This team has turned the corner?? CELEBRATION!

If you're goal is to merely expose hypocracy, how about looking in the mirror. Your post from the game thread against GS:

As soon as that game ended, even though we were close to winning at the end, and stumbled in the last few minutes, you started complaining. Then we win last night, and you continue to complain. What ever happened to being happy as long as we don't get blown out?
I'm sorry. I wasn't aware that folks were going to read "I'll be happy as long as they don't get blown out" as "I won't be unhappy if they blow a lead to the GS bench in the 4th." It's possible to be conflicted on a thing, to be both pleased and displeased at the same time. Yes, I WAS happy that they didn't get blown out. But I was NOT happy that they lost a game they should have won. Go right ahead and keep dissecting my posts desperately trying to prove something, though...maybe one of these times you actually will.


Hall of Famer
I'm sorry. I wasn't aware that folks were going to read "I'll be happy as long as they don't get blown out" as "I won't be unhappy if they blow a lead to the GS bench in the 4th." It's possible to be conflicted on a thing, to be both pleased and displeased at the same time. Yes, I WAS happy that they didn't get blown out. But I was NOT happy that they lost a game they should have won. Go right ahead and keep dissecting my posts desperately trying to prove something, though...maybe one of these times you actually will.
Yup. Still a hypocrite.

Being down by one in the final minute does not equate to a blowout. We won last night, and you;ve been nothing but negative, and argumentative since, and appear quite unhappy as well. Of course, I'm sure you have a different definition of negative, argumentative and unhappy.
Yup. Still a hypocrite.

Being down by one in the final minute does not equate to a blowout. We won last night, and you;ve been nothing but negative, and argumentative since, and appear quite unhappy as well. Of course, I'm sure you have a different definition of negative, argumentative and unhappy.
You're not understanding what i wrote does not make me a hypocrite. I did not write I will ALWAYS be happy if they don't get blown out. That statement was a reference to the GS game. If you took it as some sort of universal claim for all of time, it's a failure on your part.


Hall of Famer
You're not understanding what i wrote does not make me a hypocrite. I did not write I will ALWAYS be happy if they don't get blown out. That statement was a reference to the GS game. If you took it as some sort of universal claim for all of time, it's a failure on your part.
And there's the strawman.
Nope, unless you want to be over-sensitive and touchy. I attacked your views, admittedly harshly, but not you. Not a personal attack.
As previously stated, Attacks do not bother me. This is about consistency, nothing more. If you truly would not read "hey Dime, you don't know jack **** about basketball" as an attack, than you must have a pretty odd definition of personal attack.


To me it comes down to how Evans plays. I think Smart sat him down and told him, "Listen, your not a jump shooter, your a drive, slash, kick and dish. Look at Lebron this year, 70% of his shots are from 15ft and in and he's dominating this year, you can do that too. Your a point guard so act like one, knock off shooting that J and drive, give and go and pass. You got it kid just need to realize your strengths and max them out and don't worry about that damn JUMPER YOU DON'T HAVE." So Tyreke left the locker room that day thinking, "Well if D. Rose can make a living on just driving and dishing and make it to the playoffs I can do the same for my team. Now time for some Bella Bru, who's with me?" That's teh story of how Tyreke realized that he's a PG and has all the skill to be one of the best, the end.
As previously stated, Attacks do not bother me. This is about consistency, nothing more. If you truly would not read "hey Dime, you don't know jack **** about basketball" as an attack, than you must have a pretty odd definition of personal attack.
Problem for you is, I didn't say that. I gave my opinion, which I completely stand by. I gave my reason, which was your little dig at KF for reasons that have already been shown to be false. I don't know you personally, nor do I want to. If my opinion on your basketball knowledge is too tough to handle, sorry. Doesn't make it a personal attack.

This thread has been taken over long enough with this stuff. Reply if you wish, I'm not partaking in the derailment of this any longer.
Problem for you is, I didn't say that. I gave my opinion, which I completely stand by. I gave my reason, which was your little dig at KF for reasons that have already been shown to be false. I don't know you personally, nor do I want to. If my opinion on your basketball knowledge is too tough to handle, sorry. Doesn't make it a personal attack.

This thread has been taken over long enough with this stuff. Reply if you wish, I'm not partaking in the derailment of this any longer.
"hey Dime, you don't know jack **** about basketball" would be an opinion as well. Opinion and attack are not mutually exclusive.Your opinions aren't tough to handle, they're of no consequence whatsoever to me. As I said, this is just about consistency. Some folks want to dish it out but they don't want to take it back.
"hey Dime, you don't know jack **** about basketball" would be an opinion as well. Opinion and attack are not mutually exclusive.Your opinions aren't tough to handle, they're of no consequence whatsoever to me. As I said, this is just about consistency. Some folks want to dish it out but they don't want to take it back.

Fire it back at me then, I won't cry and whinge about it, hiding behind a warped sense of justice and "exposing hypocrisy." Now stop derailing this further with your constant moaning and lets let the thread get back on track.
Fire it back at me then, I won't cry and whinge about it, hiding behind a warped sense of justice and "exposing hypocrisy." Now stop derailing this further with your constant moaning and lets let the thread get back on track.
i'm not moaning or whining about anything. i've been very calm and reasoned. The only reason this is an issue with me is that i've been threatened with a ban for making "attacks" yet others seem to have free reign to make them on me. Either attacks are OK or they're not, all I'm asking for is a consistent approach.
This team keeps turning the corner, yet ends up on the same Fail Street at the end of the day. Personally I'll be excited about a turned corner when the Kings start playing consistently as a team. I refuse to celebrate a bunch of personal accomplishments by the team members 'cause that never results in anything productive anyway.

I haven't celebrated personal accomplishments since Tyrekes rookie season, when I quickly realized his 20/5/5 run is all about that one player and doesn't translate into wins anyway


That's teh story of how Tyreke realized that he's a PG and has all the skill to be one of the best, the end.
good stuff... I agree...I'm positive that Keith Smart actually confronted him straight up and sorta put Evans in his place as a PG... thats probably why Keith Smart is calling Evans a PG to the media in interviews...

if he's not playing PG then his only other option is SG... but we have too many SG's on this team... and NO Evans can't play the 3... the only option for Evans is to not just play PG... but BE A PG!!! otherwise this team will never have any success. I'm sure like all of us here that Smart knows this, and made that his first priority.

it sounds to me like Westfail never confronted anyone about there roles, and part of that was intimidated to call out Evans. remember when he blasted Hawes but totally left out Evans. that was BS, both were equally wrong, someone made a funny video about it... anyway... Smart seems to have definitely broke through with Evans cause his ast's shot WAY UP fast after Smart finally got some practice time.


This team keeps turning the corner, yet ends up on the same Fail Street at the end of the day. Personally I'll be excited about a turned corner when the Kings start playing consistently as a team. I refuse to celebrate a bunch of personal accomplishments by the team members 'cause that never results in anything productive anyway.

I haven't celebrated personal accomplishments since Tyrekes rookie season, when I quickly realized his 20/5/5 run is all about that one player and doesn't translate into wins anyway
well this team is gonna probably lose a lot more... this is a crazy short season... and were already on coach #2 after 18 games? getting rid of Westfail was a big step forward and now that Smart has some practice time... some things are noticeably different for the better... were the youngest team in the NBA... all i want is to see progress and growth... since Smart took over it seems like i can say, I'm seeing that again...
i'm not moaning or whining about anything. i've been very calm and reasoned. The only reason this is an issue with me is that i've been threatened with a ban for making "attacks" yet others seem to have free reign to make them on me. Either attacks are OK or they're not, all I'm asking for is a consistent approach.
If you have a problem with my post, simply report it. Regardless of whether you consciously choose to be offended or not, the FACT remains that I did not attack you personally, I attacked your post. That is legal according to the charter. If you want to interpret it as a personal attack, that is your choice. It is not so, however, given that it was the content of your post which was described as idiotic (and I backed it up), not you as a person. Now, further discussion should be taken to PM if you so wish. Otherwise, let it go.


Super Moderator Emeritus
OMG... you are ridiculous... well apparently Keith Smart and I disagree with you.... so you can keep your great team failure theory ... or just accept that jimmer didn't play for a reason... the Keith Smart though it was best for our teams chances of winning that Jimmer sat on the bench for this one... theres no grey area... its black and white...

also so far I'm a little surprised that no one else shares the view that things might be turning around ... maybe slowly but wow! really! no one else is seeing anything different from Westfail to Smart??? no one else seeing Evans being called a PG and actually passing for 7 dimes a game all of a sudden?
Who are you and what have you done with sactownfan? ;)

Seriously, I am so glad to see you refind your passion for the Kings. Don't let the naysayers discourage you.
This team keeps turning the corner, yet ends up on the same Fail Street at the end of the day.
Exactly. Too many times I've gotten excited over a few good games only to come crashing back down to earth when they revert right back to the same old bad basketball. That's what bad teams do, they tease you with good wins here and there but for the most part they suck. You can only keep that up for so long. I need a larger sample size of success before I get excited that they're turning a corner. I want to see .500 basketball for a full month, then I'll start thinking about saying they're turning the corner.
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Who are you and what have you done with sactownfan? ;)

Seriously, I am so glad to see you refind your passion for the Kings. Don't let the naysayers discourage you.
I concur! This is a nice change from you sactownfan. Be prepared for some very frustrating nights yet and don't become discouraged, because we are not there yet. Especially with the gruelling schedule coming up. But slowly, we are making progress, and that is at least reason enough for a little optimism.


Super Moderator Emeritus
i'm not moaning or whining about anything. i've been very calm and reasoned. The only reason this is an issue with me is that i've been threatened with a ban for making "attacks" yet others seem to have free reign to make them on me. Either attacks are OK or they're not, all I'm asking for is a consistent approach.
Dude, you're a vexation to the spirit of a LARGE number of members around here. You could easily simply back off once in a while and let people have their brief ray of sunshine, but invariably you choose to do otherwise, dowsing potential sparks with big buckets of your "reality." And then, when you're called about it, you hide behind the old saw of being picked on, singled out for attacks, etc.

YOU have chosen the type of persona you wish to present here on KF. Part of that persona apparently involves you continually questioning the authority and judgment of the moderators. Well, here's a harsh is still around and thriving while other Kings boards have failed BECAUSE of our moderation, not in spite of it. If you're not happy here, you're more than welcome to find somewhere else to post. This is not a threat; it's a statement of fact.

That's the way it is. Argue, fume, pout, pontificate, spout the rhetoric of anarchy or do anything else you like to protest the presence and behavior of the moderators - but do so realizing we're not going to change either. And the majority of our members prefer it that way.

At this point, it would be really nice to just get back to letting people express their excitement over last night's win. You've been pretty generous in making your opinions known. I really don't think you need to repost them with minor variations in verbage in every thread on the board.
Exactly. Too many times I've gotten excited over a few good games only to come crashing back down to earth when they revert right back to the same old bad basketball. That's what bad teams do, they tease you with good wins here and there but for the most part they suck. You can only keep that up for so long. I need a larger sample size of success before I get excited that they're turning a corner. I want to see .500 basketball for a full month, then I'll start thinking about saying they're turning the corner.
Yep yep! I find it really difficult to be optimistic about the Kings beating some real good team, just to be frustrated the next day when they lose to one of the very few teams who are even worse than we are!

I admit, I got pretty excited when the Kings whooped the Lakers the first game in the season. I thought "hmm could we be as good as LA this season?" Haha, never again. Like you said, I'll wait for some consistently good basketball before jumping up in the air after a very random win
Dude, you're a vexation to the spirit of a LARGE number of members around here. You could easily simply back off once in a while and let people have their brief ray of sunshine, but invariably you choose to do otherwise, dowsing potential sparks with big buckets of your "reality." And then, when you're called about it, you hide behind the old saw of being picked on, singled out for attacks, etc.

YOU have chosen the type of persona you wish to present here on KF. Part of that persona apparently involves you continually questioning the authority and judgment of the moderators. Well, here's a harsh is still around and thriving while other Kings boards have failed BECAUSE of our moderation, not in spite of it. If you're not happy here, you're more than welcome to find somewhere else to post. This is not a threat; it's a statement of fact.

That's the way it is. Argue, fume, pout, pontificate, spout the rhetoric of anarchy or do anything else you like to protest the presence and behavior of the moderators - but do so realizing we're not going to change either. And the majority of our members prefer it that way.

At this point, it would be really nice to just get back to letting people express their excitement over last night's win. You've been pretty generous in making your opinions known. I really don't think you need to repost them with minor variations in verbage in every thread on the board.
Love it. What's nice about this board is a majority of the members are very level-headed and understand the concept of basketball and how a team should work. It's not too often after every game you see a "ZOMG TYREKE SUCKS" if he has a bad game or "Are Tyreke+DeMarcus top 10 players in the NBA?" type thread after they dominate a game. Last night was a great win for our team and should hopefully add to the maturity of our young guys. But no one is blowing the win out of proportion and everyone knows that this team has a long way to go before we can be a playoff team once again. However, the best part of being a fan of a particular team is getting to enjoy wins like we had last night; especially when we've been struggling a lot this season. What's the point of following the Kings or any struggling team if you just want to be cynical all the time and never have any hope or optimism in the team?
Imagine all of us at the bar. Best friends giving high fives or chairs threw the windows lol.

Actually, all the people with negative (yet truthful) opinions would be banned from such an event so the place would be packed with our "optimistic" crowd whose beer glass is always half full - at which point forget about anything being thrown around


Hall of Famer
Yep yep! I find it really difficult to be optimistic about the Kings beating some real good team, just to be frustrated the next day when they lose to one of the very few teams who are even worse than we are!

I admit, I got pretty excited when the Kings whooped the Lakers the first game in the season. I thought "hmm could we be as good as LA this season?" Haha, never again. Like you said, I'll wait for some consistently good basketball before jumping up in the air after a very random win
Well I suggest not just looking at whether we win or lose, but instead start looking at improvement in the details, which there is.
Dude, you're a vexation to the spirit of a LARGE number of members around here. You could easily simply back off once in a while and let people have their brief ray of sunshine, but invariably you choose to do otherwise, dowsing potential sparks with big buckets of your "reality." And then, when you're called about it, you hide behind the old saw of being picked on, singled out for attacks, etc.

YOU have chosen the type of persona you wish to present here on KF. Part of that persona apparently involves you continually questioning the authority and judgment of the moderators. Well, here's a harsh is still around and thriving while other Kings boards have failed BECAUSE of our moderation, not in spite of it. If you're not happy here, you're more than welcome to find somewhere else to post. This is not a threat; it's a statement of fact.

That's the way it is. Argue, fume, pout, pontificate, spout the rhetoric of anarchy or do anything else you like to protest the presence and behavior of the moderators - but do so realizing we're not going to change either. And the majority of our members prefer it that way.

At this point, it would be really nice to just get back to letting people express their excitement over last night's win. You've been pretty generous in making your opinions known. I really don't think you need to repost them with minor variations in verbage in every thread on the board.
If I'm that vexing, I'd think people would just put me on ignore. That's what i'd do if someone was bothering me that much. What perplexes me is that people seem annoyed by me yet it seems they make no effort at all to avoid interacting with me. i'm not expecting anything to change, i was simply pointing out what I saw as an inconsistency. All in all I like this forum, the good outweighs the bad. We probably disagree as well though on "choosing" our personas. I'm no more choosing to be negative than positive folks are choosing to be positive. I just report how I feel, I don't modify it so that it doesn't "offend" anyone but I also don't design so that its goal is to offend. i just am what I am, so to speak.