[Grades] Grades v. Bucks 1/5/12

Kings Player of the Game?

  • Tyreke Evans

    Votes: 52 70.3%
  • Marcus Thornton

    Votes: 3 4.1%
  • DeMarcus Cousins

    Votes: 18 24.3%
  • John Salmons

    Votes: 1 1.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Don't Make Me Use The Bat

That's the talent we've always had. That's what's so exciting about this team's potential. Now if we can just bottle this. But near perfect way for a new coach to debut. A win, on the 5th night in 6, in front of the home fans, with all three of your young stars flashing dominant stuff.


Salmons ( C ) -- was a different spirit to this one from early on. Was moving the ball pretty willingly to start, and stood in there decently when he got caught on Gooden. Playing with some effort in the first half. Of course while effort is nice, competence is better. And John was absolutely killing us out there for three quarters looking like Father Time had passed through the lockerroom and jammed a giant tuning fork in his back. Reke pretty much singelehandedly kept us in this one driving and dishing in the first half while Salmons bricked and bricked and bricked wide open shots created for him, and the huge hole in our roster was just killing us. As a capper it looked like a coaching error at the end of the 3rd may have killed us, as Smart subbed in our small shooting lineup prematurely with Salmons effectively at PF, looking to score on the final possession of the quarter. Unfortunately he subbed them in on the 2nd of 2 FTs by Jennings, I guess on the assumption he would make it. Well, he didn't, and Salmons is a lousy rebounder, and the ball went right over his head on the missed FT, the Bucks got it back and Jennings drained a three to drop us back down 14 going into the 4th with effectively a 4pt possession for the Bucks. Given how hard our main guys were trying by that point and my general opinion of John Salmons as a basketball player, I was busily searching for my pitchfork at that point. And then all of a sudden he woke up, and it was a major factor in us pulling this out. Started the 4th hitting several baskets, and setting up both Jimmer and Cousins for points of their own. Came up with several clutch plays on both sides in the final 2 miutes, including a huge steal at the 1:20 mark and resulting foul on the break (where he hit 1 of 2 FTs), a big jumper at the :45 second mark, and then a strong defensive stand on the Bucks possession at the :18 mark as they went to Stephen Jackson to try to win it. A C ain't much of a grade, but its not bad when you were sitting on your 3rd F in a week at the end of three quarters.

Hayes ( INC ) -- was off to a nondescript start, making a nice pass to a curling Cousins for the very first play of the game, and then largely disappearing. Made a poor rotation to give the Bucks a +1 finsih. And then the dark cloud in what otherwise was a fun win appeared, as almost forgotten about after the subsequent fireworks we lost our only defensive big man to a freak injury in the 2nd quarter. He was coming out to challenge Gooden away from the hoop, Gooden put the ball down to go around him, they collided, banging their RIGHT shoulders...and somehow Chuck dropped to his knees in pain as he dislocated his LEFT shoulder. Huh? I mean, how freaky is that? It wasn't even that big a collison. More of a glancing blow as Gooden didn't even break stride going on past. In any case, even if Smart is able to keep the focus/minutes/shots pouring to our three main young guns, they are going to need some smart roleplayer help to do all the supporting dirtwork, so how much time Chuck misses could be key. P.S. Given the heart scare a few weeks ago, did anybody else have a flash of worry as our 260lb stump fell to his knees mysteriously clutching his left shoulder area and staying down? Yikes.

Cousins ( A- ) -- was sloppy in the early going but playing well and physically. Smart drew up a play for him on the very first play of the game that had him curling to the hoop, and if it signals a new direction for this franchise than good. Had all he could handle with Drew Gooden in the early going though, as Gooden was having one of those freak games he'll have every once in a while and was scoring fromt he perimeter, beat Cousins on the drive for a big dunk etc. None the less it was the Cousins and Evans show early, until DeMarcus got into foul trouble and Reke had to take a rest, at which point it became the fugly and fuglier show as nobody else on the team could score at all in the first half and we started getting blown out. Upon returning in the second was playing more selfishly, but was still very active, and for the second game in a row was really getting his hands on a lot of balls on defense. Got his third foul on an offensive foul, as he had several foul calls go against him. In the third added an impressive big man rumbling all the way in drive from the 3pt line. But then laid the ball out in front of him and let Gooden take it right away, and then picked up the foul on the other end trying to steal the ball back and make up for his mistake. That's youth for you. But that turned into an important sequence in the game, as Smart's reaction ws NOT to yank DeMarcus immediately wiht hsi 4th foul, but to leave the big foul prove kid in there to continue creating havoc. And so he did, and started to really pound the glass and wear the Bucks out physically inside for the remainder of his game. There were still some missed layups and whatnot, but he was just the big kid on the playground and just overwhelming guys in there on the offensive glass to finish those plays off. Fouled out on a B.S. call at the 4:30 mark and again you thought maybe that would be it for us, but we responded by going small and never quit. Fiddled with several grades here, but bottomline if Cousins wants to go 19 and 15 every game in 27 min (his per minute productivity and propensity for fouling out in under 30 min remain amazing) he'll be an All Star, so that's an A of some sort.

Thornton ( B+ ) --struggled oh so mightily in the early going as none of our Thronton/Salmons/Kimmer shooting corps could actually shoot before halftime. And in his case, you really were thinking dead dead legs on the 5th game in 6 nights. While he did notch a few welcome assists, his struggles hurt us as we shrotened the rotation and did not get much from our bench as he couldn't carry the load when Reke went to the bench and we lost ground rapidly. Must have gotten one heck of a pep tak at halftime however, as Marcus has 2 points at halftime...and finished with 27! As in 25 point second half and scoring at a 50pt pace after the break. Started getting everythign going, finally hiting a three, getting in there on the offensive glass for finishes, and really killed the Bucks with little drives and 8-10 flip finishes. Per usual got over rambunctuous and threatened to kill our big 3rd quarter push with an other ill timed 1 on team drive leading to a Bucks breakout and 3ptr. But again this time we did not get thrown by those sorts of mistakes and clawed back into it again. Down teh stretch bulldogged his way to the hoop at the 2:15 mark for the last of his 27 points, before adding another ill timed and potentially deadly selfish 1 on 1 possesion at the 1:40 mark leading to a wild missed shot. Worked very hard and came up with some big defensive boards, just has to fight inherently selfish instincts. B+ was as high as I could go given that first half, but was a monster after halftime as we outscored the Bucks 66-42.

Evans ( A ) -- in a short season in which Reke has been called lazy, fat, stupid, selfish, scared, and unable to beat his man any longer at the ripe old age of 22, all by fans of his own team, this was his maybe you shut the hell up moment. :p Came to play from the opening tip, and that breath of fresh air you felt blowing through the arena was either the shackles being taken off, or him blowing by for another spectacular layup. Carried us throughout the first half, often by himself. And it wasn't just the normal array of spectacular takes to the hoop, he was energized all over the court, on the defensive glass, and you can take that 5 assist total and just about double it as he was doing a nice job finding guys for open threes throughout the first half that they just refused to hit. So he even went off and hit one of those (and missed 4 more during the game -- 5 is too many for him unless he's hot). Stepped back a bit offensively after half as Thornton and Cousins came on strong, but was helping in a number of ways. Ran a perfect 3 on 1 fast break in the early third leading to a big Hickson dunk, added another darting explosion, and was doing a nice job of trapping on defense. Unable to precent Jennings from having one of those semimonthly games where he actually hits his threes however. With one hiccup came up big down the stretch. Just harassed Beno 1 on 1 on defense and flat took the ball from him at the 3:30 mark, getting fouled + knocking in the FTs. The bad was a winceworthy short jumper after 8 seconds of dribbling from the right baseline. But we hung in there, and down the stretch Reke was the guy who iced it, hitting 4 clutch FTs in the final 20 seconds in front of the same fans who were booing him at the line a week ago, the first two to take the lead, the second two coming after he secured his 10th rebound of the game, and making the lead 3 to force the Bucks into a desperation heave at the buzzer (a pretty good look by Jennings actually) . So big game for him and us, with hope for the future. And if his shooters could have actually shot, would have been threatening a huge triple double.



Hickson ( B- ) -- did not play well in the early half in place of Cousins or Hayes. Was missing his early shots and displaying those shaky hands. Add in sloppy defense and its no surprise we lost momentum with DeMarcus out. But came out after half a new man, apparently getting that same pep talk that Thornton did. Had a huge finish (below) on the 3 on 1 break from Reke in the early third that may have helped get him going, and then showed really lively legs on the glass for the rest of the half. Was getting on the offensive glass and getting to the line.

Thompson ( C ) -- another player who did nothing for a long stretch of the game until it came time to win it, and then stepped up. Empty first half minutes with another empty statline. Telegraphed a pass to Jimmer up top which Jenningss picked off with us down 9. Luckily Jennings choked both FTs. Was sitting on a rather unattractive grade when DeMarcus fouled out with 4:30 to go. But then Smart made the decision to go small, REAL small, with Salmons basically at "PF" and JT as the lone big man. That it would be JT rather than Hickson given the games they had been having to that point was surprising, but there it was. And Jason responded by justifying the decision. Just stayed out of the way of all the skill people on offense, but played some excellent help defense down the stretch, and was scrapping along the baseline for loose balls and boards. Let a much better taste in the mouth despite the scrubby numbers.
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Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Fredette ( C- ) -- struggled again through much of this one, althoguh at least cut down on some of the worst of the ballhandling/getting trapped mistkes. Matched for a while with Beno, the man he replaced, and you could see how much bigger Beno was when they stood side by side. Not effective in his first stint, and we lost momemtnum while Reke rested. Struggling to hit his shots off the dribble again, and when he finally did get a three to fall it was on a Reke kickout, which again leads me to my comment that I think it might be helpful to make him more of a spotup shooter until he settles in. Was having defensive probelms again getting shot over by numerous peeps and making soft passes up top that the Bucks were sitting on. Missed his first shot of the 4th off the side of the backboard, but when Salmons recovered it, he got it back to him, and Jimmer drained the second one from a step closer. Didn't really earn his 24 min tonight, but we've got nobody else really to play that 3rd guard, so has to step it up now and at least be solid. If our three main guys are going he doens't have to be great, but just has to be solid enough that we don't lose momentum when he's out there. Will help if Smart simplifies things for him, maybe gives him some plays to run, pick and rolls etc.

Garcia ( C+ ) -- okay, did not get much accomplished and has got to start hitting shots if he wants these minutes form the new coacch, but I thoguht he gave us some hustling roleplayer minutes in the first half as a guy who understands what that means.

Outlaw ( INC ) --did nothing inn his minuts and is lucky he did not reach my 6:00 min grading cutoff. Continues to annoy by refusing to just catch and shoot, and instead pulling the bal down, dribbling off randoly, and then taking a more contested jumper to no apparent advantage.

Thomas ( INC ) -- boxscore says he got three seconds. All I can figure is that means he was in for the final play of the game, when the Bucks had 2.6 seconds to get off a three and we must have had him our there to guard perimeter guys, although what a 5'9" player is going to do to stop an NBA shotter I don't know. In any case, I didn't notice him out there, but I assume that was it.
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A much tighter rotation from Smart. Not much else was different, but the team had a lot of energy and I can only guess that comes from being freed of Westphal.

But back to the rotation, Outlaw got some minutes, but not any significant amount. Thomas did not play at all and it was mostly a 8/9 man rotation. Greene was out for a death in the family, so curious to see if this sticks with all available.
Man, how long has it been since this server was crashed? It's great to have it crash for GOOD NEWS, for once.

GREAT WIN! Everyone played Smart tonight ;)
Man, how long has it been since this server was crashed? It's great to have it crash for GOOD NEWS, for once.

GREAT WIN! Everyone played Smart tonight ;)
I genuinely don't know who to vote for in the poll.

I thought Cousins was completely dominant. He bullied their frontline, just being far too physical for them to handle. He did whatever he wanted in there and had lots of energy. Fantastic game from him and a big reason that we were able to make the comeback. His talent is off the charts.

Tyreke was amazing. He took some bad shots, but nothing that would make you stop. He was his old self going to the rim, finishing some impossible shots. He made big defensive plays, hit clutch shots, got people open looks. Just a legit star performance. Let's have that every game Tyreke, you're capable of it.

Thornton didn't start great but completely took over in the fourth. He really is Mr. Big Shot. He always finds a way to put points up, just a cold blooded creature. You'd never have thought after the first half that he'd end with 27. Another big reason we came away with the win.

Salmons is deserving of a spot on the poll because he made a couple big shots and played some great defense down the stretch. He's not in contention for player of the game IMO, but his contribution definitely should be recognised.

I don't think I'll vote, all three guys played equally huge roles in this. Very exciting game, and a deserved victory.
Some things i noticed... Coach deciding to leave Cousins in after picking up his 4th foul. He actually mentioned not overreacting to foul trouble was something he learned from Don Nelson. For the most part we saw the familiar faces on the court in the 3rd and 4th quarters... instead of bringing in Outlaw, Thomas, or Garcia out of nowhere. It was also obvious we were trying to make plays and the passing was excellent for the most part. We had to many turn overs but what do you expect from a 5th game in 6 nights. Coach also called a timeout in the middle of our comeback, just when the Bucks scored a quick 5 points and look like they were going to start pulling away again. You never saw that with Westphal. Reke looked like Rookie Reke PLUS. Awesome.
Seriously. They all did well, minus Salmons, but he pulled through MAJOR in clutch time.

LOVED Smart coaching from the bench, yelling for plays, and for them to get to certain players. And drawing up plays during timeouts. Trying to call for plays over the crowd - and plays that our team will learn to go to in time so he doesnt have to completely worry about being heard.

And they haven't even had their first practice with him. :D
Coach Smart in his post game conference sounded more like he knew what he was doing than Westphal ever could. Maybe he is good at saying the right things, but there is a definite ring of being genuine. You could even read between the lines on his comments about what he had planned for some guys.

I already like his tighter rotations and being active calling out to the team on the floor. He's not a hands off and let the players feel their way kind of coach.


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
Thing I liked most was how much everyone seemed to be enjoying each other, including the coach.
I'll take the win, but the Kings completely lucked out. You're not going to win too many games committing more TOs than assists. Still a lot of selfish basketball being played out there.

The Bucks helped the Kings with some bizarre unforced TOs in the fourth. They also can't hit their FTs and they're playing without Bogut.

One thing I know, the Kings are not going to win too many games playing like this. Definitely need to improve in all aspect.
I'll take the win, but the Kings completely lucked out. You're not going to win too many games committing more TOs than assists. Still a lot of selfish basketball being played out there.

The Bucks helped the Kings with some bizarre unforced TOs in the fourth. They also can't hit their FTs and they're playing without Bogut.

One thing I know, the Kings are not going to win too many games playing like this. Definitely need to improve in all aspect.
Indeed. Everytime I switched to the Lakers/Blazers game I saw players moving without the ball and the ball handler passing it every once in a while.

So, ugly game, but a win is a win. I hope the energy and effort sticks with us so we can start to work on the actual basketball part.
I'll take the win, but the Kings completely lucked out. You're not going to win too many games committing more TOs than assists. Still a lot of selfish basketball being played out there.

The Bucks helped the Kings with some bizarre unforced TOs in the fourth. They also can't hit their FTs and they're playing without Bogut.

One thing I know, the Kings are not going to win too many games playing like this. Definitely need to improve in all aspect.
Negative Nancy...


I'll take the win, but the Kings completely lucked out. You're not going to win too many games committing more TOs than assists. Still a lot of selfish basketball being played out there.

The Bucks helped the Kings with some bizarre unforced TOs in the fourth. They also can't hit their FTs and they're playing without Bogut.

One thing I know, the Kings are not going to win too many games playing like this. Definitely need to improve in all aspect.
Yes it took a miracle to win. Yes we still had bad series. Did u expect it to change over night? However the ball movement was much better and u can tell the players love the coach. Things will get better.
I'll take the win, but the Kings completely lucked out. You're not going to win too many games committing more TOs than assists. Still a lot of selfish basketball being played out there.

The Bucks helped the Kings with some bizarre unforced TOs in the fourth. They also can't hit their FTs and they're playing without Bogut.

One thing I know, the Kings are not going to win too many games playing like this. Definitely need to improve in all aspect.
Chill, They haven't even had one practice under the new coach yet. Just enjoy the win.
hes just being honest, if we play like this with bogut we lose. if we play any half decent team we lose. If we had a full training camp under a new coach i would be optimistic, but hes pretty much gonna be teaching on the fly, were not gonna see much change in our offense, other than hopefully pushing the ball more. In the halfcourt it will continue to be stagnant one on one play.
hes just being honest, if we play like this with bogut we lose. if we play any half decent team we lose. If we had a full training camp under a new coach i would be optimistic, but hes pretty much gonna be teaching on the fly, were not gonna see much change in our offense, other than hopefully pushing the ball more. In the halfcourt it will continue to be stagnant one on one play.
Trolling much?


Give blood and save a life!
Staff member
IT2 had 0 minutes. Strange. I didn't expect him to get 20, but he had been playing some minutes in spurts. Wonder if this is a fluke or if there is something there to watch.....
hes just being honest, if we play like this with bogut we lose. if we play any half decent team we lose. If we had a full training camp under a new coach i would be optimistic, but hes pretty much gonna be teaching on the fly, were not gonna see much change in our offense, other than hopefully pushing the ball more. In the halfcourt it will continue to be stagnant one on one play.
There was 20X more ball movement in this game. The only comparison is to the Lakers game we had. And as far as Bogut goes, Drew Gooden pretty much filled in for him, so the game wouldn't have been much different IMO. Even when we were down by 20 I was happy to see what was going on... coming back and winning was more than i expected.
There is still something to be desired with passing but i think the spacing was great tonight. Jerry mentioned it earlier. Tyreke and Demarcus were actually able to coexist, which they had not been doing earlier in the season. I dont know what adjustments Smart made but they seemed to work.

As far as passing, i think we need a back up point guard, since i feel like jimmer is kind of more like an undersized sg than a tru pg right now, and a small forward thats not a complete f***ing black hole. Fix those two little details and i think we will see much more ball movement.

Hardly. It's just calling it like it is. :cool:

I supposed some of us also don't want to hear that Smart closed out the game with Tyreke, Jimmer, Salmons, and MT on the floor. Can you say "Nellie Ball"?

Not that I have a problem with Nellie Ball. Actually I normally do but with this team, any type of junk ball that being out there to result in win is fine with me. I suspect we'll see more of this type of four guards small ball in the future.
Hardly. It's just calling it like it is. :cool:

I supposed some of us also don't want to hear that Smart closed out the game with Tyreke, Jimmer, Salmons, and MT on the floor. Can you say "Nellie Ball"?

Not that I have a problem with Nellie Ball. Actually I normally do but with this team, any type of junk ball that being out there to result in win is fine with me. I suspect we'll see more of this type of four guards small ball in the future.
With DMC being fouled out, who else are we supposed to play? 4 of our top 6 players are guards. We need a real SF.
There is still something to be desired with passing but i think the spacing was great tonight. Jerry mentioned it earlier. Tyreke and Demarcus were actually able to coexist, which they had not been doing earlier in the season. I dont know what adjustments Smart made but they seemed to work.

As far as passing, i think we need a back up point guard, since i feel like jimmer is kind of more like an undersized sg than a tru pg right now, and a small forward thats not a complete f***ing black hole. Fix those two little details and i think we will see much more ball movement.
Something along the lines of Mike Miller, Nick Batum, James Jones, Kyle Korver.....A 3pt bomber. Salmons had a ton of open 3pt shots that he missed or simply passed up even attempting.
Hardly. It's just calling it like it is. :cool:

I supposed some of us also don't want to hear that Smart closed out the game with Tyreke, Jimmer, Salmons, and MT on the floor. Can you say "Nellie Ball"?

Not that I have a problem with Nellie Ball. Actually I normally do but with this team, any type of junk ball that being out there to result in win is fine with me. I suspect we'll see more of this type of four guards small ball in the future.
To be fair, that lineup was in place because the Bucks were also playing small ball most of the game due to no Bogut. Plus Cousins had just fouled out. But I would rather see that lineup than throwing in someone like Travis Outlaw to end the game in a close one.