Where did you get the 9 a year figure? I'm not saying it's wrong, but it doesn't seem right. If I recall, the Maloofs, during they good times, entered into a deal with Comcast where they buy the airtime, sell their own ads, and take the profit/risk. I'm sure at one point, they were making 9 a year ... but ratings are way way down over the past few years, which lowers what you can charge for ads. Which is why you see a lot of ads for Arco events, the Palms, and Wellsfargo (I'm sure they pay for them, but since the Maloofs are a MAJOR share holder, I'd bet they get a rate.) I'd be shocked if there was a story that says, in 2011 they will make 9.5 million from their TV deal.
Whereas going to Fox would give them a set contract where they get money for games. At this point, its probably not only a bigger check but a steady check, and when you have cashflow issues that matters.
Also, while you are correct on Clippers v. Kings on ratings/headcount (which drives the dollars), don't forget that that, generally speaking, the OC is a very weathly market. Lots of money in LA of course, but its a mirco market that will help offset a smaller headcout. I think the Clippers deal will probably remain bigger, but the Kings can sell ads down there and Fox knows it.