And the countdown begins and other news, rumors, etc.

Why couldn't they sign a binding agreement that says "we will offer xxx for the team IF your sale is rejected"? It seems thats what the Maloofs were looking for last friday.
An offfer can only be BINDING when you are fee to enter the agreement, other wise by it's very definition it is CONTINGENT. Word have meanings.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Then why not submit a binding agreement?

I'm telling you guys right now, you have blinders on, this is nothing but bad, nearly catastrophic.

I was worried before but at least was a bit confidence. This latest news makes me think the sac group was ****ing around the NBA the whole time. Yes it's obvious this group CAN spend 525M on an NBA team.... but will they? So far, they don't seem anywhere near as serious as Hansen.
You're truly going off the deep end. There are much brighter minds involved in this process that have come way too far to do something stupid. Not as serious as Hansen? Hogwash. All Hansen has done is promise to keep throwing money at the Maloofs. Our group, on the other hand, is talking about globalization, new technologies, revitalizing an entire community's economy, etc.

Everyone was warned this would get very ugly towards the end. You either have faith in our group or you don't. It's really that simple.
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Hall of Famer
Why couldn't they sign a binding agreement that says "we will offer xxx for the team IF your sale is rejected"? It seems thats what the Maloofs were looking for last friday.
Because they don't need to?? Perhaps they have 10 votes locked up. We don't know. We haven't been on the phone lobbying owners. We haven't been talking to Stern. It is very likely that KJ and crew know more about this than we do.


Hall of Famer
There is nothing there. Our bid was the equivalent to Seattle's 525 bid taking into account the deposit (so 30M less). We have already said that we were going to cover the deposit in our bid. We are not going to match Seattle's recent 550, nor should we, 525 is already 75 above record. Again, all of this is smoke and mirrors, nothing concerns me yet. KJ and whales are taking cues from people who know more than the media or posters here
I think we almost said the same thing.
Despite all of KJ's claims, every indication that is that all of their bids keep falling short and they didn't get even Bob Cook's 7% as they said they wood. So far the group as been all talk no action. Based of KJ's performance in Anaheim I expected a lot more. Boy am I beginning to be VERY disappointed.
Whose indication? a random "source" that may very well be in the maloof camp, or did you get that from sonicsrising? KJ, Ranadive have themselves came out and said they are following the NBA's guidelines towards putting together a bid. Stern said money wasnt going to be an issue.

the 7% was deemed useless as the board of governors will decide where the kings are located anyway, if hansen looses why would he keep the 7% percent? he would have to give it up to pursue another team and at that time it can be had for a much cheaper price, these guys arent billionares by accident.

you can stay disapointed if you want too, but IMO there is no reason for concern unless stern or KJ themselves comes out and says its over.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Kids chill out. 1. You can't have binding agreement unless BOTH parties sign it. The Maloofs are ALREADY bound. 2. It makes no sense to offer a deposit while the Maloofs are bound to he Sea deal. 3. The offer would only be 16-17 mill short of the RAISED offer by the hedge fund pirate. Randive and KY have been following NBA recommendations form day one. 4. The Sac offer never had any chance of ever being MORE than a "Back UP" offer to the Sea deal. Last Friday it was announced that the Maloofs did agree to accept the Sac offer as back up. So we are sill where we have always been, looking for 8 votes. Nothing has changed.
THANK YOU! I swear, Twitter and people who don't understand the process and the terminology are going to be the death of us all.
Because they don't need to?? Perhaps they have 10 votes locked up. We don't know. We haven't been on the phone lobbying owners. We haven't been talking to Stern. It is very likely that KJ and crew know more about this than we do.
Exactly, not to mention, this so called "source" may know about the votes being locked up also and is trying to turn the tide in some fashion
Why couldn't they sign a binding agreement that says "we will offer xxx for the team IF your sale is rejected"? It seems thats what the Maloofs were looking for last friday.
Dude, smoke something, drink something, have someone give you a hug, go for a swim... something.

You don't know the details and legal language that the offers have been written in. In truth, none of us really know the nuts and bolts of what's going on. If you allow yourself to be swayed by sparks that may have even be created by the opposition, or that are maybe just incidental to the process, you won't survive. All any of us can really go on at this point is the strength of our investor group, the city arena deal, and the words of Ranadive and KJ. Everything else is a cloaked process. For all we know, the NBA could have laughed at the recent shenanigans of the Friday 5 pm "ultimatum" form the Maloofs, and subsequent raise of Hansen.

The NBA just simply does not work like that.


Father, Husband, KingsFan
Staff member
Meetings wrap for the day.

Bryan May ‏@BMayNews10
League won't say if today's finance/relo committees came to a resloution but did confirm a 7-day grace period after resolution before vote


Super Moderator Emeritus
i just want to know whats happening one way or the other!
As do we all. Unfortunately, in an age of instant communication, we've all become too used to being able to get answers any time of the day or night. This is going to take as long as it takes. We can't let ourselves get too wrapped up in the rumors because, as we all know, they're rumors for a reason...and we have no way of knowing who started them and whether or not there's any basis in fact.

It's in the hands of David Stern and the NBA.

Having said that, I will admit that I'm wearing my lucky purple slippers from days gone by, I've got my Doug Christie jersey ready to wear as I watch tonight's game and I'll be cheering my lungs out - just in case I can influence the great God Naismith. :)


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
I am guessing the 50 million missing is the 30 million going to Hansen to make him "whole", and the group will not "bind" in the form of non-refundable earnest money so the Maloofs don't get a double dip, and that Stern/NBA has communicated everything Sac needs to do to make this work. And I bet they specifically want Hansen to drop out to get some egg of everyone's face. And Hansen will get paid back down the road. If he isn't being a bully and a jerk by forcing the vote by escalating bids.

Or maybe all these whales jumped in with cold feet to get their names in the press. Doubt it.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Everyone was warned this would get very ugly towards the end. You either have faith in our group or you don't. It's really that simple.
It always comes down to a knife fight in a phone booth.

I haven't seen any reason to stop believing that David Stern is guiding KJ/Sacramento's efforts and until I do, I can't be too concerned with what unfolds from now until the vote is taken, if indeed it is taken.

I have zero insight on the machinations going on behind the scenes but suppose for a second that Stern knew after the earlier meetings that the recommendation would be to deny the sale to Hansen. Perhaps the wheels are already turning on an expansion franchise for Seattle, who knows? But the point being if the Sacramento group already knew that in all likelihood they had the votes to block the Seattle group then why wouldn't they make a "competitive" but not matching offer?

Again, pure speculation on my part. But the fact of the matter is that what this comes down to is the BOG either approving or declining the sale to Hansen and relocation to Seattle.
There is nothing there. Our bid was the equivalent to Seattle's 525 bid taking into account the deposit (so 30M less). We have already said that we were going to cover the deposit in our bid. We are not going to match Seattle's recent 550, nor should we, 525 is already 75 above record. Again, all of this is smoke and mirrors, nothing concerns me yet. KJ and whales are taking cues from people who know more than the media or posters here
You have no sources, that is all speculation. There has been no reports saying that our bid last night is 525M.
I have faith in our team. They didn't become billionaires without understanding this stuff WAY better than most of us. To the people throwing themselves off the cliff...calm down. As someone else said, KJ's team knows what they are doing. I'll believe in what they're doing until something official is reported (not tweeted, not "one source said") that says otherwise.

Also, keep in mind that unfortunately, many "news sources" write stories and (specifically) headlines to generate page views from people who are freaking out about something they feel strongly the Kings. Take it all with a grain of salt.
This is really horse****. After this deal falls through KJ will have **ALOT** of explaining to do.

This will definitely not end up being a "we tried our absolute best and the BOG still chose seattle". KJ will not be able to play the victim card here. I am so pissed.
LOL. Overreaction is one of your strong suits i take it.
Whose indication? a random "source" that may very well be in the maloof camp, or did you get that from sonicsrising? KJ, Ranadive have themselves came out and said they are following the NBA's guidelines towards putting together a bid. Stern said money wasnt going to be an issue.

the 7% was deemed useless as the board of governors will decide where the kings are located anyway, if hansen looses why would he keep the 7% percent? he would have to give it up to pursue another team and at that time it can be had for a much cheaper price, these guys arent billionares by accident.

you can stay disapointed if you want too, but IMO there is no reason for concern unless stern or KJ themselves comes out and says its over.

Hansen said he won't buy it if he doesn't get the 65%.
I use to hang out at sonics rising and really thought they were off the deepend so I stopped visiting that site... its starting to look like you guys are nearly as bad as them. This has been nothing but bad news today but none of you are the least bit worried.


Super Moderator
Staff member
You have no sources, that is all speculation. There has been no reports saying that our bid last night is 525M.
I understand that when some people are anxious that expecting the worst girds them in case they do get the bad news they fear. If that gives you some solace then by all means go that route. But those of us taking a fundamentally different emotional tack to these proceedings aren't going to be swayed just as I expect you won't.

I understand the stress of all of this and the desire to be checking any and every available information source as frequently as possible but honestly I think we'd all benefit from stepping back a bit. It's healthier.
It's funny, I just read the other day that you don't want to use Google to try and diagnose medical problems because you'll completely freak yourself out and convince yourself that you're going to die.

I've learned today that it's when it's related to the possible relocation of your favorite sports team, Twitter has the same effect.


Super Moderator Emeritus
You have no sources, that is all speculation. There has been no reports saying that our bid last night is 525M.
Take a step back and read what you wrote. Seriously.

We have NO OFFICIAL WORD on any of this stuff. It's all conjecture, rumor, random tweets from people who may or may not have any credibility, etc. The NBA - which is the only true source - has said NOTHING.


Super Moderator Emeritus
I use to hang out at sonics rising and really thought they were off the deepend so I stopped visiting that site... its starting to look like you guys are nearly as bad as them. This has been nothing but bad news today but none of you are the least bit worried.
Maybe, just maybe, it's because you've gotten yourself way too worked up about all this and REALLY need to take a break.


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
A bunch of rumors from questionable sources constitute a bad news day?

I don't get it. The NBA has been holding KJ and his whales' hands through this. If the money wasn't there, if they were playing around, the vote would be done by now.

Or did I miss some other actual real news?
Can someone explain to me what gets voted on first, relocation or sale? Or is it all part of the same vote? I haven't really taken the time to look at that.
I use to hang out at sonics rising and really thought they were off the deepend so I stopped visiting that site... its starting to look like you guys are nearly as bad as them. This has been nothing but bad news today but none of you are the least bit worried.
This explains alot of what your saying.