Unfortunately, I can see many doing just that. These idiots, on both sides, are killing all the momentum this league had. I've read it took 6 years to recover from the 98 lockout, and the league had more momentum, and has more to lose this time around. No one feels sorry for these guys, not when the rest of America has had to take paycuts, or work longer hours for less money.
Plus, as was shown the the Coon article Brick posted, the few % points each side is holding out for, will be negated by missing 4 weeks. The 120M I think it is, which those 3 % points represent, half of it is now gone. In the article, or another by Ken Berger, can't remember, it said if the players hold out for 53% BRI until Jan, and get that deal in Jan, they'd make less then if they took the original 50/50 split and started the season on time.
From my point of view, this is more about ego, from both sides. Simply not the time for that given the state of this country, and world.
What also pisses me off, is how little many of these players seem to know about the situation. A few writers have commented on many players just not knowing/understanding the finances involved in this, and what they stand to lose. If you're not involved, aren't doing your homework, and aren't attending the meetings, then what the hell are you holding out for besides pure greed?