DMC issued statement

As reported by one of the best in the business, Sam Amick tweeted:

"I want to address my missing the New Orleans game Sunday. I have not demanded or requested a trade. I don't agree with the actions taken but will give my sincere effort to put it behind me and compete the best I can for my team."

Sam Amick also tweeted his take: "Cousins' statement was sent to media through his agent, John Greig. Clearly this isn't water under the bridge in their eyes."!/sam_amick


Hall of Famer
I take it Cuz is through with apologizing every time he is held responsible for being half the problem (His perception and also it may be true.) This is not good and now I wish he had stayed home on this road trip. This could get volatile. I wish he had been suspended so the Players Union could step in and fight for him. This remains too personal to have a happy ending. I think this means Cuz really can't stand being a player under Westphal and is willing to take whatever risk this kind of note represents.

Will the team throw the fans under the bus and lose the best player to come alog in a VERY long time? I have very little faith in the Maloofs after last summer.

BTW, I know that this was not a proper use of the term "throw under the bus" but I DO feel like we may end up the losers. It's not so easy being a fan of this team and they just might make it a whole lot worse.
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I take it Cuz is through with apologizing every time he is held responsible for being half the problem (His perception and also it may be true.) This is not good and now I wish he had stayed home on this road trip. This could get volatile. I wish he had been suspended so the Players Union could step in and fight for him. This remains too personal to have a happy ending.

Will the team throw the fans under the bus and lose the best player to come alog in a VERY long time? I have very little faith in the Maloofs after last summer.
I semi agree with this. Just the statement itself probably shouldn't have come out, but it does show this will probably escalate. Hopefully we're wrong. I wonder how GP's meeting with DMC went.
There is a huge gap between Sam Amick's article saying "If I'm a cancer, then go ahead and trade me", according to the sources, and the statement issued by the organization saying that DMC demanded or requested a trade.

If Amick's source is telling the truth, then technically PW and the Kings FO media release is a straight up lie.

I hope for their sakes they aren't lying about this ****.


Hall of Famer
I semi agree with this. Just the statement itself probably shouldn't have come out, but it does show this will probably escalate. Hopefully we're wrong. I wonder how GP's meeting with DMC went.
I added more to the note and maybe you will agree more. Or maybe not. :)
Well Westphal was asked if Cousins had made the trade remark in that way, in basically saying "If I'm a problem then get me out of here", and Westphal replied that he wasn't going to split hairs.

It's a very suave way of saying that in fact it was the context of the trade remark.
Well Westphal was asked if Cousins had made the trade remark in that way, in basically saying "If I'm a problem then get me out of here", and Westphal replied that he wasn't going to split hairs.

It's a very suave way of saying that in fact it was the context of the trade remark.
Well, let's hope that he was telling the truth and that Amick's source is wrong.
No I mean that Westphal was confirming that the context of Amick's source is probably right, but not directly confirming it so as not to answer more questions about it.
No I mean that Westphal was confirming that the context of Amick's source is probably right, but not directly confirming it so as not to answer more questions about it.
Oh gotcha. Well, that's strange. It kind of flies in the face of "DMC demanding or requesting a trade" as released by the FO.
It's Westphal taking Cousins words very literally without concern for context. Thus "I'm not going to split hairs" = I'm not going to argue context.

It's not a surprise coming from Westphal, but it is a surprise coming from the Kings. I would take this statement by DMC as a sign that their tactic didn't succeed. Plus, the Kings are in a bind by not officially suspending him. They don't seem to want to go that route and face the players association, but they can't just keep him out with harsh words.


Hall of Famer
Did he or did he not demand a trade?

Signs point to Cousins never demanding a trade. Westy now can't, or won't confirm whether he did demand a trade. These are not the actions of an agent representing a player who did in fact demand a trade.

If Cousins didn't demand a trade, then it's the FO and Westy who blew this completely out of proportion. IMO, this will cause an even greater division in the locker room starting tomorrow. Either the teammates know Cousins did demand a trade, twice, which not one of them has said he did, or they'll realize Westy is lying, and threw Cousins under the bus publicly.

Seems to me, and it's just my gut feeling after reading everything on this, that Petrie and the Maloofs realize Westy is not the man for the job, but they're a combination of too cheap, and too egotistical to admit it and make a change.

This will get worse. Far worse, until a change is made. Cousins now has his agent in his ear basically agreeing/validating his side, which will only lead to Cousins being more vocal against Westy. There's also reports other players are not at all happy with Westy and his offense, and that is probably why Cousins asked for the meeting with Westy in his office in the first place.

If you're a player on this team, and are frustrated with the coach/system the same way Cousins is, and Cousins behind closed doors requested a meeting with Westy, and this is how it was handled, with a very public one game suspension and throwing under the bus, who's side will you take?

Already have Reke and Thorton admitting they blew off the offense to play their game yesterday.

If Westy sent him home for demanding a trade, twice, and those demands were never made in the first place, the players will know, whether they say it publicly or not. This is simply horrible. Our organization is a mess, from top to bottom, and I've said for awhile now. Only person I'm unsure about is Petrie, and how much his hands are tied.

This also ties into free agency. A large amount of fans simply say we're a small town, so we can't blame our FO for signing any quality FA's. Well, I see an organization loaded with problems, which scares potential FA's from signing here. Our FO and ownership need to take responsibility for that. It's our culture more than the size/location of the city which it deterring FA's from coming here, imo.
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Hall of Famer
This is just the "Tip of the muthaf***ing ICEBERG" or something.
All reports leading up to yesterday suggested there were no problems with Cousins and Westy, and that Cousins had matured somewhat. Yet Westy says it's the tip of the iceberg, and has yet to offer a single example. If things were so bad between them before this, and this was just a final straw, then why did all reports suggest otherwise?

Even Westy's reason for sending Cousins home is deeply in question. Very telling that our beat writer, another Bee journalist, and bloggers near this team everyday when in Sac, all highly question the validity of Westy's statements.
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It's Westphal taking Cousins words very literally without concern for context. Thus "I'm not going to split hairs" = I'm not going to argue context.

It's not a surprise coming from Westphal, but it is a surprise coming from the Kings. I would take this statement by DMC as a sign that their tactic didn't succeed. Plus, the Kings are in a bind by not officially suspending him. They don't seem to want to go that route and face the players association, but they can't just keep him out with harsh words.
Actually, it was Westphal who made the original statement about Cousins demading a trade. The release by the front office didn't come til' about an hour later.Westphal knew that the FO would be forced to back his play, or have major egg on their face. My guess is that the FO is not happy about any of this.
Does it matter exactly what Cousins said since Maloofs have come out and said they're not trading him? For sure they don't like to sell low - and Cousins stock nose dives again. I think it only gets REAL ugly now if Cousins decides to make it so. He's back with the team, his teammates, everyone, says they need him. Seems to me it's on him to wise up and be a good teammate going forward no matter what he may think of anyone else or some intricate interpretation of latest incident. Obviously, the statement "he" made was some sort of attempt at damage control by his agent. Life sometimes isn't fair but it's how one reacts to such crisis situations that helps develop character.
This will get worse. Far worse, until a change is made. Cousins now has his agent in his ear basically agreeing/validating his side, which will only lead to Cousins being more vocal against Westy. There's also reports other players are not at all happy with Westy and his offense, and that is probably why Cousins asked for the meeting with Westy in his office in the first place.

If you're a player on this team, and are frustrated with the coach/system the same way Cousins is, and Cousins behind closed doors requested a meeting with Westy, and this is how it was handled, with a very public one game suspension and throwing under the bus, who's side will you take?

Already have Reke and Thorton admitting they blew off the offense to play their game yesterday.

If Westy sent him home for demanding a trade, twice, and those demands were never made in the first place, the players will know, whether they say it publicly or not. This is simply horrible. Our organization is a mess, from top to bottom, and I've said for awhile now. Only person I'm unsure about is Petrie, and how much his hands are tied.
I agree. Cousins asked for a private meeting and out of that, the coach goes public with what was said and quotes him out of context. This will not sit well with the rest of the team. Instead of teaching Cousins a lesson, you just sent the wrong message to the team. That message is that you can't trust me. Can't lead people when you don't have their trust.
Actually, it was Westphal who made the original statement about Cousins demading a trade. The release by the front office didn't come til' about an hour later.Westphal knew that the FO would be forced to back his play, or have major egg on their face. My guess is that the FO is not happy about any of this.
I thought Westphal's statement included the claim that his move was backed by the management?

I need a better timeline on this thing.


Hall of Famer
Does it matter exactly what Cousins said since Maloofs have come out and said they're not trading him? For sure they don't like to sell low - and Cousins stock nose dives again. I think it only gets REAL ugly now if Cousins decides to make it so. He's back with the team, his teammates, everyone, says they need him. Seems to me it's on him to wise up and be a good teammate going forward no matter what he may think of anyone else or some intricate interpretation of latest incident. Obviously, the statement "he" made was some sort of attempt at damage control by his agent. Life sometimes isn't fair but it's how one reacts to such crisis situations that helps develop character.
Don't see how the issue here is Cousins getting along with teammates.

If you're working in an office, ask for a private meeting with your boss, and he comes out and throws you under the bus in front of everyone, how is it your responsibility to fix things with your colleagues? Don't see how it's even related. In most offices, your colleagues would side with you, and start hoping for a new boss, especially if they've also started voicing the same complaints that same week. This isn't Cousins doing something to his teammates, and everyone not agreeing with coaches reaction.
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I thought Westphal's statement included the claim that his move was backed by the management?

I need a better timeline on this thing.
I was following it on twitter, and I heard the statement from Westphal about an hour before the FO came out with their statement. The way it was reported on twitter, it seemed like the FO statement was a reaction (my take). I just know that in the past, these types of actions have always come through the FO, NOT the coach. The whole thing was hadled very strangely.
Don't see how the issue here is Cousins getting along with teammates.
I basically agree and at least he did apologize for taking a swing at Donte Greene last season for not passing him the ball. And we know in the past and even recently some Kings players have not exactly given him a pass for his "immaturity." Perhaps I could withdraw "teammate" and simply insert "NBA player."
Oh gotcha. Well, that's strange. It kind of flies in the face of "DMC demanding or requesting a trade" as released by the FO.
Where did anyone in the organization besides PW make a statement saying DMC demanded a trade? For all I know, Westphal's post game comments were not reviewed by the FO beforehand, either.

Unfortunately, Cousins behavior of clearly having a blow-out with the coach, makes it almost impossible for the FO to fire PW right away. And I had a feeling they might've been moving in that direction before this all came up and despite the NO win, which wasn't very pretty.
Where did anyone in the organization besides PW make a statement saying DMC demanded a trade? For all I know, Westphal's post game comments were not reviewed by the FO beforehand, either.

Unfortunately, Cousins behavior of clearly having a blow-out with the coach, makes it almost impossible for the FO to fire PW right away. And I had a feeling they might've been moving in that direction before this all came up and despite the NO win, which wasn't very pretty.
The cynical side of me thinks that this is part of the reason for this whole thing. Cousins is an easy mark because of his history, and has be noticeably upset about how the offense has been going so far. So if you are Westphal and feeling the heat, you turn the spotlight on your troubled center and hope things turn around before the FO can fire you. I am by no means saying that DC is completely innocent here, but do question whether or not he deserved what happened to him. I'll be honest, when I heard the statement from Westphal, my first reaction was to call my Dad and leave a message on his recorder saying that the Kings needed to fire Westphal right now.