New Plan Could be Gamechanger for Sacramento Kings


The Game Thread Dude
I'm so curious where this supposed money is coming from... Bill Gates? Warren Buffet? God?
Sacramento is the birthplace of more than a few powerful developers (Spanos, Tsakapolis, Lukenbill, Saco, Taylor, etc. etc.) with several of them owning massive (and I mean MASSIVE) amounts of undeveloped land and assets (Angelo Tsakapolis owns pretty much of the undeveloped side of Folsom south of Highway 50). While it could be hard to develop both the land or the arena on their own, a development center with a new arena as its focal point may be a bit easier to push out in this day and age and visaversa.

Now while I don't claim to be any sort of expert or even anything above slightly knowledgeable, the fact that Lukenbill has suddenly reemerged in the spotlight gives me reason to hope, if only for a little while longer.
I refuse to give up and tonight is exactly why I continue to fight the good fight.

Following tonight's news I am hoping we can get more folks to pitch in some money for our Sac Bee ad.

We are up to $825. I am told there is a business that might be looking to contribute.
From the people I know, it seems like people who don't know a ton about the Kings think it is a done deal that they are going to Anaheim. The message needs to get out that it is not over yet and we need to support all efforts to keep the Kings.
It's something at least. Lets just hope the Maloofs at least give it a shot. If they are truly smart businessmen they'll look into staying if it makes sense. :eek:
Posted this in another thread, but I still think it's fitting:

Bluto: Hey! What's all this laying around stuff? Why are you all still laying around here for?
Stork: What the hell are we supposed to do, ya moron? We're all expelled. There's nothing to fight for anymore.
D-Day: [to Bluto] Let it go. War's over, man. Wormer dropped the big one.
Bluto: What? Over? Did you say "over"? Nothing is over until we decide it is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no!
Otter: [to Boon] Germans?
Boon: Forget it, he's rolling.
Bluto: And it ain't over now. 'Cause when the goin' gets tough...
[thinks hard of something to say]
Bluto: The tough get goin'! Who's with me? Let's go!
[Bluto runs out, alone; then returns]
Bluto: What the f*ck happened to the Delta I used to know? Where's the spirit? Where's the guts, huh? This could be the greatest night of our lives, but you're gonna let it be the worst. "Ooh, we're afraid to go with you Bluto, we might get in trouble." Well just kiss my *ss from now on! Not me! I'm not gonna take this. Wormer, he's a dead man! Marmalard, dead! Niedermeyer...
Otter: Dead! Bluto's right. Psychotic... but absolutely right. We gotta take these b*stards. Now we could do it with conventional weapons, but that could take years and cost millions of lives. No, I think we have to go all out. I think that this situation absolutely requires a really futile and stupid gesture be done on somebody's part!
Bluto: We're just the guys to do it.
D-Day: [stands up] Yeah, I agree. Let's go get 'em.
Boon: Let's do it.
Bluto: [shouting] "Let's do it"!
Right now, this seems like the Holy Grail of arena scenarios. (1) it's before April 18. (2) Funding is in place, and (3) The Maloofs are showing interest. Woohoo.

Now let's just hope that this Grail isn't guarded by an evil killer bunny with huge fangs...


Hall of Famer
Woohooo!!!! Don't want to get too excited though. Woohoooo!!!!! This will be a long 2 days waiting to hear about the results from the meeting.

Also, would KJ keep his freaking mouth shut. Obviously, whatever is happening here behind the scenes, didn't just pop up in the last 48 hours. There's obviously a few people who have been working hard behind the scenes to get something done. Now there is light.

Yet KJ comes out yesterday and starts saying crap like "watching the Kings leave is like dieing a slow death", along with a few other depressing quotes. KJ, shut your mouth. While you're out their spewing all your doom and gloom into any mic available, and taking shots at the Maloofs, there are others actually trying to get something done behind the scenes.


Hall of Famer
From the note I got from Hawaii Bob Graswich in the Mayor's office, KJ has been active in discussing this whole deal with the NBA as recently as in the last few weeks and the conversations have been polite but unpleasant. I agree very much he should keep his mouth shut. I'm happy it didn't slow down the fan effort. It stopped me for a few hours.
Some "alternative plan" guesses:

- A developer trades a parcel somewhere in the Sac area for ARCO and its land and then finances the construction of the new arena with no to low up-front money from the Maloofs but wants some kind of partnership with the Maloofs (arena or team or both)

- Investors come in and build a new arena for the Kings and are partners with the arena only and then the Maloofs manage the arena by scheduling the events.

- Arco can somehow be remodeled to meet NBA standards (Naaaaa)

- The city partners up with private investors to build and own a new arena with the Maloofs being the major tenant and run the arena like Honda Center.

- An old major tax loop hole was found allowing for a publicly funded LEED Gold-NC certified arena to be built downtown :p

PS. I wonder if Jerry Brown is connected to all of this??
At the very least, this situation has the maloofs attention .. Which means it may be taking them away from the Aneheim discussions, and hopefully they just run out of time with too many issues to figure out.

Whatever happens, this is obviously good news.
What a twisted view!

With you it seems to be the case of "I hope this takes away Maloofs' attention for Anaheim and they run out of time to come to an agreement" instead of "I hope this really blows the socks off Maloofs' and they announce that the Kings will stay because we have just arrived at a genuine solution to our problem"

If the Anaheim deal does not eventuate before the deadline, there is NOTHING stopping the Maloofs from continuing the negotiations with a view of moving there after next season.

I much prefer that Sacramento comes up with a deal that is just too good for the Maloofs to refuse and wheels are set in motion immedietly.
Did anyone see the dumb guy on the news tonight pushing to boycott the game on april 1st vs denver and he has ahere they go campaign going on. Just dumb. And he called himelf a kings fan. Ya right.
I gotta agree that is pretty dumb. I can understand someone making a personal decision to no longer attend games but to make a big public issue out of it just senseless. if you have the energy and time to do that you might as well devote it to trying to persuade them to stay.
I'd like to see someone other than FOX report this. Not that there's anything wrong with FOX I just would like multiple sources for this.
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I'd like to see someone other than FOX report this. Not that theres anything wrong with FOX I just would like multiple sources for this.
I don't think you're going to. The way this was stated and presented, it had all the look and feel of a VERY professionally done press release slash leak. You don't want to risk it by involving more than one outlet. They may not state it correctly. They chose Crandel to break this cause they trust him. There was a relationship in place. This absolutely does not look like an amateur job or hoax of any kind. You can bet that each of the key phrases that Crandel used was exactly crafted by the "source". They might have even rehearsed his speech together. This is going to do wonders for Crandel's career and reputation whether the Kings stay or not, and he knows this. And no way he goes off script and ****s it up. You'll get that kind of loyalty and trust if you inform your outlet that they'll be the exclusive one. This was a pro job.
Woohooo!!!! Don't want to get too excited though. Woohoooo!!!!! This will be a long 2 days waiting to hear about the results from the meeting.

Also, would KJ keep his freaking mouth shut. Obviously, whatever is happening here behind the scenes, didn't just pop up in the last 48 hours. There's obviously a few people who have been working hard behind the scenes to get something done. Now there is light.

Yet KJ comes out yesterday and starts saying crap like "watching the Kings leave is like dieing a slow death", along with a few other depressing quotes. KJ, shut your mouth. While you're out their spewing all your doom and gloom into any mic available, and taking shots at the Maloofs, there are others actually trying to get something done behind the scenes.
For all we know KJ's words are part of the plan. It's like you gotta take it away to make people want it. It's pretty much the classic sales job. Would be EXTREMELY surprised if KJ was not in the loop/acting on his own re: this plan
I don't think you're going to. The way this was stated and presented, it had all the look and feel of a VERY professionally done press release slash leak. You don't want to risk it by involving more than one outlet. They may not state it correctly. They chose Crandel to break this cause they trust him. There was a relationship in place. This absolutely does not look like an amateur job or hoax of any kind. You can bet that each of the key phrases that Crandel used was exactly crafted by the "source". They might have even rehearsed his speech together. This is going to do wonders for Crandel's career and reputation whether the Kings stay or not, and he knows this. And no way he goes off script and ****s it up. You'll get that kind of loyalty and trust if you inform your outlet that they'll be the exclusive one. This was a pro job.
Yeah it didn't strike me as a hoax. I'm more worried that it's one of those Westphal/Petrie to be fired type of things that just doesn't come to fruition. Although I doubt they'd do a whole news special on it unless they had some good sources.
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What wonderful stuff to wake up to... INCREDIBLE NEWS!!!

My fellow Kings fans, this is either going to be an extremely cruel or a completely amazing next few days. Dear God, please let these next few days be COMPLETELY AMAZING!!
Woke up this morning and saw this news. I'm cautiously optimistic. While it appears that local business leaders (and local govt??) have stepped up to the plate to try and save Sac from losing the Kings (and let's face it, much of the city's identity), it's unfortunate this sort of proposal has come at the 11th hour. The clock is ticking louder and louder with only 3 weeks before the NBA Board of Governors' meeting. It's been a depressing past few months for all of us. I hope this gets worked out and the result falls in Sactown's favor and as an added bonus, makes the Maloofs genuinely happy/relieved to call Sac home (for their franchise).
"As early as Friday....." This is killing me. If its not tomorrow, it's going to be agonizing to wait to hear. Heck, its agonizing waiting anyway. Please, please, please.
What wonderful stuff to wake up to... INCREDIBLE NEWS!!!

My fellow Kings fans, this is either going to be an extremely cruel or a completely amazing next few days. Dear God, please let these next few days be COMPLETELY AMAZING!!
Thread winner. Agonizing regardless of the outcome - but let it be amazing.


Give blood and save a life!
Staff member
Right now, this seems like the Holy Grail of arena scenarios. (1) it's before April 18. (2) Funding is in place, and (3) The Maloofs are showing interest. Woohoo.

Now let's just hope that this Grail isn't guarded by an evil killer bunny with huge fangs...
Ah, but that is why you have the Holy Hand Grenade!

King Arthur: One, two, five!
Sir Galahad: Three sir!
King Arthur: THREE!
Mark Kreidler said he has it on good authority that no meeting is scheduled with The Maloofs.
So we have the epitome of credibilty Mark Kreidler (I'm not being facetious he is the most trustworthy journalist I can think of - pristine reputation) on the one hand, and the Fox 40 Enquirer (I'm not being facetious, Fox 40 is a shameless gossip rag) on the other.... hmm.