Cousins SENT HOME????


Hall of Famer
It's amazing how many of you make excuses for a guy like DMC! Sure, PW might need to be fired for a number of different reasons but that's a different story. Look at DMC's history starting with his college days. He has a history of doing **** like this. He punched a teammate (and a good teammate) because he didn't get to take the last shot of a game for Christ's sake. He's a BAD GUY. He's a BULLY. Read the Yahoo article today. There are statements from anonymous players and others within the organization who say he's selfish, a bully, immature, etc. Don't put all this on PW.

As for the Kings taking down his pictures on their marketing material, what do you expect them to do? Keep marketing a guy who is a complete jerk? It's not any different than when your kid messes up you take stuff away from them -- video games, freedom, etc. DMC has to be treated like a little kid because that's who he is!!
There are those that haven't liked Cousins from the beginning, and I don't expect those people to have an once of understanding or objectivity when it comes to this subject. And possibly I'm biased in favor of Cousins to some extent. But to be clear, I don't endorse a lot of his behavior. What I try to do, is relate to him as if he were my own son. And thats not unique to him. I try to approach all young players that way. And so I ask myself, if I were Paul Westphal, and Cousins were my son, would I have handled this situation the same way? Because in a sense, Westphal is being paid to be the parent of all these players. And each and everyone of them is valuable, and more importantly, different!

One size fits all, might have to work to some extent when it comes to the product you put on the floor, but it doesn't when you deal with each player as an individual. You can't approach Cousins, who is immature, passionate, hates to lose, and wears his feelings on his sleeve, the same way you approach Evans, who may be immature as well, but is very laid back and reserved. Both players may have the same feelings about how the team is playing, but one is a lot easier to deal with than the other.

So its easy for Westphal to embrace Evans, and throw Cousins under the bus. Strangely, Westphal seems to have problems with big men. Maybe he simply can't identify with their point of view. Don't know, and don't care. Was Cousins at fault? Not really sure! He requested to talk to Westphal in his office. Apparently it didn't go well. Don't know why, and I haven't heard Cousins side of the story, and probably never will, unless he leaves this orginization. The only quote I have on paper that was reported by Sam Amick was from, once again an anonymous teammate, who said he heard Cousins say as he was leaving, ""If you think I'm such a cancer to this team, then trade me now".

Personally, that doesn't seem like a serious request to be traded. It seems more like the kind of response you make when angry. I can't tell you how many times in my life I've made similar, in the heat of the moment remarks. Not sure why I should hold a young immature man to a higher standard than I had touble adhering to myself. But then thats me. I'm sure your perfect and have never lost your temper. I can just tell from this post that your a gentle, kind, and understanding person, who is loved by everyone. And your certaiinly not judgemental.

I don't mean to be critical. But its damm easy to sit at home at the computer and pass judgement based on heresay and he said/he said. Except, we haven't heard Cousins side. And therein lies part of the problem. Westphal has the bullypulpit, and Cousins is stuck sitting at home, knowing that if he says anything, it will only make his situation worse. So at the moment, he's in a lose/lose situation. When you throw in that Cousins has trust issues, this doesn't help endear him to the Kings. Now you may not care, but I do. He may be the most talented player on the team, and thats a player I want playing on the team, and not on the Laker's or the Knicks. There's too much at stake here to let petty crap interfere with the future of this team. When a player requests a closed door meeting with the coach, then everything should stay in that room. Period!!!!!! If there's a situation that can't be resolved, then the two of them should take it to Petrie.

In closing, I'd like to know what your definition of a bad guy is? Is a guy that spent a lot of the lockout going to childrens hospitals to visit kids, a bad guy. Is the guy that walked into Macy's and saw a poor kid yearning for an X Box, and then went and bought it for the kid, a bad guy? Cousins is a guy with a big heart who loves kids and people. No, that doesn't excuse his behavior, but his behavior doesn't warrant calling him a bad person. It warrants calling him a very large manchild who is very immature when it comes to controling his feelings. Thats it! Thats what you have to deal with if your the coach of this team, and if you can't, then maybe you don't deserve to be the head coach of this team.

I found it interesting that the players on the team that stood up for Cousins to some extent weren't anonymous, and those that didn't were! Anonymous is just another word for coward. If you don't have the courage to put your name next to your quote, then shut the hell up!! None of this should have happened. None of this should have been aired. It should have been kept in house. Westphal did this exact same thing in Seattle, where he tried to turn the entire town against Gary Payton. Who, by the way questioned Westphal's rotations and offense, or lack thereof. Payton could get away with it, Cousins can't.

Cousins is like the little kid that doesn't know that fire is hot. Its Westphals job to keep his hand out of the fire, not hold it over the flame.
Even if you imagine Cousins doesn't exist, the offense and questions about the coach, have been aired multiple times by Tyreke.

I don't think he has a malicious bone in his body, but he's putting it out there, and, coach doesn't seem to be too annoyed.
Your not making any sense.How can you relate to cousins as if he were your son? Why should the coach act the way you think he should with your elaborate way of seeing things when neither of you know each other. You talk as if you know cousins. It's wierd.

There are those that haven't liked Cousins from the beginning, and I don't expect those people to have an once of understanding or objectivity when it comes to this subject. And possibly I'm biased in favor of Cousins to some extent. But to be clear, I don't endorse a lot of his behavior. What I try to do, is relate to him as if he were my own son. And thats not unique to him. I try to approach all young players that way. And so I ask myself, if I were Paul Westphal, and Cousins were my son, would I have handled this situation the same way? Because in a sense, Westphal is being paid to be the parent of all these players. And each and everyone of them is valuable, and more importantly, different!

One size fits all, might have to work to some extent when it comes to the product you put on the floor, but it doesn't when you deal with each player as an individual. You can't approach Cousins, who is immature, passionate, hates to lose, and wears his feelings on his sleeve, the same way you approach Evans, who may be immature as well, but is very laid back and reserved. Both players may have the same feelings about how the team is playing, but one is a lot easier to deal with than the other.

So its easy for Westphal to embrace Evans, and throw Cousins under the bus. Strangely, Westphal seems to have problems with big men. Maybe he simply can't identify with their point of view. Don't know, and don't care. Was Cousins at fault? Not really sure! He requested to talk to Westphal in his office. Apparently it didn't go well. Don't know why, and I haven't heard Cousins side of the story, and probably never will, unless he leaves this orginization. The only quote I have on paper that was reported by Sam Amick was from, once again an anonymous teammate, who said he heard Cousins say as he was leaving, ""If you think I'm such a cancer to this team, then trade me now".

Personally, that doesn't seem like a serious request to be traded. It seems more like the kind of response you make when angry. I can't tell you how many times in my life I've made similar, in the heat of the moment remarks. Not sure why I should hold a young immature man to a higher standard than I had touble adhering to myself. But then thats me. I'm sure your perfect and have never lost your temper. I can just tell from this post that your a gentle, kind, and understanding person, who is loved by everyone. And your certaiinly not judgemental.

I don't mean to be critical. But its damm easy to sit at home at the computer and pass judgement based on heresay and he said/he said. Except, we haven't heard Cousins side. And therein lies part of the problem. Westphal has the bullypulpit, and Cousins is stuck sitting at home, knowing that if he says anything, it will only make his situation worse. So at the moment, he's in a lose/lose situation. When you throw in that Cousins has trust issues, this doesn't help endear him to the Kings. Now you may not care, but I do. He may be the most talented player on the team, and thats a player I want playing on the team, and not on the Laker's or the Knicks. There's too much at stake here to let petty crap interfere with the future of this team. When a player requests a closed door meeting with the coach, then everything should stay in that room. Period!!!!!! If there's a situation that can't be resolved, then the two of them should take it to Petrie.

In closing, I'd like to know what your definition of a bad guy is? Is a guy that spent a lot of the lockout going to childrens hospitals to visit kids, a bad guy. Is the guy that walked into Macy's and saw a poor kid yearning for an X Box, and then went and bought it for the kid, a bad guy? Cousins is a guy with a big heart who loves kids and people. No, that doesn't excuse his behavior, but his behavior doesn't warrant calling him a bad person. It warrants calling him a very large manchild who is very immature when it comes to controling his feelings. Thats it! Thats what you have to deal with if your the coach of this team, and if you can't, then maybe you don't deserve to be the head coach of this team.

I found it interesting that the players on the team that stood up for Cousins to some extent weren't anonymous, and those that didn't were! Anonymous is just another word for coward. If you don't have the courage to put your name next to your quote, then shut the hell up!! None of this should have happened. None of this should have been aired. It should have been kept in house. Westphal did this exact same thing in Seattle, where he tried to turn the entire town against Gary Payton. Who, by the way questioned Westphal's rotations and offense, or lack thereof. Payton could get away with it, Cousins can't.

Cousins is like the little kid that doesn't know that fire is hot. Its Westphals job to keep his hand out of the fire, not hold it over the flame.
Cousins collegiate coach was able to handle him just fine. Westphal has a history of ****ing up with hotheads, just ask Gary Payton. He likes to be passive and bring that **** to the public. And as I have had a passive-aggressive coach before, let me tell you - passive aggressive coaches work well for women. Men like to be up front and deal with a problem face to face, put it all on the table and deal with it.


Hall of Famer
Your not making any sense.How can you relate to cousins as if he were your son? Why should the coach act the way you think he should with your elaborate way of seeing things when neither of you know each other. You talk as if you know cousins. It's wierd.
It's complicated. I can see your problem with the note.
In this world there are all different kinds of people and differen't ways of getting things done. You will never agree with everything anyone does. All that counts is the end result and can you look yourself in the mirror at the end of the day. They never said it would be easy. thats for sure.
Cousins collegiate coach was able to handle him just fine. Westphal has a history of ****ing up with hotheads, just ask Gary Payton. He likes to be passive and bring that **** to the public. And as I have had a passive-aggressive coach before, let me tell you - passive aggressive coaches work well for women. Men like to be up front and deal with a problem face to face, put it all on the table and deal with it.

Capt. Factorial

ceterum censeo delendum esse Argentum
Staff member
He's back with the team according to AMICK.

Whether he plays... who knows.
Seems likely he will play. Either there was going to be a productive conversation between Cousins and things would be smoothed over a bit, or he wasn't going on the trip. It appears the former has happened so I see no reason to believe he won't play.
DMC gets a pass because most of us (including myself I must say) dislike or tired of PW and because Cousins is our only chance to have a star big man in the future. And right now we blame PW for everything and I think we should open our eyes - DeMarcus is a headcase with or without PW. We can change coaches every month and honestly I do not think it will help DMC unless he decides to help himself. We all act like he is a kid and its all right and it is a pure BS. When I was the same age as DMC I lived alone in a foreign country without NBA money, without any kind of money actually, drove a car that was 25 years old and ate twice a day. That's life and 20-21 is not 16.

It warrants calling him a very large manchild who is very immature when it comes to controling his feelings. Thats it! Thats what you have to deal with if your the coach of this team, and if you can't, then maybe you don't deserve to be the head coach of this team.
Thats it?? Its not only about PW and DMC. Do you really think that he acts like that because of PW? I am 99% sure that he will have the same problem with any other coach unless he learns how to pull himself together when he can't get what he wants and no coach in the world can teach that. Its possible in a magical world, not in real life. Adult people (17-18+) don't change like that. Unfortunately.
Cousins just needs to be the bigger man here and apologize, despite if hes wrong or not in what happend.
The sooner he apologizes the sooner we get him back on the court, hes our most talented player now and for the future. I dont want him leaving, I still believe in the kid.

Cousins should know PW is not going to be around for the longterm (even if this whole debacle between cuz & PW didnt happen), so it may be rough right now, but these are the times that make you stronger as a player and individdual if you get through them.
DMC gets a pass because most of us (including myself I must say) dislike or tired of PW and because Cousins is our only chance to have a star big man in the future. And right now we blame PW for everything and I think we should open our eyes - DeMarcus is a headcase with or without PW. We can change coaches every month and honestly I do not think it will help DMC unless he decides to help himself. We all act like he is a kid and its all right and it is a pure BS. When I was the same age as DMC I lived alone in a foreign country without NBA money, without any kind of money actually, drove a car that was 25 years old and ate twice a day. That's life and 20-21 is not 16.

Thats it?? Its not only about PW and DMC. Do you really think that he acts like that because of PW? I am 99% sure that he will have the same problem with any other coach unless he learns how to pull himself together when he can't get what he wants and no coach in the world can teach that. Its possible in a magical world, not in real life. Adult people (17-18+) don't change like that. Unfortunately.

What did he do in this situation that warrant him a headcase?

For stating repeatedly we have to play what the coaches want? For arguing with the coach behind closed door? please tell me?
We REALLY need another STRONG veteran presence on this team! I think if we had a guy like World Peace...hear me out...Cuz would have a guy with street cred and the maturation pedigree that he would respect, plus he would give us a better option at SF than Salmons, obviously.

Edit: oh, and that championship doesnt hurt either.
We REALLY need another STRONG veteran presence on this team! I think if we had a guy like World Peace...hear me out...Cuz would have a guy with street cred and the maturation pedigree that he would respect, plus he would give us a better option at SF than Salmons, obviously.

Edit: oh, and that championship doesnt hurt either.
That idea might be just as crazy as Ron Artest! Don't think it's a good idea to put two headcases together on the same team. Westpaul can't even handle one!
My favorite line was the end when the reporter asks him "Did this catch you off guard, it seems like he's shown a little maturity this year..." PW simply responds, "No." That's because this crap has been going on for 2 years now. It's not surprising.
I like how he says "don't split hairs Sam". Uh, it's not really splitting hairs. There's a pretty big difference between "I want to be traded" and "Why don't you trade me if you don't like me?".
That idea might be just as crazy as Ron Artest! Don't think it's a good idea to put two headcases together on the same team. Westpaul can't even handle one!
Yep ... they will either destroy each other or destroy this franchise. That's a lose-lose situation in my book.
That idea might be just as crazy as Ron Artest! Don't think it's a good idea to put two headcases together on the same team. Westpaul can't even handle one!
The modern day Artest/Peace isn't the Detroit brawl Artest/Peace. He's grown up a lot...he was actually grown up here in Sacramento too.
I'm not a mental health professional, but seems to me like Artest's issues are more than just immaturity (which I think/hope is all that ails DMC). If we're going for influential veteran presence, I'd prefer someone a little more stable.
The modern day Artest/Peace isn't the Detroit brawl Artest/Peace. He's grown up a lot...he was actually grown up here in Sacramento too.
Ron is still bat-s**t crazy, all you have to do is watch his recent interview about still having teeth. Besides that, he's not a reliable player, he's actually regressed a lot. It's a crazy idea with all due respect.