I guess its on? Players vs. Westphal

Ugh. Its too early in the season for the locker room to be THIS bad, but here we are ..

I saw this video of Demarcus yesterday .. I was going to make a post on it but decided against it... here it is.

Two times he says "Everybody has to buy in NOT JUST THE PLAYERS". I saw this and I obvious thought that he must be talking about the coaching staff .. I mean, who else could he be calling out?

Then looking at some recent tweets from Jason Jones ..
Evans: “Everybody keeps blaming the coach, about the plays, the plays not good but, hey it be like that sometime. You’ve just got to play.”
Players clearly unhappy. Wonder how Westphal and the staff responds tomorrow.
This team is a ****ing mess right now. And its only been 4 games! ... It really speaks to the total lack of focus and mental toughness of this team. Where do we go from here?
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Hall of Famer
Ugh. Its too early in the season for the locker room to be THIS bad, but here we are ..

I saw this video of Demarcus yesterday .. I was going to make a post on it but decided against it... here it is.

Two times he says "Everybody has to buy in NOT JUST THE PLAYERS". I saw this and I obvious thought that he must be talking about the coaching staff .. I mean, who else could he be calling out?

Then looking at some recent tweets from Jason Jones ..

This team is a ****ing mess right now. And its only been 4 games! ... It really speaks to the total lack of focus and mental toughness of this team. Where do we go from here?
I had already seen this video. I thought his comment was strange as well. Westphal had a player rebellion in Seattle, so it wouldn't surprise me if we had one here. I don't wish the man any ill will, but he just appears to be out of his elliment. Half way through the game tonight I flipped over and watched some of the Warrior game. What a difference in play. Both those teams actually looked like they knew what they were doing. This could get ugly, and I don't think its the kind of start the Maloofs envisioned.
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Hall of Famer
I asked the question in another thread about why there was such a turnover in coaches. I still wonder. The problem begins to center around PW or maybe GP or maybe the owners. People don't like being around this team and Cousins knows what the problem is but of course can't say. I saw another interview where he just kind of shut up instead of saying the typical stuff that jocks are trained to say. Before I go further, I have to say I like him more and more as a person.

But now what? It depends on where the problem lies. I tend to think the problem lies with the owners. I used to like the Maloofs. I used to defend the Maloofs. After this last summer I turned completely as even though they tried to get players, they didn't get players and couldn't even retain Daly. I am beginning to think Daly was less of a weasel and more just happy to escape. No one has forgotten the arena issue as that still exists. No one has forgotten Anaheim. I really mistrust what the Maloofs are doing. They hired PW and the other three incompetetnts.

Cuz better be careful about what he says. I get that impresion. He is throwing out clues without chopping his own head off.

I am not going to go along with any idea that clearly there is a player revolt against PW as that would be the easiest to solve and would make us all happy. I fear it might be worse but then that's my nature.

I have no proof of anything but certainly there are a few wpeople that mistrust the Maloofs, some mistrust GP, and a whole bunch don't like PW. The players may be revolting against the whole situation.
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Hall of Famer
NBA players aren't dumb when it comes to basketball. This is the game they've played all their lives. All of them have played for a number of coaches, and have had contact with dozens more.

They know when a coaches system isn't working. They know when they aren't being played to their strengths, or put in a position to succeed. And what happens? They lose faith. Effort might drop. They start looking for their own, since the system isn't working.

If this doesn't turn around quick, one of two things will happen. We'll either see players arguing with one another either on the court, or in the media, or we're going to start seeing some players pushing back against Westy. It's bound to happen. This team is far more talented than it's showing, and the players know that. These guys want to win. If they think Westy stands between them and winning, this will get ugly, quickly. Especially in such a condensed season.
I had already seen this video. I thought his comment was strange as well. Westphal had a player rebellion in Seattle, so it wouldn't surprise me if we had one here. I don't wish the man any ill will, but he just appears to be out of his elliment. Half way through the game tonight I flipped over and watched some of the Warrior game. What a difference in play. Both those teams actually looked like they knew what they were doing. This could get ugly, and I don't think its the kind of start the Maloofs envisioned.
And the Warriors were playing without Ellis, too.


Hall of Famer
I asked the question in another thread about why there was such a turnover in coaches. I still wonder. The problem begins to center around PW or maybe GP or maybe the owners. People don't like being around this team and Cousins knows what the problem is but of course can't say. I saw another interview where he just kind of shut up instead of saying the typical stuff that jocks are trained to say. Before I go further, I have to say I like him more and more as a person.

But now what? It depends on where the problem lies. I tend to think the problem lies with the owners. I used to like the Maloofs. I used to defend the Maloofs. After this last summer I turned completely as even though they tried to get players, they didn't get players and couldn't even retain Daly. I am beginning to think Daly was less of a weasel and more just happy to escape. No one has forgotten the arena issue as that still exists. No one has forgotten Anaheim. I really mistrust what the Maloofs are doing. They hired PW and the other three incompetetnts.

Cuz better be careful about what he says. I get that impresion. He is throwing out clues without chopping his own head off.

I am not going to go along with any idea that clearly there is a player revolt against PW as that would be the easiest to solve and would make us all happy. I fear it might be worse but then that's my nature.

I have no proof of anything but certainly there are a few wpeople that mistrust the Maloofs, some mistrust GP, and a whole bunch don't like PW. The players may be revolting against the whole situation.
Maybe if everyone in Kingsland closes their eyes and wishes reeeeaaally hard, we can replace the Maloofs, GP, and Westphal with Burkle, Pritchard, and Sloan.


Here's is DMC's postgame for tonight game. Obviously calling out coaching staff on this one.
"Just go to play hard and do what coach says"
"Just go to play hard and do what coach says"
"Just go to play hard and do what coach says"
"Just go to play hard and do what coach says"
"Just go to play hard and do what coach says"

Translation: Our coach is a ****ing moron and we have no chance to win if we listen to him.
Cousins mentioned two things in the interview that were related to the game of basketball: sharing the ball, and transition defense. Where would the coaching staff come into play on these issues? Just food for thought.


Hall of Famer
Maybe if everyone in Kingsland closes their eyes and wishes reeeeaaally hard, we can replace the Maloofs, GP, and Westphal with Burkle, Pritchard, and Sloan.
Pick the time and I'll spred the word.

BTW, that other interview was after the Bulls game and I had seen it before. I hope the media stays away from him as he's going to state what he means directly and I have no faith that he won't get hurt in the process. Gee, who do we need? PW or Cuz? Man!!!

Capt. Factorial

trifolium contra tempestatem subrigere certum est
Staff member
"Just go to play hard and do what coach says"
"Just go to play hard and do what coach says"
"Just go to play hard and do what coach says"
"Just go to play hard and do what coach says"
"Just go to play hard and do what coach says"

Translation: Our coach is a ****ing moron and we have no chance to win if we listen to him.
I'm not quite sure how you read (paraphrased) "Coach has been emphasizing that we are not running his offense. We have to go out there and do what he says" as "our coach is a moron". If you listen to what he says, rather than what you want him to say, DeMarcus is saying that the team is not following the coach's game plan.

I'll admit this team looks uncoached. Maybe it's because the coach sucks. But maybe it's because the team is not doing what the coach is asking them to do. And the latter is what Cousins said. Why assume he means the exact opposite?


I'm not quite sure how you read (paraphrased) "Coach has been emphasizing that we are not running his offense. We have to go out there and do what he says" as "our coach is a moron". If you listen to what he says, rather than what you want him to say, DeMarcus is saying that the team is not following the coach's game plan.

I'll admit this team looks uncoached. Maybe it's because the coach sucks. But maybe it's because the team is not doing what the coach is asking them to do. And the latter is what Cousins said. Why assume he means the exact opposite?
He is being a smart *** about it and being sarcastic. You really can't detect that? It's pretty obvious to me.
Wow, I don't know what to make of that. Is he saying they have to do what coach says (as in they're not doing it now and need to) or is he saying that they have to do what coach says (as in what we're seeing is just them having to do what coach says)...
Idk, things to seem be in disarray. Evans was saying one thing, DMC said this, it's hard to make of what's going on at the moment.
There are so many problems here .. with most of them relating to Cousins.

In my opinion he is the most talented player on the roster. He is the one guy I would never trade.

The problem is that when things aren't going his way he is a total ***. I mean that in the nicest way possible. When he is happy and the team is playing well he just a great funny dude .. he's Boogie.

But in bad times ..times like this, he is borderline locker room cancer. He so mentally weak that he can blow a team up all by himself with his negativity. And Westphal has NEVER been able to control him. I can only blame Westphal so much for that, because if Cousins wasn't the type of guy Cousins is there would be no situations like this .. but If Cousins was a more stable guy he would have been the #1 pick and he wouldn't be on our team... so what do you do?

Westphal was never my guy. I wanted Thibodeau 3 years ago and I would have settled for McHale or Lawrence Frank this offseason but now all 3 of those guys have jobs. It would take a special coach to really keep this roster happy.

So I guess what I'm trying to say is that while I don't think Westphal is the right man for this job, he is not the only one to blame for all this garbage. This is just a ****ty group of guys to be around.

Cousins is ***. Salmons is a jerk. Evans is Evans ( who knows ). Everyone loves Jimmer (I'm sure some players resent the attention he is getting). And thats just off the court. The Pieces never fit from the start. Like Brick said in one of his posts in another thread .. not enough roll players.

Before the season started just about everyone on this forum said 'there won't be enough balls to go around to keep everyone happy' well, surprise, surprise we were all right.

And before I send myself into a complete spiral of negativity ... things CAN turn around. I'm not counting on it, but this team has a lot of frontrunners (when things are good, things are gooooood) and if we can get on a roll and sustain it we should be ok, but I'm just not sure how likely that is at this point. One thing is for sure .. whatever dumb system we have or don't have .. the players need to start liking each other. They need to start trusting each other .. they need to start acting like a team.


There are so many problems here .. with most of them relating to Cousins.

In my opinion he is the most talented player on the roster. He is the one guy I would never trade.

The problem is that when things aren't going his way he is a total ***. I mean that in the nicest way possible. When he is happy and the team is playing well he just a great funny dude .. he's Boogie.

But in bad times ..times like this, he is borderline locker room cancer. He so mentally weak that he can blow a team up all by himself with his negativity. And Westphal has NEVER been able to control him. I can only blame Westphal so much for that, because if Cousins wasn't the type of guy Cousins is there would be no situations like this .. but If Cousins was a more stable guy he would have been the #1 pick and he wouldn't be on our team... so what do you do?

Westphal was never my guy. I wanted Thibodeau 3 years ago and I would have settled for McHale or Lawrence Frank this offseason but now all 3 of those guys have jobs. It would take a special coach to really keep this roster happy.

So I guess what I'm trying to say is that while I don't think Westphal is the right man for this job, he is not the only one to blame for all this garbage. This is just a ****ty group of guys to be around.

Cousins is ***. Salmons is a jerk. Evans is Evans ( who knows ). Everyone loves Jimmer (I'm sure some players resent the attention he is getting). And thats just off the court. The Pieces never fit from the start. Like Brick said in one of his posts in another thread .. not enough roll players.

Before the season started just about everyone on this forum said 'there won't be enough balls to go around to keep everyone happy' well, surprise, surprise we were all right.

And before I send myself into a complete spiral of negativity ... things CAN turn around. I'm not counting on it, but this team has a lot of frontrunners (when things are good, things are gooooood) and if we can get on a roll and sustain it we should be ok, but I'm just not sure how likely that is at this point. One thing is for sure .. whatever dumb system we have or don't have .. the players need to start liking each other. They need to start trusting each other .. they need to start acting like a team.
Very well said!
Cue sports movie about getting a team to work together, to come out on top.

Sadly, the first movie that came to mind was MJ getting his team together in Space Jam.

Anyone got that MJ's special water?


Hall of Famer
Laying this at the feet of Cuz at least is new. I don't agree and don't have the energy to argue. I don't think it has anything to so with Cuz. Believe what you want.
He is being a smart *** about it and being sarcastic. You really can't detect that? It's pretty obvious to me.
yeah, that's what i get out if it too. It sounds like he's saying...don't blame us, we're just doing what coach says. But he's so coy that it's hard to be certain what he means.


Hall of Famer
There are so many problems here .. with most of them relating to Cousins.

In my opinion he is the most talented player on the roster. He is the one guy I would never trade.

The problem is that when things aren't going his way he is a total ***. I mean that in the nicest way possible. When he is happy and the team is playing well he just a great funny dude .. he's Boogie.

But in bad times ..times like this, he is borderline locker room cancer. He so mentally weak that he can blow a team up all by himself with his negativity. And Westphal has NEVER been able to control him. I can only blame Westphal so much for that, because if Cousins wasn't the type of guy Cousins is there would be no situations like this .. but If Cousins was a more stable guy he would have been the #1 pick and he wouldn't be on our team... so what do you do?

Westphal was never my guy. I wanted Thibodeau 3 years ago and I would have settled for McHale or Lawrence Frank this offseason but now all 3 of those guys have jobs. It would take a special coach to really keep this roster happy.

So I guess what I'm trying to say is that while I don't think Westphal is the right man for this job, he is not the only one to blame for all this garbage. This is just a ****ty group of guys to be around.

Cousins is ***. Salmons is a jerk. Evans is Evans ( who knows ). Everyone loves Jimmer (I'm sure some players resent the attention he is getting). And thats just off the court. The Pieces never fit from the start. Like Brick said in one of his posts in another thread .. not enough roll players.

Before the season started just about everyone on this forum said 'there won't be enough balls to go around to keep everyone happy' well, surprise, surprise we were all right.

And before I send myself into a complete spiral of negativity ... things CAN turn around. I'm not counting on it, but this team has a lot of frontrunners (when things are good, things are gooooood) and if we can get on a roll and sustain it we should be ok, but I'm just not sure how likely that is at this point. One thing is for sure .. whatever dumb system we have or don't have .. the players need to start liking each other. They need to start trusting each other .. they need to start acting like a team.
I don't see what Cousins said which has you labeling him an a** and borderline lockerroom cancer. No it wasn't positive, but I'd guess most players are feeling just as frustrated with the state of this team.
Laying this at the feet of Cuz at least is new. I don't agree and don't have the energy to argue. I don't think it has anything to so with Cuz. Believe what you want.
If your responding to me I'd just like to say that I don't think I'm laying this at the feet of anybody ...

I'm laying it at the feet of everybody. It takes more than one person to create this mess.
I don't see what Cousins said which has you labeling him an a** and borderline lockerroom cancer. No it wasn't positive, but I'd guess most players are feeling just as frustrated with the state of this team.
Agreed. I think he's calling it like it is. It's not like he always goes after the coach, but if this has been going on for a long time, I don't see it as a locker room cancer to come out and say "hey, something is damn wrong".

I just don't know what to make of things. When we played the Lakers, they were without Bynum. He just had a 29 point outing, so who knows how he would have affected that game. I'm just hoping they can sort things out and come out and play angry, with some fire tomorrow.
I don't see what Cousins said which has you labeling him an a** and borderline lockerroom cancer. No it wasn't positive, but I'd guess most players are feeling just as frustrated with the state of this team.
If I made it seem like I was saying that in reference to this one issue then I apologize.

But I'm talking about Cousins and his entire career here. Getting thrown out of practice, getting fined multiple times, fighting Donte Greene, and every single person that knows him like John Wall, Coach Cal, and Josh Harrellson constantly talking about how great he can be 'if he can just figure everything else out' in reference to everything I'm talking about.


Hall of Famer
If your responding to me I'd just like to say that I don't think I'm laying this at the feet of anybody ...

I'm laying it at the feet of everybody. It takes more than one person to create this mess.
OK. I happen to like the way Cousins is handling this although I hope he shuts his mouth from now on. It's not like we haven't suspected the players are upset at PW. My hope is that Cuz and Hayes sit down together quite a bit on the trip. Hayes might help him handle his dissatisfaction better.
@JimCrandell Jim Crandell
FOX40 photog tells me Cousins was joking around in locker room & Chuck Hayes told him to knock it off..no time for jokes when you get beat
Might just be a lot of outpouring of team frustration. Hayes does not seem to be a happy camper either.

Also, slightly more in context:

@News10Sean Sean Cunningham
@JimCrandell no it was players and a media group that was laughing at cousins clowing another reporter
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But now what? It depends on where the problem lies. I tend to think the problem lies with the owners. I used to like the Maloofs. I used to defend the Maloofs. After this last summer I turned completely as even though they tried to get players, they didn't get players and couldn't even retain Daly.
Blame Petrie on this one and not the owners. Petrie is the one being payed to manage these things. The team is mismanaged for a lot of years now. The product speaks for itself.