New Plan Could be Gamechanger for Sacramento Kings

From Twitter and retweeted by Grant Napear

SpearsNBAYahoo Marc J. Spears
Source close to Kings situation found Sac TV report of a new way to keep team from leaving laughable. Called chances of team staying remote.
i'm not familiar with this crandell guy, but he deserves to get beaten if he was simply trying to raise ratings/playing a joke


Hall of Famer
i'm not familiar with this crandell guy, but he deserves to get beaten if he was simply trying to raise ratings/playing a joke
and kicked and fired and tarred and feathered and spat on and children stolen and loved ones killed and disrespected and .................... a cruel surgical procedure performed.


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
From Twitter and retweeted by Grant Napear

SpearsNBAYahoo Marc J. Spears
Source close to Kings situation found Sac TV report of a new way to keep team from leaving laughable. Called chances of team staying remote.
This is equally as bad as anything Crandel reported. At first glance it makes it sound like the source is close to the Maloofs but it's really "Kings situation" - could be someone negotiating the deal from Anaheim that thinks they've got it locked in except for the locker room/practice space for all we know. I have a feeling things are just going to get more and more interesting (ie crappy for fans) until the April deadline.
To me the Maloofs are the key here. They hold all the leverage right now. Remember Anaheim is the hot chick with the bloated population in the second largest media market in the country.

A new arena does not solve lack of corporate,TV and radio money in Sacramento compared to LA. I hope this is true, but i don't trust the Maloofs at all.
This is the key.
My opinion is even if there is a privately funded arena promised to the maloofs they will find a way to shoot it down. They don't think they can compete here in sac. Only way they stay here is if the NBA forces them to.
Let's look for news. Several things occur to me. One, I can believe the Maloofs don't really want to move but had to move ahead with it to get out of a bad situation and to put heat on that situation. Two, I can believe it is too late to get them to stop. Three, if I were them I would much rather stay where there has been and can be again real fan support- prospects of a new arena and a revitalized fan base can do it, despite more TV and commercial advantage down there.

Would anyone rather be the third team in LA over a world of your own in dinky Sacramento. They probably get treated like Hollywood stars at Sac Exec while at Orange Co. John Wayne they wouldn't get a parking space for there air fleet.
From what I have observed the Maloofs consider themsleves jet setting playboys. They're wannabe highrollers who don't have the money to allow that sort of lifestyle anymore. So yes, they will gladly take being 3rd in line down in glam SoCal. We could offer up a brand spanking new arena and they would turn it down.
From what I have observed the Maloofs consider themsleves jet setting playboys. They're wannabe highrollers who don't have the money to allow that sort of lifestyle anymore. So yes, they will gladly take being 3rd in line down in glam SoCal. We could offer up a brand spanking new arena and they would turn it down.
You may be proven right but I don't believe it. The Maloofs are too smart for that. Business exec wannabes but jetsetters, no.
This is the key.
My opinion is even if there is a privately funded arena promised to the maloofs they will find a way to shoot it down. They don't think they can compete here in sac. Only way they stay here is if the NBA forces them to.
So here are Forbes numbers:

Kings revenue $103 mil, Clippers $102 mil. for 2009/10 season. The Kings had $1 million less in gate revenue which has to do with the product on the floor.
Oh, sure, Jim Crandell never makes up anything.

"Coming up in my show at 10PM, David Stern makes the announcement no Kings (fan) wants to hear"!/JimCrandell/status/45713300029313024


It's all about credibility. If Capital Public Radio's Insight had broken this, I'd be all ears. But it's Jim Crandell, for Pete's sake.

The local Fox 40 has little to do with Rupert Murdoch's empire, by the way... Even if the writing is atrocious at the Fox 40 website.
Oh shut up... Seriously... If you read this thread you would have already known this was talked about. You are only here to inject your crap, so me, along with many others say, SHUT THE F UP. thanks.
It's not a matter of comparing Crandell's credibility with someone else's at all. That's silly.

Crandell has his own track record. If nothing he says makes you "LOLWUT?", you're just not trying hard enough.

I know everyone wants them to stay, but that report was just... Well, Jim, we don't think you're dumb, we just think everything you say is.
Oh shut up... Seriously... If you read this thread you would have already known this was talked about. You are only here to inject your crap, so me, along with many others say, SHUT THE F UP. thanks.
Let me begin my two part apology by saying no.

It's too hard to stop laughing at the concept that Jim Crandell would have a breaking story of this magnitude. He has no credibility, so...



Sorry I didn't read every single entry in this thread. Who has that much time?
Let me begin my two part apology by saying no.

It's too hard to stop laughing at the concept that Jim Crandell would have a breaking story of this magnitude. He has no credibility, so...



Sorry I didn't read every single entry in this thread. Who has that much time?
What... the 90 somethign posts in this thread? How long does that take? 3 mins? You are late to a party and trying to tell the same jokes that someone that was there already told, and you are the only one laughing. Quit being a retarded poster for a bit.

I am not saying you need to get excited about this, but it kind of looks odd when you are telling the same jokes someone already posted as if you had some kind of insight on something we all didn't have already.
I don’t know if it’s true … but I know that Crandell’s reporting on this story is incredibly poor journalism. It makes Page 6 look like Woodward and Bernstein’s best stuff..

I have a tip about a new arena, I won’t tell you they key who, what, how, or why … because I think this is story credible, and likely to happen, but not if I report anything of any substance. Of course, I will give no support for my unsubstantiated belief that the story is credible. Therefore, you should take my vague rumor, without any facts, as a credible news report.

I get that he didn’t want to expose his source, preemptively jump the story, or damage the process. That’s fine. It happens all the time with journalists, and they don’t report the story until later. You can’t be first to report the story, and do no reporting, which is what he’s doing.

There are lots of good reasons to get this out for Kings fans ... but he, the producer, and the station have a job and the duties that come with it. Do your job the right way, or don't. This level of journalism would not be OK at a high school paper.

If you are: (1) running with this story; and (2) are/have knocked down a negative ESPN story about the Kings over the last few years, I’m calling you a hypocrite.

For example, people that defended Cousins because reports “by unnamed sources are meaningless” and a running with Crandell’s “I have good news, I just can’t tell you what the news is or anything about it” story … as a story. You just listen to what you want to hear and dismiss the rest as baseless speculation.

I hope this is true ... but poor reporting and a lot of people that are hypocrits.


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
Honest question Re: Crandell's credibility issues: I get that the teasers and broadcast style of the station turn him into a DB and wear thin on the fans, but how many of the stories he has reported have turned out to have no merit or to be patently false?
Crandell continues to stand by his story.

Via Crandell's Twitter
"Getting ripped 2day & I get it.."Why no one else knows?" b hard 4 media 2 get arena story..Sac is not dead yet..close but still alive.."
I believe he THINKS he's sincere, but I would like to know a bit more details in this whole thing before I get real excited about it. I know there are some influential people that don't want to see Sac lose it's baby though.

It deals a blow to small market teams and how well they could succeed when they all just lose their franchises to bigger cities. Especially when it's a bigger market with 2 other NBA teams, 2 Hockey teams, 2 Baseball teams, and an NFL team right around the corner. All within 30 miles of each other.

Don't know how the kings would survive in that market playing 5th fiddle (6th once an NFL team arrives) but I guess that's the chance the Madicks wanted to take.
I believe he THINKS he's sincere, but I would like to know a bit more details in this whole thing before I get real excited about it. I know there are some influential people that don't want to see Sac lose it's baby though.

It deals a blow to small market teams and how well they could succeed when they all just lose their franchises to bigger cities. Especially when it's a bigger market with 2 other NBA teams, 2 Hockey teams, 2 Baseball teams, and an NFL team right around the corner. All within 30 miles of each other.

Don't know how the kings would survive in that market playing 5th fiddle (6th once an NFL team arrives) but I guess that's the chance the Madicks wanted to take.
They want 2 NFL teams so they can have a home game every weekend.
And the lastest

Just because the mayor and David Taylor won't or can't confirm my report..that doesn't mean it's not true.I stand by my report... half a minute ago via web

<LI id=status_51054445630459904 class="hentry u-JimCrandell status">Bee web story: neither mayor nor David Taylor know of an alternative plan to keep the Kings here..KIngs wouldn't comment

Well, sounds like KJ was kept out of the loop. Not surprising, given his carelessness with microphones.
I will be ticked if Crandell is leading Sac fans down the rosy path. Would be cruel. On the other hand, a last minute deal has a high probability of failure. Let's just say, I'm prepared for the team to leave, but I'll keep my teensy bit of hope until the announcement is officially made.
I don’t know if it’s true … but I know that Crandell’s reporting on this story is incredibly poor journalism. It makes Page 6 look like Woodward and Bernstein’s best stuff..

I have a tip about a new arena, I won’t tell you they key who, what, how, or why … because I think this is story credible, and likely to happen, but not if I report anything of any substance. Of course, I will give no support for my unsubstantiated belief that the story is credible. Therefore, you should take my vague rumor, without any facts, as a credible news report.

I get that he didn’t want to expose his source, preemptively jump the story, or damage the process. That’s fine. It happens all the time with journalists, and they don’t report the story until later. You can’t be first to report the story, and do no reporting, which is what he’s doing.

There are lots of good reasons to get this out for Kings fans ... but he, the producer, and the station have a job and the duties that come with it. Do your job the right way, or don't. This level of journalism would not be OK at a high school paper.

If you are: (1) running with this story; and (2) are/have knocked down a negative ESPN story about the Kings over the last few years, I’m calling you a hypocrite.

For example, people that defended Cousins because reports “by unnamed sources are meaningless” and a running with Crandell’s “I have good news, I just can’t tell you what the news is or anything about it” story … as a story. You just listen to what you want to hear and dismiss the rest as baseless speculation.

I hope this is true ... but poor reporting and a lot of people that are hypocrits.
Fine, if trying to grasp at a little hope is being a hypocrite, then so be it. I don't know what to make of this and sure wish it had more legs right now. So call me whatever name that floats your boat. I expect this city to go down trying their best to keep this from happening. I'll take being a hypocrite for now. So how about you drop the "I'm Mr. Sensible and too smart for you all" label and admit what you are?
As Jim keeps "standing by his report" maybe somebody should talk to him about the difference between a report and a blind item rummor, his "report" is the later.

Also, if the "money is in place" and "goverment officals are involved" but "KJ doesn't know" he's either got 5 other city counsel members on record but they aren't telling KJ; he's got Brown and a majority of the state reps on board, but nobody else know about it; or a Saudi prince is funding this (some govt right?) ... or the part about the goverment playing a role is mistated, misunderstood, not relevent, or false.

A local group or somebody with a lot of money is trying to make a godfather offer to buy the Kings. Because no private person is coming in at the 11th hour to fully fund a 400 million dollar arena to rent if for a team, they don't own, who would pay at most 300 million in rent over 30 years.

As for the idea a third party coming in to fund in exhange for land being rezoned, unless Jim has 5 yes votes out of 8 (one is not KJ, at this point.) The money is "not in place" it would be a new plan without funding at this point.
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And the lastest

Just because the mayor and David Taylor won't or can't confirm my report..that doesn't mean it's not true.I stand by my report... half a minute ago via web

<LI id=status_51054445630459904 class="hentry u-JimCrandell status">Bee web story: neither mayor nor David Taylor know of an alternative plan to keep the Kings here..KIngs wouldn't comment

Well, sounds like KJ was kept out of the loop. Not surprising, given his carelessness with microphones.

I don't know why these behind the scene players would allowed Crandell to report on the existence of such a deal but yet forbid him from providing any details. The only real reason I can think of is that they don't want the Anaheim group to come up with a counter offer thats much better. But they should know that the Maloofs will go back and forth to get the best deal anyways so Samueli will be able to up his ante regardless.
Fine, if trying to grasp at a little hope is being a hypocrite, then so be it. I don't know what to make of this and sure wish it had more legs right now. So call me whatever name that floats your boat. I expect this city to go down trying their best to keep this from happening. I'll take being a hypocrite for now. So how about you drop the "I'm Mr. Sensible and too smart for you all" label and admit what you are?
Look, I don't know if you are one of those people ... but a lot of people will pick away at anything negative because its not rooted in proven fact or the person talking isn't being a good journalists. I've seen some of the same people get upset today for taking middle school report of a rumor as credible facts.

If you want to run with it, run with it. I don't care.

If Jim wants to hold himself to a standard that would typically not hold water by a blogger ... its his name.

But he can't stand by his report, if he never made a report. What I am, is certain about that.
And the lastest

Just because the mayor and David Taylor won't or can't confirm my report..that doesn't mean it's not true.I stand by my report... half a minute ago via web

<LI id=status_51054445630459904 class="hentry u-JimCrandell status">Bee web story: neither mayor nor David Taylor know of an alternative plan to keep the Kings here..KIngs wouldn't comment

Well, sounds like KJ was kept out of the loop. Not surprising, given his carelessness with microphones.
Can't really blame him though.. the NBA is in his blood.. He loves the Kings as much as any of us. Emotions get the better of a lot of us.