The greatest need isn't filling a position, which would be sf btw, but instead getting owners and a gm who can fill positions of need.
I don't know who is responsible for Salmons, Outlaw, going after Hayes before going after Daly, hiring one cheap/poor coach after another, not getting a backup center, etc..
I think Westy was heavily involved, but he did not pull the trigger. No matter how great a case Westy made for some of these acquisitions, Petrie had the final say. He sided with Westy, when instead he should have told him to put down the crack pipe.
Then there is the Maloofs. Petrie has said he's been operating under strict restrictions these last few years. That doesn't help at all. But still, don't need to make poor moves. Petrie should have turned around to the Maloofs, and said if you aren't willing to spend, I can't help. Why make a move if it doesn't help? As I've said before, even if the cash strapped Maloofs didn't give Petrie the freedom he needed, wasting 17M per on our current sf core is a complete waste. Petrie should simply have told the Maloofs if you can't financially back me on moves which will help this team, then there aren't any moves to make. I'm not going to just make cheap moves for the sake of making a move.
If you take out a loan for a car, want a bigger loan but can't get it, the responsibility still falls on you to not make a pee POOR investment in another car. You can either try to make a smart investment, cheaply, or wait until you qualify for another loan, or find other funding. But if you take that small loan you hoped was larger, and blow it on a crappy car, you have no one to blame but yourself. Not the best example, but works for me.
Point being, no matter what limitations the Maloofs put on Petrie, Petrie is still responsible. This roster is a mess compared to last year, and I didn't think that would have been possible. We have a gm who is still spending, but not effectively. Daly was too expensive, and we courted Hayes instead, even though we're spending 17M on Cisco/Salmons/Outlaw. We didn't add another 3M per to either AK or Daly, and instead spent it on Outlaw. That's just two of a number of scenarios.
So yes, we can sit here and say we need a sf, or another creator, or a defensive presence next to Cousins, but we have a gm who has shown he doesn't know how to allocate his money effectively. We have owners who don't spend. THAT is the problem. If we don't see serious headway by the trade deadline, then Petrie has to go. He has completely screwed up this roster, as the one with the final say, and the one who pulls the trigger. Westy didn't put a gun to his head. The Maloofs may have campaigned for certain moves behind the scenes, but ultimately it's Petrie pulling the trigger. If the Maloofs campaign for soft shooters, it's on Petrie to tell them no, that isn't what wins, and instead educate them on what kind of a roster does succeed in the playoffs.
This organization has a number of problems. We won't see the changes we want/need until there are changes at the top. This last off season showed that, after YEARS of formulating a plan to execute, and then completely failing. And if this was the plan from say 5 years ago, then Petrie should probably be flipping burgers for a living.