Chris Anderson???


Hall of Famer
He'd be great and I've been coveting him for awhile. I don't know about any head problems so might need some input. I like what he brings to the court. I think Cuz would like it too.
I'm not really much of a fan of his but I'd take him if it didn't take too much to get him. Maybe something like Outlaw and Hickson for Anderson would work.


Hall of Famer
Kinda a middle class man's Dally. I'd be down with it if the contract was right.

We'd have to move Hayes and let Hickson expire though after this season. JT deserves a lot of minutes (usually), and I'd like to Whiteside to get burn eventually. Wont happen if we have a bajillion mediocre bigs in front of him on the rotation.
I like Chris Anderson. That said, I'm not ready to give up on the potential JJ has. He's young and as far as Im concerned still raw.....with tons of potential. I just think if JJ gets a full preseason under his belt with the Kings and a little maturity as well, he just might reach his potential in a couple of years and that could be an awesome sight.
I like Chris Anderson. That said, I'm not ready to give up on the potential JJ has. He's young and as far as Im concerned still raw.....with tons of potential. I just think if JJ gets a full preseason under his belt with the Kings and a little maturity as well, he just might reach his potential in a couple of years and that could be an awesome sight.
I'll drive JJ to Denver.
Kinda a middle class man's Dally. I'd be down with it if the contract was right.

We'd have to move Hayes and let Hickson expire though after this season. JT deserves a lot of minutes (usually), and I'd like to Whiteside to get burn eventually. Wont happen if we have a bajillion mediocre bigs in front of him on the rotation.
Hickson's a waste of cap space IMO. We're a lot better off not paying him big money IMO. Andersen is such a better compliment to DMC and the crew.
How do you propose we trade for him and who gives up shots for him? We already have too many scorers and not enough role players.
I'm just saying IF you gave me a choice somehow, someway. Ryan is in only his 3rd yr and has really come on this season at around 17 pts and 8 rebounds per game.
Kinda a middle class man's Dally. I'd be down with it if the contract was right.

We'd have to move Hayes and let Hickson expire though after this season. JT deserves a lot of minutes (usually), and I'd like to Whiteside to get burn eventually. Wont happen if we have a bajillion mediocre bigs in front of him on the rotation.
Other than blocking shots, he plays nothing like Dally. He doesn't complain about not having touches on offense, and he is much more athletic.

Not referring to you gunks, but as far as Ryan Anderson goes Orlando can keep him. He's a product of their system.
Why would ORL move him? And besides being a local, why would he come here?
I started out saying I would like (or maybe I said LOVE) to have Ryan over Chris - IF I had a choice of "Andersons." That's all, just a hope or wish about a couple dudes named "Anderson" - not a prediction or likely outcome.
I wouldn't mind him, but I feel like a JT/DMC/Anderson/Hayes front court is a little weak offensively. At least until DMC is a bit more polished. Though DMC may be so good in a couple of years that we can just have a 3 defensive roleplayer + DMC front court and be alright.


Hall of Famer
rumors are Denver is making him available he is a good hustle defender, if was can trade them JJ....would you make the trade?
Yes, yes, and yes! I've Always like Anderson. Despite his appearance, he's a smart player and a very good defender that doesn't require the ball in his hands. He'd certainly bring more to the team than Hickson does, which is nothing on Hickson's part.


Hall of Famer
Other than blocking shots, he plays nothing like Dally. He doesn't complain about not having touches on offense, and he is much more athletic.

Not referring to you gunks, but as far as Ryan Anderson goes Orlando can keep him. He's a product of their system.
Disagree on Ryan completely. He was one of the better players to come out of Cal in the last 10 years, and got overlooked to some degree. Everyone thought of him as nothing more than an outside shooting big man at Cal, but if you paid attention, he was an excellent rebounder who got in and banged with the best of them. He's a much better athlete than he's given credit for, and most of all, his basketball IQ is excellent. Unlike some players that rely on having a good PG get them the ball on the break or in the right place on the floor, he's quite capable of standing on his own, and is the product of no one's system. He's just a damm good player!
Disagree on Ryan completely. He was one of the better players to come out of Cal in the last 10 years, and got overlooked to some degree. Everyone thought of him as nothing more than an outside shooting big man at Cal, but if you paid attention, he was an excellent rebounder who got in and banged with the best of them. He's a much better athlete than he's given credit for, and most of all, his basketball IQ is excellent. Unlike some players that rely on having a good PG get them the ball on the break or in the right place on the floor, he's quite capable of standing on his own, and is the product of no one's system. He's just a damm good player!
Well I guess I won't argue with you over that because I respect your basketball opinion probably more than anybody else's on this entire board. I didn't watch Ryan in college, but I did watch him in New Jersey, and I was not impressed. This year (looking at stats) he has played well. But let's face it, it's not a bad thing for anybody's career to play PF alongside Dwight Howard. Like Tim Tebow, Ryan is just gonna have to prove to me that he can do this on a consistent basis or without Dwight's presence before I call him a good NBA player. Some may disagree with that, and I'm sorry, but that's just the way I see it.


Hall of Famer
Well I guess I won't argue with you over that because I respect your basketball opinion probably more than anybody else's on this entire board. I didn't watch Ryan in college, but I did watch him in New Jersey, and I was not impressed. This year (looking at stats) he has played well. But let's face it, it's not a bad thing for anybody's career to play PF alongside Dwight Howard. Like Tim Tebow, Ryan is just gonna have to prove to me that he can do this on a consistent basis or without Dwight's presence before I call him a good NBA player. Some may disagree with that, and I'm sorry, but that's just the way I see it.
I certainly agree that it helps to have Howard next to you in the post. But with just about every good team, the team is better than the sum of its parts. Stoudemire was better with Nash in the lineup. Now he has Lin. I dare say that Lin wouldn't be as productive on the Kings as he is on the Knicks. Being surrounded by very good players is extremely helpful, but the bottom line is, you still have to perform. So with any player, being in the right place at the right time might be the difference between having a good career or being out of the league. Until the Knicks were hit with injuries, they were getting ready to cut Lin. So instead of playing in the DBL, he's now the talk of the town, and the NBA world. Point is, he had the skill level all along.

So maybe you could say the same thing about Ryan. That doesn't make him any less of a good player than Lin. Webber had the best years of his career with the Kings. Did he suddenly become a better player when he arrived here, or was it,that he was surrounded by good players that complimented his type of game. Its all subjective and one could make a case either way. But in the end, it doesn't matter as long as your winning.
hahhaa! not ready to give up on Hickson.....Anyone who is not ready to give up on Hickson, my question is this: have you watched the games? Hes a solid rebounder and a mediocre scorer at best. This team needs defense. We have plenty of mediocre offensive players, none of which seem to be able to guard anyone. There are plenty of mediocre offensive players on a good teams, like the thunder for example. But the difference is, their mediocre offensive players are defensive machines. I'd honestly rather see f'n whiteside play in front of hickson at this point.

That being said, Chris Anderson had is breakout season a few years back. Unfortunately he seems to have regressed since then. I havent watched him too much, but one thing i noticed is that he seems to be a player that always goes for the block, and fairly often gets fooled on pump fakes etc, by going for the block. But he is on a pretty modest contract, and maybe a new uniform could help spark him. He is 33 now though, he really only has a year or 2 left IMO playing at a high level, since he is someone who relies on his athleticism.

Bottom line: depends on what we would have to give up for him. He is someone who might be able to help us right now, but he is definitely not the long term answer