This team has turned the corner?? CELEBRATION!

technically fans of other teams around the league would argue were all crazy for being fans of this team.. its an up and down roller coaster with no titles as of yet... nothing to show but heartache and hope... its up and down... or like as of late mostly down and further down, then down some more....

with the still recent firing of Westfail this them is finally showing some flashes of what we all expected and hoped to see from such a young team... some promise...

i don't have bipolar... this team and possibly Cousins have bipolar... and as a fan I'm just along for the ride

im passionate thats its... if your still a fan team and paying to watch this team... your passionate
Hey I don't agree with you most of the time. But you are a fellow Kings fan!



Subsidiary Intermediary
Staff member
I suspect the OP of that comment was saying there is no downside to NOT believing -- if it doesn't happen, its what you expected. If it does, you are excited. As opposed to expecting it to happen and then being disappointed.
Yes. That was my point, but you know what? I'll believe in "The Prophecy" anyway. Won't hurt any.

How can you label someone named Blaise a fool? Crazy talk.


He who turns too many corners winds up where he started.
im not saying we TURNED ANOTHER CORNER.... I'm using the obvious improvement in terms of player development and team growth since Smart took over... this team is not a finished product and still crazy young but is WAAAYYY funner to watch since Smart took over
yeah, I didn't even bother ridiculing the thought that they'd turned any kind of corner, as it was like rubbing a kid's nose in their terrible painting.
This is why you don't get too excited by a 2 game win streak and you don't get too depressed about a 4-5 game loosing streak.

It's gone from celebration to fire the coach, GM, trade everyone and sell the team. Ok.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
we spanked the celtics by 20 w/o reke! dare i say we turned the corner?
I went looking for an amusing picture to gently mock the idea that we have turned our 15th corner of the season, coudl not find one, but this popped up int he search, and its at elast amusing, so I decided to randomly post it in lieu of anything topical:



Hall of Famer
Maybe the test for turning the corner should be beating four bottom dwellers consecutively. Maybe then we can know that this team has matured, that they can put out consistent effort regardless of the competition.


technically you can turn an infinite amount of corners and not end up where you started... in fact depending on the corners, you could end up moving forward. now if you make 4 right or 4 left turns thats a different story..


Subsidiary Intermediary
Staff member
technically you can turn an infinite amount of corners and not end up where you started... in fact depending on the corners, you could end up moving forward. now if you make 4 right or 4 left turns thats a different story..
Mathematically speaking, you could make 4 turns in one direction and still not end up where you started...;)
if we didn't lay 2 goose eggs against the pistons and warriors(hawks worked us good), we would be a nice 3 game win streak away from being in the playoff hunt, with portland imploding their team, timberwolves losing rubio, jazz coming back to earth, warriors trading ellis and tanking, and houston playing bad of late, we would have had a serious outside shot. Those 2 games killed it unfortunately.