. Seattle is trying to make their problem, my problem and that doesn't fly with me. It makes them the enemy. I have no sympathy for Seattle when it comes to the NBA and I'm tired of hearing them whine and play the victim role.
Glad this board seems to agree with what I've been thinking. It' politically correct to say "I hope Seattle gets a team," but I couldn't care less. The only thing I have time to worry about is keeping the team we already have. Seattle is trying to make their problem, my problem and that doesn't fly with me. It makes them the enemy. I have no sympathy for Seattle when it comes to the NBA and I'm tired of hearing them whine and play the victim role.
If the city of Seattle had come together and put up the same kind of fight that Sacramento has, then they would probably be watching Durant in a Sonics uniform in the playoffs right now. Instead of trying to pry our team away from us.
Glad this board seems to agree with what I've been thinking. It' politically correct to say "I hope Seattle gets a team," but I couldn't care less. The only thing I have time to worry about is keeping the team we already have. Seattle is trying to make their problem, my problem and that doesn't fly with me. It makes them the enemy. I have no sympathy for Seattle when it comes to the NBA and I'm tired of hearing them whine and play the victim role.
I do "hope Seattle gets a team", if they are gonna run the team the same way they act now: willing to spend a lot if they get the product. Then they are going to be a net plus in revenue sharing and will be an LT payer, which Sacramento as recepient can only welcome.
I do "hope Seattle gets a team", if they are gonna run the team the same way they act now: willing to spend a lot if they get the product. Then they are going to be a net plus in revenue sharing and will be an LT payer, which Sacramento as recepient can only welcome.
Plus, it'll make for a great rivalry, especially in the first few years when the Kings will inevitably kick their collective behinds.

Edit: I do hope that the team won't profit from revenue sharing all that much. rather the Kings be like the Spurs, never into LT territory that much, but still capped out, because of all the good players we'll have to pay.
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Latest news on escrow and getting the Maloofs to agree to the Ranadive offer:
... a source says the league is encouraging a Sacramento business group to put 100 percent of its $341 million team purchase offer into an escrow account in hopes of persuading the Maloof family, team owners, to sign a deal with the local group.


Ranadive's group already has put 50 percent of its team purchase offer into an escrow account, sources said. Putting the entire amount down would help "alleviate the Maloofs' concern, and greatly increase the likelihood a deal could get done," the source said.

Makes sense based on what we know.
Well I guess Mitch was right if NBA is saying that they are making the Sac group to show it has the money.
There's a big difference between a report that the Sac group is short on money and looking for investors and a report that the Maloofs are worried that the Sac group is short on money and are asking for the full amount in escrow.

There's no reason to think he was right.
i think the nba's mostly like, "maybe if sac drops 100% in escrow the maloofs will finally shut the **** up." they're surely as sick of listening to the maloofs *****, moan, kick, and scream as we are. if sac "shows the money," so to speak, it would expedite the process at a minimum of hassle to all parties...
There's a big difference between a report that the Sac group is short on money and looking for investors and a report that the Maloofs are worried that the Sac group is short on money and are asking for the full amount in escrow.

There's no reason to think he was right.
Yeah your right. I forgot what Mitch had to say. I didnt go back to re-read Mitchs post.
Well I guess Mitch was right if NBA is saying that they are making the Sac group to show it has the money.
LOL, that is what you took from that? I think it is pretty obvious they want it there so they can close this deal on the 15th and have no questions about where the money is. Remember, the draft is in 6 weeks. The NBA does not want this decision being drawn out for another month.


Hall of Famer
Making a buyer put 100% in escrow before an agreement is signed is very unusual in almost any business, but NOTHING about this deal has been normal. If the theory is put the money in the bank to shut the Maloofs up and maybe they be reasonable, I doubt it will work. The Maloofs are taking their orders from the Hedge Fund Pirate so I suspect once the amount of money in the account is made public the story will be "HB are willing to pay more" This crap will not end until the Pirate is told point blank to knock it off or will not only never get a team he will be banned from every arena in the league.
I don't know. I think this is part of that process of telling the Maloofs to get with the program and agree to the Ranadive deal. I don't buy that Hansen is telling the Maloofs what to do. I think they are honestly skeptical of KJ specifically and the Sac group in general and so are resisting their overtures in favor of the bird (they believe is) in hand.

Would I be surprised if they pulled yet another stunt once this step is completed to try to avoid selling to the Sac group? No, not surprised. But I think there's a plausible and even likely scenario here where once the 100% is in escrow they bow to the will of the NBA and accept that offer.
Making a buyer put 100% in escrow before an agreement is signed is very unusual in almost any business, but NOTHING about this deal has been normal. If the theory is put the money in the bank to shut the Maloofs up and maybe they be reasonable, I doubt it will work. The Maloofs are taking their orders from the Hedge Fund Pirate so I suspect once the amount of money in the account is made public the story will be "HB are willing to pay more" This crap will not end until the Pirate is told point blank to knock it off or will not only never get a team he will be banned from every arena in the league.
I think the NBA wants to approve the Ranadive group in the 15th and get the Maloofs out ASAP.
Making a buyer put 100% in escrow before an agreement is signed is very unusual in almost any business, but NOTHING about this deal has been normal. If the theory is put the money in the bank to shut the Maloofs up and maybe they be reasonable, I doubt it will work. The Maloofs are taking their orders from the Hedge Fund Pirate so I suspect once the amount of money in the account is made public the story will be "HB are willing to pay more" This crap will not end until the Pirate is told point blank to knock it off or will not only never get a team he will be banned from every arena in the league.
Why do the Maloofs have such apparent disdain for KJ and Sacramento? To the point of being unreasonable? As a businessman this has always puzzled me.