Kings trading pick!

Keep in mind nothing is set in stone...

"There's sense Kings could be leveraging Spurs with leak of possible deal in place for 7th pick. Kings don't want Jefferson in Parker deal."
Partial of deal: The Bucks get Stephen Jackson, Shaun Livingston, sources say. Charlotte gets the 7th pick and Corey Maggette.

Nice, so we probably get 10th? And a poo poo sandwich?
@WojYahooNBA Adrian Wojnarowski
Here's one thing I'm double checking again: Salmons' inclusion in the deal. Hold tight. Getting conflicting info from sources on him.

Can't be Salmons. Does Ilyasova work?
Cmon server. We're still 2.5 hrs away.

Some tweets suggesting Salmons not in deal. If this is the deal, I'm buying a Dirk jersey and moving to Dallas.
@chadfordinsider Chad Ford
Corrected deal: Bucks get Beno, Stephen Jackson, Shaun Livingston & 19. Bobcats get pick 7 & Maggette. Kings get 10 & John Salmons.

So we're trading Beno. Looks like Jimmer might be our pick at 10. If not, then Walker. Which I'm fine with.
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Latest inside Kings war room:

GP - "See Gavin, I still got you Jimmer at #10."

Gavin - Thanks, but what have you really done lately to make this franchise better."

GP - Well, we are trying to shed as much salary dump as possible but next step is yours out in FA market."

Gavin - (between huge bite of another pizza slice) "We're hurting, everybody is hurting, and the now our family only owns 2% of The Palms.

GP - Ok, Jerry call out for another couple of pizzas and this time I'll buy."