Cousins SENT HOME????

You definitely need to pay more attention to what is going on ...
I've watched interview of DMC and don't believe what he said is out of hand. If so it be nice if you can point it out to me. That's why I asked.

Basically what makes him a nutcase base on the CURRENT situation. I just want to understand your that I may agree or disagree.

At the moment, I don't think his action warrant him a nutcase. His respond while repeatedly stating the same thing over "do what the coach wants"'s not that far off what Carl Landry stated when he was frustrated. Taking it to the coach office is what player should do when they're frustrated IMO...and it's up the coach to show guidance (if they have any) and buy into the game. What happened in there, we don't know, but obviously DMC yelled something about "if you think I'm a cancer then trade him". I don't see anything wrong with that either. (all quotes are not exact ;) )

Unless I'm missing something big that Cousins did than my bad but that's what I got from the situation without all the speculations.
I've watched interview of DMC and don't believe what he said is out of hand. If so it be nice if you can point it out to me. That's why I asked.

Basically what makes him a nutcase base on the CURRENT situation. I just want to understand your that I may agree or disagree.

At the moment, I don't think his action warrant him a nutcase. His respond while repeatedly stating the same thing over "do what the coach wants"'s not that far off what Carl Landry stated when he was frustrated. Taking it to the coach office is what player should do when they're frustrated IMO...and it's up the coach to show guidance (if they have any) and buy into the game. What happened in there, we don't know, but obviously DMC yelled something about "if you think I'm a cancer then trade him". I don't see anything wrong with that either. (all quotes are not exact ;) )

Unless I'm missing something big that Cousins did than my bad but that's what I got from the situation without all the speculations.
Problem is that he's been doing it all the time. Even his fellow players agree that he needs to control himself and be more serious about his job. He always complains, don't accept criticism of any kind, has terrible body language. Read what Jay Bilas wrote about DeMarcus when he was still a teen and attended Jay's camp. Plus, he has only two moods - either super happy, joking or angry, upset, scrooge-like. He hit or almost hit Greene in a locker room last year. Too many red flags and lets be honest, we know only 5% or even less.
I am not calling him a cancer. He is not IMO. But it is safe to say that this guy is a headcase ... for now. He is not Artest who is a sick mental wreck but DMC has to wake up and realize that life is not a computer game.
maybe demarcus has bipolar disorder and could significantly benefit from medication and/or therapy? however, I do not really trust the Kings medical staff anymore or management in general really to handle this right
Lets not play armchair psychologist, it's very presumptuous.
Speculating that MAYBE is not playing anything. It's posing a question. The bi-polar possibility crossed my mind as well. It would account for the extreme ups and downs. That's not to say he's bi-polar, we don't know one way or the other, but bringing up the possibility isn't unreasonable.
I think Cousins acts like an immature 21 year old. Westphal, however, acts like a child.

Westphal asked if DeMarcus Cousins would make upcoming road trip: “That’ll be up to him.” How so? “He said he wanted to be traded.”

Westphal asked if DeMarcus said why he wanted to be traded: “Yeah.” Care to make a comment? “No.”
Westfail is not a leader of men by any means.
I think Cousins acts like an immature 21 year old. Westphal, however, acts like a child.

Westfail is not a leader of men by any means.
I'm liking Westphal less by the day. He may be a nice guy in some respects but he's also showing that he's very petty. He's acting like a scorned lover out for revenge. I can't imagine any other coach in the NBA dealing with this situation that way.
The modern day Artest/Peace isn't the Detroit brawl Artest/Peace. He's grown up a lot...he was actually grown up here in Sacramento too.

Eh, kind of. I kind of remember a few run in's OFF THE COURT. At least Cousins seems to stay out of trouble otherwise.

Also, speaking of covering up, there were a LOT of things that Artest did that would probably make Cousins look like nothing. I've only heard a few things from those in the know, but things like showing up for practice super late in a bath robe and not taking it seriously at all.
I'm liking Westphal less by the day. He may be a nice guy in some respects but he's also showing that he's very petty. He's acting like a scorned lover out for revenge. I can't imagine any other coach in the NBA dealing with this situation that way.
Yeah me too, I'm usually very patient and not overly critical at every issue but to me he's a bad coach so for me the sooner he's fired the better for everyone.
I don't think there is many people here that believe that Cousins is completely innocent in all this. He certainly needs to grow up and pull his head in. However, the way he is being handled is not doing anything to help him get there.

Think of it this way. Back in the day when you were a hormone raged teenager and someone told you to do something or pull your head in, you would have told them to stick it and continued going your way. The more pushy they became the more stubborn you became and went completely different way just to "show them"!

Well that pretty much where Cousins is at. He might be 21 but he is still immature as a hormone raged teenager. People that get to those type are more "consultants" than dictators. No one likes to be told what to do, but if you guide them nicely, they respond and have your back.

Cousins is far to talented to throw under the bus and he needs a coach that he can trust unconditionally. Someone that he feels will go to war for him. To kids like Cousins, loyalty is of massive importance. Deep down he is a good guy and he responds well to people that have his back. Now the new coach is not going to be an *** licker and suck up to Cousins and let him do what he wants. NO! He will tell him when he is wrong and he needs to pull his head in and not in a manner that will get Cousins all fired up and looking to kill someone.

Many players have come in with same problems. The league is littered with them and a lot of them don't make it at their first stop and mature into their 3rd or 4th stop. We needs to be doing everything we can to ensure that Cousins is a life time King. We need to make sure that we help him get there and the only way that can work is if he has a coach to can connect to him on both personal and professional level. That is why I claimed at the end of last season that Adelman would be a perfect fit for him. He would develop him as a player and give him more responsibility offensively. Cousins would respect that and want to go to war with that coach.

Make no mistake that DMC will mature with time. Bigger knuckleheads than him have come around and turned it around. Anyone remember Zach Randolph in Portland days and look at him now.

We need to make sure that DMC is still a King when it all clicks and the only way that can happen is if we get a coach who can help him get there.
I don't think there is many people here that believe that Cousins is completely innocent in all this. He certainly needs to grow up and pull his head in. However, the way he is being handled is not doing anything to help him get there.

Think of it this way. Back in the day when you were a hormone raged teenager and someone told you to do something or pull your head in, you would have told them to stick it and continued going your way. The more pushy they became the more stubborn you became and went completely different way just to "show them"!

Well that pretty much where Cousins is at. He might be 21 but he is still immature as a hormone raged teenager. People that get to those type are more "consultants" than dictators. No one likes to be told what to do, but if you guide them nicely, they respond and have your back.

Cousins is far to talented to throw under the bus and he needs a coach that he can trust unconditionally. Someone that he feels will go to war for him. To kids like Cousins, loyalty is of massive importance. Deep down he is a good guy and he responds well to people that have his back. Now the new coach is not going to be an *** licker and suck up to Cousins and let him do what he wants. NO! He will tell him when he is wrong and he needs to pull his head in and not in a manner that will get Cousins all fired up and looking to kill someone.

Many players have come in with same problems. The league is littered with them and a lot of them don't make it at their first stop and mature into their 3rd or 4th stop. We needs to be doing everything we can to ensure that Cousins is a life time King. We need to make sure that we help him get there and the only way that can work is if he has a coach to can connect to him on both personal and professional level. That is why I claimed at the end of last season that Adelman would be a perfect fit for him. He would develop him as a player and give him more responsibility offensively. Cousins would respect that and want to go to war with that coach.

Make no mistake that DMC will mature with time. Bigger knuckleheads than him have come around and turned it around. Anyone remember Zach Randolph in Portland days and look at him now.

We need to make sure that DMC is still a King when it all clicks and the only way that can happen is if we get a coach who can help him get there.
I think your post could have almost have been Kings FO press release. They agree, I agree, and the Maloofs have said they're not trading Cousins.
DMC gets a pass because most of us (including myself I must say) dislike or tired of PW and because Cousins is our only chance to have a star big man in the future. And right now we blame PW for everything and I think we should open our eyes - DeMarcus is a headcase with or without PW. We can change coaches every month and honestly I do not think it will help DMC unless he decides to help himself. We all act like he is a kid and its all right and it is a pure BS. When I was the same age as DMC I lived alone in a foreign country without NBA money, without any kind of money actually, drove a car that was 25 years old and ate twice a day. That's life and 20-21 is not 16.

Thats it?? Its not only about PW and DMC. Do you really think that he acts like that because of PW? I am 99% sure that he will have the same problem with any other coach unless he learns how to pull himself together when he can't get what he wants and no coach in the world can teach that. Its possible in a magical world, not in real life. Adult people (17-18+) don't change like that. Unfortunately.

I don't think Cousins is getting a pass. I am not sure this would be such a big deal if they had kept him out of the game for 'conduct detrimental to the team'. We'd wonder what it was, but it wouldn't be the ****storm that it is. So, it's such a big deal because Westphal decided to include the trade request tidbit despite its insincerity and create a slandering.

It is also bothersome because Westphal knows his job was on the line and this is a great distraction. You take a player who complains that he feels singled out and you go and publicly shame him. This is an ineffective solution. If anything, it probably confirms Cousins feelings.

Also, I don't like the concept of professionalism. I don't like the emotionless current NBA. I believe in honesty in spite of people not liking it. Professionalism is lying about yourself for money. Consider that with regards to the economic downfall and you understand why I find the word and belief in it so disturbing.
DMC is with the team for the Memphis game but no confirmation if he's playing.

I really hope DMC would overcome this adversity and bounce back with really big games. He's been the double-double machine of this team and we really need a big so badly. We only got Hayes, Thompson and Hickson now.

Hassan and Tyler has been sent to the D-League so we're really shorthanded so better fix this thing ASAP.
Been looking at some other teams forums. Every single forum i've been to has a thread somewhere about trading for Demarcus Cousins. Had no idea that he's that popular.
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Hall of Famer
Been looking at some other teams forums. Every single forum i've been to has a thread somewhere about trading for Demarcus Cousins. Had no idea that he's that popular.
If you take a look at the rest of the Centers in the league. Ones that have Both offense and defense and passing abilty and a good rebounder all in one are few and far between.


Hall of Famer
Been looking at some other teams forums. Every single forum i've been to has a thread somewhere about trading for Demarcus Cousins. Had no idea that he's that popular.
Of course he is. People are now willing to overlook or deal with his personality because of his immense talent. It's a moot point as the Kings know what they have also.

Did any of the forums want Westphal? He may be available. I don't know who is running this team but if it is the Maloofs, I hope they are doing a little research into Westphal and what seemingly everyone thinks of him.
I want a different coach. Have wanted a different coach for quite a while. That has nothing to do with how I feel about Cousins. He's immensely talented, but he clearly needs to shut up and grow up. The incident with Donte last year as well as the incident with the Kings trainer, plus this blow-up are likely just the problems we know about. Except for the temper tantrums he has thrown on the court in public.

In an article in the Bee a week or so ago, DeMarcus was talking about playing with some of the league's real stars in exhibition games. He apparently was surprised how hard those players played even in an exhibition game.

Same article, "After the Kings' win over the Los Angeles Lakers on Monday, Lakers star Kobe Bryant recalled telling Cousins at the All-Star break in February to cut the "bull" and just play and not allow immaturity to overshadow his talents."

Read more here:

Maybe DeMarcus should have taken notes. Then when he's pissed off he could read them and re-focus. He's wasting way too much energy and thought on anger at others. If only he could be that energetic and focused in games.

Unfortunately, I think this issue with Cousins will prevent the Kings from firing Westphal for a bit. They can't make it look like this temper-tantrum throwing baby is being catered to. Which pisses me off, because i think a coaching change is needed.

GP's gave a one-word answer to if the Kings were going to trade Cousins. It was a "No." End of discussion.

Be careful, though, folks, about throwing out the coach. I always have trepidation about who the replacement will be.

And DMC? Grow a thicker skin and some more maturity and focus on being a better player and what you CAN do to help this team win. The fans desperately need that from you.
I'd be willing to see how Keith Smart goes for the rest of the year, but I would likely rather have a brand new coach that's not on the team right now. It's not like there's any huge set in stone system here that the players would have to adjust out of. They're already at beginning, so I'm not sure a new coach and system would be any step backwards. You do have to make progress forward to go backwards, right?

But the Maloofs haven't spent money on their coach, so I am not sure they have anyone of significant stature to bring in. I'm still a Larry Brown fan, despite his up n downs. I have a lot of respect for Sloan. Van Gundy isn't really the answer to our offensive woes, but he does at least have a defensive system.


Hall of Famer
I want a different coach. Have wanted a different coach for quite a while. That has nothing to do with how I feel about Cousins. He's immensely talented, but he clearly needs to shut up and grow up. The incident with Donte last year as well as the incident with the Kings trainer, plus this blow-up are likely just the problems we know about. Except for the temper tantrums he has thrown on the court in public.

In an article in the Bee a week or so ago, DeMarcus was talking about playing with some of the league's real stars in exhibition games. He apparently was surprised how hard those players played even in an exhibition game.

Same article, "After the Kings' win over the Los Angeles Lakers on Monday, Lakers star Kobe Bryant recalled telling Cousins at the All-Star break in February to cut the "bull" and just play and not allow immaturity to overshadow his talents."

Read more here:

Maybe DeMarcus should have taken notes. Then when he's pissed off he could read them and re-focus. He's wasting way too much energy and thought on anger at others. If only he could be that energetic and focused in games.

Unfortunately, I think this issue with Cousins will prevent the Kings from firing Westphal for a bit. They can't make it look like this temper-tantrum throwing baby is being catered to. Which pisses me off, because i think a coaching change is needed.

GP's gave a one-word answer to if the Kings were going to trade Cousins. It was a "No." End of discussion.

Be careful, though, folks, about throwing out the coach. I always have trepidation about who the replacement will be

And DMC? Grow a thicker skin and some more maturity and focus on being a better player and what you CAN do to help this team win. The fans desperately need that from you.

Westphal has no system, no clue, is horrible at developing prospects, is a petty egoist, and is about to chase one of our best prospects out of town....I'm pretty sure he's rock bottom.
Westphal has no system, no clue, is horrible at developing prospects, is a petty egoist, and is about to chase one of our best prospects out of town....I'm pretty sure he's rock bottom.
I am just about at that opinion, too. ;) Maloofs just always scare me. They seem able to make worse decisions than I think they will, which is so frightening. I think they make awful decisions in most areas. Altho, they might have to look awfully hard to find someone less impressive than PW.

However, maybe they'll just make the Smart move. ;)


Hall of Famer
Hopefully the Smart move is the Smart move (that was a good one btw)!

Its troubling that our coaching has gotten progressively worse since Theus (who I considered a slight upgrade over Muss)....Like, how is that possible?!! Oh yeah, as you mentioned, the Maloofs own the team.
I want a different coach. Have wanted a different coach for quite a while. That has nothing to do with how I feel about Cousins. He's immensely talented, but he clearly needs to shut up and grow up. The incident with Donte last year as well as the incident with the Kings trainer, plus this blow-up are likely just the problems we know about. Except for the temper tantrums he has thrown on the court in public.

In an article in the Bee a week or so ago, DeMarcus was talking about playing with some of the league's real stars in exhibition games. He apparently was surprised how hard those players played even in an exhibition game.

Same article, "After the Kings' win over the Los Angeles Lakers on Monday, Lakers star Kobe Bryant recalled telling Cousins at the All-Star break in February to cut the "bull" and just play and not allow immaturity to overshadow his talents."

Read more here:

Maybe DeMarcus should have taken notes. Then when he's pissed off he could read them and re-focus. He's wasting way too much energy and thought on anger at others. If only he could be that energetic and focused in games.

Unfortunately, I think this issue with Cousins will prevent the Kings from firing Westphal for a bit. They can't make it look like this temper-tantrum throwing baby is being catered to. Which pisses me off, because i think a coaching change is needed.

GP's gave a one-word answer to if the Kings were going to trade Cousins. It was a "No." End of discussion.

Be careful, though, folks, about throwing out the coach. I always have trepidation about who the replacement will be.

And DMC? Grow a thicker skin and some more maturity and focus on being a better player and what you CAN do to help this team win. The fans desperately need that from you.
Kennadog, a very good post in my view. There are two isssues being discussed on this thread and they both need close attention and to addressed well. Good post.
Thanks pshn80.

Altho, maybe I should have said, Cousins sometimes acts like a temper-tantrum throwing baby. He needs to get in touch with his inner grown-up. ;)


Hall of Famer
At what point do you get rid of Cousins? How many incidents like this have to occur before you say enough is enough? How many coaches does he have to go through? If Smart takes over and he has trouble with Smart, then what? If the Kings seeks to appease the 12-year old, what kind of behavior should we expect from him then? That's the thing about having Cousins on your team. You never know exactly when or ever you are ever going to see the end of his drama. He forces you to continually make a risk assessment: unload him, and you may regret it; keep him, and you may regret it.
We use the word, "maturity", to characterize Cousins. But maturity implies that with time there will be growth and adulthood. Maybe Cousins is a perpetual adolescent. Maybe he's never going to grow up. In which case, any bets taken in lost coaches, lost time and millions of dollars spent, lost team cohesiveness, it's all going to be for nothing.
Wow everyone is an expert on Cousins actions and mindset these days. The truth is he is/was obviously trying and he has been behaving on the court. Off the court stuff is off the court and not really our business unless some immature reactionary coach makes it affect the floor.

WP should never have started this year on this team some of us saw him as the main problem with last years team and the year before. If a coach is strangling your youths growth and also not winning games why keep him around. My high school coach would have been better than this clown.

At what point do you pull the plug on Cousins? When you have tried everything else or at least tried anything else.
That's all jsut unnecessary. Tehre is atime tested solution to these sorts of conflicts between assets if unequal value.

You fire the coach. End of subject. See ya. Have a nice retirement. Bye.

it would be sweet if teh Kings frnachise could package the kings and Wesphal together... and send them down to So-Cal to set up an expansion team.
No one has ever doubted that he is very immature and what many would call a headcase or a cancer. However, his skills are unique and a great coach WILL get the best out of him. Artest or should that be Metta World Peace is a headcase but Phil Jackson got the best out of him. Rasheed Wallace was a cancer/headcase but Brown got the best out of him. Same could be said of Webber in his early years and its not until he was coached by Adelman that he turned it around.

Cousins is far too talented for a team to turn their back on him. What he needs is a coach that he can trust and a coach that he believes has his back and won' throw him under the bus when the going gets tough. Could you seriously see someone like Phil Jackson or even Adelman pulling the same sort of crap that Westphal has pulled here?

I can't!
it needs to be said again...... Adleman could've coached Cousins. Period.
At what point do you get rid of Cousins? How many incidents like this have to occur before you say enough is enough? How many coaches does he have to go through? If Smart takes over and he has trouble with Smart, then what? If the Kings seeks to appease the 12-year old, what kind of behavior should we expect from him then? That's the thing about having Cousins on your team. You never know exactly when or ever you are ever going to see the end of his drama. He forces you to continually make a risk assessment: unload him, and you may regret it; keep him, and you may regret it.
We use the word, "maturity", to characterize Cousins. But maturity implies that with time there will be growth and adulthood. Maybe Cousins is a perpetual adolescent. Maybe he's never going to grow up. In which case, any bets taken in lost coaches, lost time and millions of dollars spent, lost team cohesiveness, it's all going to be for nothing.
How many problems with players does Westfail get before they realize he is the problem? Remember no other team would touch him after the incident in Seattle. Nothing has changed.
At what point do you get rid of Cousins? How many incidents like this have to occur before you say enough is enough? How many coaches does he have to go through? If Smart takes over and he has trouble with Smart, then what?
1. When he is detrimental to the team. However I don't think the team has any issue with Cousins other than to be more professional. From the interview with the players they basically still want him to be part of the team. Just be more professional from Tyreke..."We're all 100% behind Demarcus"..Jimmer. "He's family..he's part of the team."..Thornton. I find it hard to believe he is a cancer if teammates still want him and is still communicating. There's only one negative quote from a player that I've read this year about "bully" and I wonder who could that be because obviously he doesn't want to be mentioned.

2. Just my opinion but I really have no problem with what he did with this incident. While still immature he had improved. If progress meant nothing to you than I guess we just have different ways of seeing things in people. Unless he turned into a monk, some people probably will always bring his past to justify their point.

3. This is his first coach. You make it sounds like we went through a couple already. I can't imagine myself playing for WP last year and wanted him gone. We gave him a pass near the end of the season because things seem to be working. But I think it had more to do with the talents we have than the system. Obviously a guy like Cousins definitely have a hard time hiding his frustration about it.

4. I don't disagree with you regarding coach replacement. GP need to find a replacement before firing WP. IMO if GP thinks Smart can handle the job than I think WP should be replaced immediately. I don't know if he will or will not have the same problem with the next coach but I rather put my money on someone else.
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