[Game] Kings @ Pistons 1/1/2013

Capt. Factorial

trifolium contra tempestatem subrigere certum est
Staff member
I think Jerry has it right though. With all the noise and the directions being yelled across court, Brooks may have just heard the word "foul. Or maybe he's not bright.
Jerry may well have that right, but I still don't see how that's on the coaching staff. And it's not like I haven't been calling for Smart's head, just there I don't think it was his fault.


I don't think he would foul if he didn't hear the word foul being yelled from the sideline. Loud arena, across the court it's easy to not hear a word.
Makes no difference. He should have the basketball IQ to know not to foul there


Hall of Famer
Anybody know why a coach touching the ball is not a technical? I've seen Lawrence on the court so something like this was bound to happen.
this ones on Keith Smart. once again.

did the same stupid **** he always does in the 2nd quarter.

and rode the bench lineup for too long in the 4th. if they close the gap, hooray, but you pat them on the back and put a few starters back in
Wait a minute...just tuned in...WTF did Garcia play so dang much and done nothing again? Shouldn't those minutes be going to someone else that actually CAN produce like Johnson or Robinson??
Kings had a chance to pull this one out after being down double digits in the 4th. I guess that's all that can be asked for considering that its the Kings. Jimmer looked good for a bit, and Cousins had a nice game. Can't wait to watch Varejeo's hair flop around tomorrow night.
Wait a minute...just tuned in...WTF did Garcia play so dang much and done nothing again? Shouldn't those minutes be going to someone else that actually CAN produce like Johnson or Robinson??
With no Tyreke and no Thornton - Garcia had to start and play some. Now with IT possibly suspended for next game expect Garcia back in the rotation - starting if still thin in backcourt.