[Game] Kings @ Pistons 2/17/12


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
No DeMarcus tonight, he's out with back spasms.

Terrible on a number of levels.

1) we need this game, and it was completely winnable
2) Monroe is the rival big man from Cousins class, and this was supposed to be a showdown to see who was better. Lot of interested parties have been circling this game.
3) back spasms can recur, and DeMarcus could be limited all road trip or even longer
4) we have shown very little ability to make up for the absense of one of our Big Three guys.

we've just had a number of these ill-timed events that have just kept us pinned. Overall compared to many teams we're doing fine on injuries etc., but we have exactly the wrong guys hurt/injured at exactly the wrong times, and everytime there looks like there might be a turning point, something happens. This is the sort of injury that could really finish off our hopes of getting back into a playoff race. A string of winnable games coming up, we lose one of our main guys, drop them, and suddenly we are 13 games under .500 and climbing all the way back in a shortened season begins to look impossible.

Reke and Thronton need to step up in a big way here. Shut up the national media, as well as our own 'fans'. Maybe this is the opportunity for Chuck to prove he's not worthless. Start him and have him try to shutdown Monroe and make it a wash, then beat them with our superior backcourt.
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Subsidiary Intermediary
Staff member
Maybe Whiteside finally gets some minutes to show that he has potential, or that he's still a project. My guess is that he is still a little of both. Perhaps there's a reason why he slid so far after all. Not giving up on him yet, but now's the time to take an opportunity and show your stuff.
This upset me at first but I quickly changed my mind. I think the Phoenix game was the turning point for me. I'm now officially rooting for wosses for the remainder of the season.
I don't know why y'all are worried. Honestly, any chance of salvaging this season or sniffing the playoffs pretty much vanished with this latest losing streak. The Phoenix game was the one that did it for me. That was the one where I said OK, this season is over for all intents and purposes, time to accept it and start hoping for a good draft position.
Too soon, especially in a bizarre season like this where it seems like anything can happen.
With most of their games at home in the 2nd half I suppose a Cinderella finish is still possible. Somehow, I just don't see it. Still too many problems with this team that aren't going to just go away.
With most of their games at home in the 2nd half I suppose a Cinderella finish is still possible. Somehow, I just don't see it. Still too many problems with this team that aren't going to just go away.
One thing good about this draft is that it will be REALLY deep. Obviously the top 3-5 are world-beaters but basically any lottery pick will be great.
With most of their games at home in the 2nd half I suppose a Cinderella finish is still possible. Somehow, I just don't see it. Still too many problems with this team that aren't going to just go away.
8th place Grizz has 14 losses, we have 19. Team's in between us have 14, 15, 15, 16, and 18 losses. I would say we are in the mix, but as long as we stop losing the winnable games and steal a few of the harder games.


Hall of Famer
This is a game that the Kings can and should win. I'm sure the Pistons are thinking the same thing but like the Kings, they are just up and down, one night they get killed by the Wizards at home, next night their taking the Spurs down to the wire, go figure. No Cousins is blah...he's the most entertaining King to watch this year, mostly because of his consistency. Too bad no one will step up in his absence.
Very disappointed Cousins is out. Still winnable but Detroit will be desperate for a win here, and I'm not sure extended minutes for Chuck or JJ will result in anything other than multiple TOs, missed lay-ups and fumbled passes.


The Game Thread Dude
According to Jason Jones, Cousins is out there trying to give it a go anyways even though team doctors ruled him out in the morning.
That epitomises the character of Cousins. He wants to play all the time - these are the type of guys who will work hard during the off-season and won't waste their talent. Hopefully he doesn't hurt himself further during the game, though.
That epitomises the character of Cousins. He wants to play all the time - these are the type of guys who will work hard during the off-season and won't waste their talent. Hopefully he doesn't hurt himself further during the game, though.
Agreed. Heck, Cuz is just 21 and those little back spasms can disappear quicker when so wonderfully young.