[Game] Kings/Lakers game thread

Hayes with a +10, 8 rebounds, 2 ast, 4pts, 1 blk.

And most importantly, just solid. No bad shots, no fumbling the ball, always in the right spot .. all those little things we would always see Thompson and Hickson do.
Chuck Hayes magically taught our team to play some defense, pass the ball on fast breaks, and people to move without the ball. hahaha I am going to give him all the credit.
And the defense has actually been good ( against the guys you want to stop ).

Kobe has 12 but its on 4-13 shooting - direct impact of John Salmons.
Gasol has 2 points - direct impact of Chuck Hayes.

What do yah know! get defenders and defense gets better.

I just wish I didn't hate Salmons on offense so much.
Hope Chuck Hayes is telling Jimmer to force Fisher to the baseline next time.
I thought that he was telling Jimmer "good help". Somebody had left their man under the basket on the penetration and Jimmer had sagged. The ball went out to Fisher and Jimmer hadn't recovered.
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I thought that he was telling Jimmer "good help". Somebody had left ther man under the basket on the penetration and Jimmer had sagged. The ball went out to Fisher and Jimmer hadn't recovered.
He was giving Jimmer props. Hayes is doing a wonderful job, did you see that screen he made for Tyreke!? Cleared the entire path!! :cool:
Gotta give PW credit for his rotations that half too. Seemingly put all the right guys in at the right times.

I really like putting in Donte at the end of the half to guard Kobe ( who missed thanks to Donte's length). We should be doing that every time. If we want to improve .. if we want to sniff the playoffs we need to be nearly perfect every game.
loving what i am seeing so far, chuck hayes is a beast, tyreke is playing some great defense, him and chuck really infected the guys in the first half. Cousins was terrible on offense but also played good d. Thomas can be our JJ Barea. Salmons looked rusty, but plays good D. Thornton looks like Eric Gordon 2.0. Jimmer looked good not forcing anything, didn't make many defensive mistakes from what i saw. Outlaw was being worked by World Peace, but he wont see many bulls like that on a regular basis, good addition to backup the 3 and some 4. When Cousins is out our lack of size shows, but the guys are playing gritty basketball right now.
BUT BUT BUT BUT HES 7 FOOT TALL.... lol Hayes seems like that glue guy that does all the dirty work.
Yup, great screens, communication, post defense, boxing out. I'll admit I wasn't super excited about the signing, but seeing what he brings to the team has me pretty excited. He is the definition of a glue guy.
And the defense has actually been good ( against the guys you want to stop ).

Kobe has 12 but its on 4-13 shooting - direct impact of John Salmons.
Gasol has 2 points - direct impact of Chuck Hayes.

What do yah know! get defenders and defense gets better.

I just wish I didn't hate Salmons on offense so much.
Cousins actually played Gasol most of the time and did a nice job, but yeah hopefully Chuck influences Cousins defensively, he has the frame to be a very good post defender.
One note on Cousins - we literally gave him the ball 3 times in the post that half. Just not enough looks for him. Too many jumpers in general. We need to get to the line more, and Cousins in the post is one of the best ways to do it.

I thought he also did a solid job on Gasol and on defense when he wasn't fouling .. so there is that.
Did anyone catch the graphic they put up after the halftime segment about ownership not filing for relocation due to being so moved by fan support? Lol