how about starting Honeycutt?



This salmons thing clearly isnt working. At this point I see no reason not to try something different. I think honeycutt is raw but could be the closest thing to a shotblocker we have when he's on the floor. Has the 3pt range and is a solid height. Why not give him a shot. I feel like he'd try to fit in more than salmons does.
I brought this up a few days ago as well. Here is Salmons game log for the last five games all with an avg of 30 mins played a night.
  1. 2pts
  2. 3pts
  3. 4pts
  4. 5ps
  5. 2pts
Sit this bum down bring in a D-League guy or play Honeycutt anybody PLZ because the squad is playing 4 on 5 everynight on offense.
i have no idea how salmons is still getting minutes. is it because he's a shooter? clearly not, as the stats above point out. is it because of his defense? no, he's nothing special in my opinion, its not like he locks other guys down on a nightly basis. is it because of his veteran leadership? hardly, the dude doesn't seem like a vocal presence on OR off the floor. its time to admit that this move was a failure and give donte or tyler some time at that spot.
i wish smart was a member on here and can see this i also dont get why slamon gets so many minutes its frustrating seeing the same thing over n over again and it doesnt even seem like salmons hustles he always has the idgaf face going im so done with salmons clearly one of the cancers of this team i wish we woud give honeycut a legit chanve just like any other team would....


Subsidiary Intermediary
Staff member
Let's try Donte first. Honeycutt should at least be getting minutes if he's ready for them (unlike Whiteside, who hasn't shown that he's ready for minutes...sadly.)


Hall of Famer
I would be surprised if Donte doesn't get more minutes. He seems to be playing better than usual perhaps because being a perpetual towel waver is taking a toll on him and he is focusing more on basketball (my take, of course). I don't expect Salmons to lose the starting job but I definitely expect to see his minutes cut. Honeycutt needs a few minutes but if we are in a competitive game, I would keep him out. Play him in blowouts.
I would be surprised if Donte doesn't get more minutes. He seems to be playing better than usual perhaps because being a perpetual towel waver is taking a toll on him and he is focusing more on basketball (my take, of course). I don't expect Salmons to lose the starting job but I definitely expect to see his minutes cut. Honeycutt needs a few minutes but if we are in a competitive game, I would keep him out. Play him in blowouts.

So your saying we should start him and give him 40 minutes a night.....


Let's try Donte first. Honeycutt should at least be getting minutes if he's ready for them (unlike Whiteside, who hasn't shown that he's ready for minutes...sadly.)
Not a bad idea and your right about Whiteside, it's as if he doesn't know how to play.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Let's try Donte first. Honeycutt should at least be getting minutes if he's ready for them (unlike Whiteside, who hasn't shown that he's ready for minutes...sadly.)
uh oh. This is two posts in a row of yours that I've completely agreed with. I hope this isn't a trend.



Senior Member sharing a brew with bajaden
Honeycutt deserves some minutes in light of lack of scoring and defense. We'll never know if he can help until he gets on the floor. Biggest problem is lack of consistency and energy for starters. Second problem is lack of scoring support off the bench. Give Honeycutt some minutes, at least 6-8 at a time, and lets see. Can't be any worse basedon 5 of last 6 games.
I don't see Donte as the answer to sf and he will likely be gone next year anyhow. I would give Honeycut some minutes but until he shows he can start, Salmons is still the best we have at sf. I think the position will be filled by a new player next year so I'm not getting too worked up over who starts at sf with the group we have. Ain't none of them gonna help us this year.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
I don't see Donte as the answer to sf and he will likely be gone next year anyhow. I would give Honeycut some minutes but until he shows he can start, Salmons is still the best we have at sf. I think the position will be filled by a new player next year so I'm not getting too worked up over who starts at sf with the group we have. Ain't none of them gonna help us this year.
Salmons: 28gms 28strt 28.7min 7.1pts (.358 FG .282 3pt .667 FT) 3.3reb 1.8ast 0.9stl 0.1blk 1.0TO

309th out of 338 in NBA in PER (amongst qualified players -- 372nd if you take off the filters)
387th out of 442 in NBA in EFF/48

you name your raw stat, or your "advanced" stat. That is nobody's best we have.
I don't see Donte as the answer to sf and he will likely be gone next year anyhow. I would give Honeycut some minutes but until he shows he can start, Salmons is still the best we have at sf. I think the position will be filled by a new player next year so I'm not getting too worked up over who starts at sf with the group we have. Ain't none of them gonna help us this year.
Start Harrison Barnes and bring Honeycutt off bench....oh wait that's next year.


Hall of Famer
I brought this up a few days ago as well. Here is Salmons game log for the last five games all with an avg of 30 mins played a night.
  1. 2pts
  2. 3pts
  3. 4pts
  4. 5ps
  5. 2pts
Sit this bum down bring in a D-League guy or play Honeycutt anybody PLZ because the squad is playing 4 on 5 everynight on offense.
Holy Moly. I knew it was bad, but that's just wow bad. If he didn't have a guaranteed contract they would have cut him by now.

I like the idea of starting Green, playing Honeycutt, and like you said, getting a D-leauge guy to give it a shot. Is there a small forward out there with Lin in his last name?


Subsidiary Intermediary
Staff member
uh oh. This is two posts in a row of yours that I've completely agreed with. I hope this isn't a trend.

I feel as though this rift has been created between the two of us ever since you didn't allow me to include the Chevy '45 Vlade Special in the cars draft. Could we just gather around a nice macchiato and make amends? :D


Hall of Famer
Does anyone believe that the reason Salmons starts is because he is better than anyone else on the bench?

Our SF rotation is friggin pathetic. Honeycutt wasnt producing in the D-league, what makes yall think he'll do better in the NBA? Greene has had LESS good games than Salmons (albeit he has been given less of a chance). I wont even bother with considering Outlaw.

That being said...I'd give Greene some major burn. He's had flashes. Maybe start him for a week and see if he can get into a groove.

Also, I still think GP is making Smart play Salmons so that he'll (Petrie) look like less of a schmuck for making that Jimmer trade. Only thing is its making him look like more of a schmuck.


Senior Member sharing a brew with bajaden
Honeycutt deserves some minutes in light of lack of scoring and defense. We'll never know if he can help until he gets on the floor. Biggest problem is lack of consistency and energy for starters. Second problem is lack of scoring support off the bench. Give Honeycutt some minutes, at least 6-8 at a time, and lets see. Can't be any worse basedon 5 of last 6 games.
If this sounds like I'm repeating myself.............. at least give Honeycutt some minutes to see what is possible. In preseason, he showed some of the reasons Petrie drafted him. He is quick, has big hops and who knows, maybe he can score!!
How about giving him some playing time first?
Agree. I sure wouldn't start him until he has played regular minutes. He hasn't played at all. The best I could do would be to have first off the bench for a week or so, and if he can handle it, that is, be a plus instead of a minus, then start him a time or two.
We all agree the fish is playing like crap. He gets minutes because they pay him a lot, and he has been good in the past. Ever notice how some players are always being traded? Salmons has and it may be because of his brooding personality. We need some one else at the 3. I wish Honeycutt was ready, but he is not, hence his time in D League. Giving him some minutes will speed up his learning, but will probably not win games.

Donte has a lot of physical skills, but mentally he seems ragged. The rest of the bench has some nice journeyman type players. The Kings seem to have plenty of expendable players that could be traded. Maybe what the team really needs is team defensive coaching, and playing together more. Infusions of rookies and trades can mess up a team's potential.