Cousins SENT HOME????

This whole thing just seems so petty and childish.

send him home, bench him, but the statement is frankly odd.

I wonder what the maloofs are actually thinking here.


Disgruntled Kings Fan
IF anything this will Alienate: Cousins from the team, Westphal by the Players, fans from the team, and eventually down the line Tyreke will leave and as will Cousins...
Yes, in this whole mess I hadn't even thought of why it would be announced publicly that he demanded a trade, let alone on the website. Absolutely mind-boggling. Some people have made some truly terrible decisions.


Hall of Famer
Let this stay as it is, go on the road trip where we undoubtedly will not shine, and fire Westphal. Now is the time. This is not the behavior that I expect from a coach. I hope not to get it from a player but a 21 year old budding star gets a pass from me in the midst of what seems to be a team revolt. Now THIS may be true scapegoating. Blame Cuz for all the problems.
Westphal is clearly insecure and knows the pressure is on him. It just amazes me that anyone let him release such a silly, uncompromising statement. Talk about cutting your ties. Cousins, if we somehow manage to keep him, will never have any sort of a working relationship with Westphal.
If the Maloofs don't act decisively this could set the team back YEARS.

There is a personality clash clearly between these two "men" which has lingered since last season; It's not going away.
Westphal is clearly insecure and knows the pressure is on him. It just amazes me that anyone let him release such a silly, uncompromising statement. Talk about cutting your ties. Cousins, if we somehow manage to keep him, will never have any sort of a working relationship with Westphal.
Well in a sense, The Maloofs have already showed their loyalty to Westphal over Cousins by letting this statement make it to the public. They've showed where their support and loyalty lies without saying a word.
If the Maloofs don't act decisively this could set the team back YEARS.

There is a personality clash clearly between these two "men" which has lingered since last season; It's not going away.

Cousins clashed with Coach Cal too. The difference was that the team was winning so many games that the stuff Cousins said had no merit. You can scream all you want but if the team is winning games you just look like an idiot.

The team is playing bad so while Cousins may be right he certainly isn't handling the situation the way you are supposed to handle it.


Hall of Famer
When Westphal complained yesterday about an assistent coach, who was he referring to? If it is Keith Smart, we are beginning to fill out the story.
When Westphal complained yesterday about an assistent coach, who was he referring to? If it is Keith Smart, we are beginning to fill out the story.
He was talking about Jim Todd.

With all of the scrutiny and controversy this is the last thing that Cousins needs right now, Westphal should know that. Shame on him. This year he has done nothing to put the players in a position to succeed, and it's getting worse by each day.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
I don't think that release gets sent to the media without Petrie signing off on it, just my guess FWIW.
Probably, althoguh the intial decision and everythign would be a bang bang thing. Westphal has the confrontation, wants to send Cousins home, calls the front office to get permission. They back him because he's the coach and ask him to draft a statement explaining it. Then it goes up. Likely all betwen the time of this morning's practice and now.


Hall of Famer
I dont know what to say...Im seriously at a loss. This coach is going to build an irreparable rift between the team/city and a potential once in a generation player...

Any good-will and momentum this team had coming into this season is getting thrown out the window by an inept staff making choices like this....
Well in a sense, The Maloofs have already showed their loyalty to Westphal over Cousins by letting this statement make it to the public. They've showed where their support and loyalty lies without saying a word.
They aren't going to come out and say... we're siding with our 21 year old player. No one would handle it like that. I suspect the press release is to keep up appearances but behind the scenes I would be surprised if replacing Westphal isn't being considered pretty seriously.
Maybe to get the "trade demand" out before Cousins went public with it.
That seems like the most likely reason. Well I guess I get to see the KIngs play tonight without Cousins. Not that it will make much difference. After last nights game you something had to happen quick. And this is it.
Yeah, none of this makes any sense. If Petrie backed Westfail on this one, why was it released to the public? Even when we've benched players in the past, we've never released statements like this.

And then they KILLED his value with this. Just killed it.
Glenn, this is the section I was referring to. Apologies for not bolding out the conversation, I did in the other thread and thought it would save when I copied it.

Westphal called out the AC?

by deadenddude on Dec 31, 2011 9:04 PM PST up reply
Who is AC?

"We're like Tim Duncan and David Robinson. But a younger version. I really feel that." - Charlie Villanueva about himself and Chris Bosh.

by kwill on Dec 31, 2011 9:06 PM PST up reply
Sorry. He did call out the assistant coach. He put Todd under the bus.

What an ***.

"We're like Tim Duncan and David Robinson. But a younger version. I really feel that." - Charlie Villanueva about himself and Chris Bosh.

by kwill on Dec 31, 2011 9:07 PM PST up reply
damn i missed the postgame

because the alternate channels Dish is showing the games on cut of like RIGHT when the game is over. I wish Dish would get this squared away and the games back on 409.

by deadenddude on Dec 31, 2011 9:09 PM PST up reply
Without actually quoting:

“Todd told me ‘The guys look ready tonight.’ I told him it does not matter, because when you think they are ready, they’re not. And when you think there not, they are.”

Basically, he pushed the spotlight on Todd. Again, I say, what an ***.

"We're like Tim Duncan and David Robinson. But a younger version. I really feel that." - Charlie Villanueva about himself and Chris Bosh.

by kwill on Dec 31, 2011 9:12 PM PST up reply
it wasn't that bad...

anecdote about Coach Todd saying he thought the team was ready. PW told Todd to never say that because you can’t really tell how a team will play until the game starts.

by Kingstime on Dec 31, 2011 9:12 PM PST up reply
The point is that he shifted the spotlight onto his assistant.

You know from grade school that this is a tactic to made one’s self look better by pointing out the faults in another.

"We're like Tim Duncan and David Robinson. But a younger version. I really feel that." - Charlie Villanueva about himself and Chris Bosh.

by kwill on Dec 31, 2011 9:16 PM PST up reply