News from the NBA BOG meeting - April 2012

Who in the blue hell is this dude???????

The dude that just stopped talking (thank god). Who in the hell is he????? He made very little sense....just took a bunch of garbage and threw it out there with very little to no substance at all...
You know, this would have still been crap, but would have at least been defensible if they did this in Orlando before calling it a "fair deal" and crying about how it was finally over.
The dude that just stopped talking (thank god). Who in the hell is he????? He made very little sense....just took a bunch of garbage and threw it out there with very little to no substance at all...
He's an economist that worked with the state controller. Like that is a good point to make, how did he help the economy? Oh he didnt,
My first question as a reporter: Why did you agree to this insulting, horrible deal that you felt the city couldnt afford?!?!? Everything else this guy is saying is bullS as far as im concerned.
Why does the term sheet matter if you've already declared that Sacramento isn't good enough for your team? All you are doing is admitting you tanked the negotiations on purpose.


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Staff member
Sounds like he's just talking around "sacramento is not a viable NBA market".
That's exactly what it sounds like. Probably something the Maloofs should have thought about when they bought the SACRAMENTO Kings. It was a good enough market when they bought the team but obviously in this day and age it can't compete with such metropolises as San Antonio, Oklahoma City, Salt Lake City, Memphis, Charlotte, Milwaukee, Orlando and Portland.

I'm 35 years old and I have now been a basketball fan for 3 decades. I watched the Lakers with my dad starting around 1st grade and I was hooked on the sport. I was beyond excited when a few years later in 1985 the news came down that Sacramento was getting it's own NBA team. I have supported the Kings for 27 years. 27 years in which they have had a winning record less than one third of the time (8 seasons from 1998 through 2005) and in which they have made the playoffs just over 10 times with 6 of them being first round losses. Yet I have supported this team.

And this is how my loyalty as a fan is repaid? With the Maloofs trying every way they can to blow up a deal that they already shook hands on?

Right now I'm hoping that something unprecedented happens. Because otherwise I can't see this arena ever getting built or MY team staying in Sacramento.
Don Geronimo has music playing in the background of the press conference. FU by Ceelogreen and Backstabbers by the O'Jays. Thanks Don!!!!!
Now "Liar" by Three dog night.